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San Joaquin County


San Joaquin county is located close to the center of California. San Joaquin county has 1,391.32 square miles of land area and 35.18 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total San Joaquin county population is 701,050, which has grown 24.39% since 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 12.39% and is much higher than the national average rate of 11.61%. San Joaquin county median household income is $53,253 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 29.00% since 2000. The income growth rate is about the same as the state average rate of 29.47% and is higher than the national average rate of 27.36%. San Joaquin county median house value is $211,300 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 48.38% since 2000. The house value growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 75.60% and is about the same as the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers San Joaquin county is worse than the state average in quality. The San Joaquin county area code is 209.

Population701,050 (2010-2014), rank #15
Population Growth24.39% since 2000, rank #4
Population Density:491.45/sq mi, rank #10
Median Household Income:$53,253 at 2010-2014—29.00% increase since 2000, rank #30
Median House Price:$211,300 at 2010-2014—48.38% increase since 2000, rank #40
Time Zone:Pacific GMT -8:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:1,391.32 sq mi, rank #33
Water Area:35.18 sq mi (2.47%), rank #37
Area:Stockton, CA
School District:
Area Code:209
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San Joaquin County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

San Joaquin County Cities / Towns

Acampo 776ClementsEscalon 7,252French Camp 4,155HoltLathrop 19,163Lockeford 3,172Lodi 63,158Manteca 70,693Morada 4,573Ripon 14,645Stockton 297,223Thornton 748Victor 605Woodbridge 3,973

San Joaquin County Zip Codes

9520195202 5,40995203 15,71195204 29,24695205 36,92895206 65,32495207 48,7489520895209 41,45995210 40,82095211 1,81495212 25,2449521395215 23,76495219 28,35495220 7,50195227 93895231 4,96195234 26195237 2,99995240 47,2979524195242 26,1879525395258 3,9739526795269952969529795320 12,73995330 17,70295336 46,43395337 31,39995366 16,73495376 49,3989537895686 965

San Joaquin County Census Tracts

CA077000100 StocktonCA077000300 StocktonCA077000401 StocktonCA077000402 StocktonCA077000500 StocktonCA077000600 StocktonCA077000700 StocktonCA077000801 StocktonCA077000900 StocktonCA077001000CA077001101CA077001102CA077001200 StocktonCA077001300 StocktonCA077001400 StocktonCA077001500CA077001600CA077001700CA077001800 StocktonCA077001900 StocktonCA077002000 StocktonCA077002100CA077002201 StocktonCA077002202CA077002300 StocktonCA077002401 StocktonCA077002402CA077002503 StocktonCA077002504 StocktonCA077002701 Garden AcresCA077002702 Garden AcresCA077002800CA077003106 StocktonCA077003108 StocktonCA077003109CA077003110CA077003111 StocktonCA077003112 StocktonCA077003113 StocktonCA077003114 StocktonCA077003203 StocktonCA077003205 StocktonCA077003208 StocktonCA077003209 StocktonCA077003210 StocktonCA077003213 StocktonCA077003214 StocktonCA077003215 StocktonCA077003216 StocktonCA077003217 StocktonCA077003305 StocktonCA077003306 StocktonCA077003307 StocktonCA077003308 StocktonCA077003310 StocktonCA077003311 StocktonCA077003312 StocktonCA077003313 StocktonCA077003403 StocktonCA077003404 StocktonCA077003405 StocktonCA077003406 StocktonCA077003407 StocktonCA077003409 StocktonCA077003410 StocktonCA077003500CA077003601 StocktonCA077003602CA077003700CA077003801 StocktonCA077003802 StocktonCA077003803CA077003900CA077004001CA077004002 StocktonCA077004102CA077004104 LodiCA077004105CA077004106CA077004201 LodiCA077004202 LodiCA077004203 LodiCA077004204 LodiCA077004302 LodiCA077004303 LodiCA077004305 LodiCA077004307 LodiCA077004308 LodiCA077004402 LodiCA077004403 LodiCA077004404 LodiCA077004501 LodiCA077004502 LodiCA077004600CA077004701 LockefordCA077004703CA077004704CA077004800CA077004901 EscalonCA077004902CA077005001 RiponCA077005003CA077005004CA077005106CA077005108 MantecaCA077005109 MantecaCA077005110 MantecaCA077005113 MantecaCA077005114 MantecaCA077005119CA077005122CA077005123 MantecaCA077005124 MantecaCA077005125 MantecaCA077005126 MantecaCA077005127 LathropCA077005129 LathropCA077005130 LathropCA077005131CA077005132 MantecaCA077005133 MantecaCA077005134 MantecaCA077005135 MantecaCA077005202CA077005206CA077005207 TracyCA077005208 TracyCA077005209 TracyCA077005210 TracyCA077005302 TracyCA077005303 TracyCA077005305 TracyCA077005307 TracyCA077005308 TracyCA077005403 TracyCA077005405 TracyCA077005406 TracyCA077005501CA077005502 Tracy

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