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Least Educated Counties in CA

California Average Education Index County Rank

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 58 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▲County / Population
1.11.64Imperial, CA / 168,052
2.11.88Merced, CA / 250,699
3.11.93Tulare, CA / 429,404
4.11.96Madera, CA / 147,738
5.11.97Kings, CA / 151,122
6.12.00Colusa, CA / 21,165
7.12.17Kern, CA / 815,693
8.12.40Glenn, CA / 27,935
9.12.42Yuba, CA / 71,160
10.12.44Stanislaus, CA / 509,682
11.12.47San Benito, CA / 54,492
12.12.50Fresno, CA / 908,830
13.12.56San Joaquin, CA / 673,613
14.12.57Monterey, CA / 407,435
15.12.57Tehama, CA / 62,575
16.12.62Lassen, CA / 35,081
17.12.66Del Norte, CA / 28,471
18.12.67San Bernardino, CA / 2,005,287
19.12.75Sutter, CA / 93,420
20.12.85Riverside, CA / 2,109,464
21.12.89Modoc, CA / 9,605
22.12.99Lake, CA / 64,371
23.13.01Los Angeles, CA / 9,758,256
24.13.19Tuolumne, CA / 56,074
25.13.19Amador, CA / 38,327
26.13.20Mendocino, CA / 87,487
27.13.34Shasta, CA / 176,906
28.13.34Sierra, CA / 3,366
29.13.35Mariposa, CA / 18,290
30.13.35Inyo, CA / 18,434
31.13.36Solano, CA / 410,042
32.13.36Trinity, CA / 13,701
33.13.39Butte, CA / 218,635
34.13.43Napa, CA / 134,051
35.13.43Calaveras, CA / 45,994
36.13.43Santa Barbara, CA / 416,051
37.13.43Siskiyou, CA / 44,690
38.13.48Sacramento, CA / 1,395,144
39.13.49Ventura, CA / 809,080
40.13.55Plumas, CA / 20,392
41.13.69Humboldt, CA / 133,058
42.13.69Mono, CA / 13,905
43.13.71Sonoma, CA / 474,047
44.13.72Orange, CA / 2,965,525
45.13.78San Diego, CA / 3,022,468
46.13.80San Luis Obispo, CA / 265,577
47.13.88Santa Cruz, CA / 256,901
48.13.93Yolo, CA / 196,418
49.13.99Alpine, CA / 1,176
50.14.02El Dorado, CA / 179,053
51.14.04Alameda, CA / 1,477,980
52.14.09Contra Costa, CA / 1,024,809
53.14.15Nevada, CA / 98,186
54.14.17Placer, CA / 336,477
55.14.34Santa Clara, CA / 1,739,396
56.14.35San Mateo, CA / 704,327
57.14.47San Francisco, CA / 789,172
58.15.01Marin, CA / 248,601

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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