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San Mateo County


San Mateo county is located in west California. San Mateo county has 448.41 square miles of land area and 292.55 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total San Mateo county population is 739,837, which has grown 4.62% since 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 12.39% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%. San Mateo county median household income is $91,421 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 29.09% since 2000. The income growth rate is about the same as the state average rate of 29.47% and is higher than the national average rate of 27.36%. San Mateo county median house value is $736,800 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 57.03% since 2000. The house value growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 75.60% and is higher than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers San Mateo county is better than the state average in quality. The San Mateo county area codes are 415, 650.

Population739,837 (2010-2014), rank #14
Population Growth4.62% since 2000, rank #45
Population Density:998.49/sq mi, rank #8
Median Household Income:$91,421 at 2010-2014—29.09% increase since 2000, rank #3
Median House Price:$736,800 at 2010-2014—57.03% increase since 2000, rank #3
Time Zone:Pacific GMT -8:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:448.41 sq mi, rank #56
Water Area:292.55 sq mi (39.48%), rank #11
Area:San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA
School District:
Area Code:415, 650
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San Mateo County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

San Mateo County Cities / Towns

San Mateo County Zip Codes

94002 26,67994005 4,42194010 42,2239401194014 48,53694015 62,94194016940179401894019 18,38294020 1,48394021 21194025 40,9459402694027 7,23094028 6,72094030 22,20394037 2,88094038 3,43594044 38,41694060 1,65094061 37,66794062 27,01494063 31,8819406494065 11,58594066 42,10094070 29,87994074 32094080 66,0029408394128 8394401 36,83894402 24,30694403 40,03294404 35,04594497

San Mateo County Census Tracts

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