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Monterey County


Monterey county is located close to the center of California. Monterey county has 3,280.59 square miles of land area and 490.63 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Monterey county population is 424,927, which has grown 5.77% since 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 12.39% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%. Monterey county median household income is $58,582 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 21.28% since 2000. The income growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 29.47% and is lower than the national average rate of 27.36%. Monterey county median house value is $362,100 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 36.23% since 2000. The house value growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 75.60% and is lower than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers Monterey county is worse than the state average in quality. The Monterey county area codes are 408, 805, 831.

Population424,927 (2010-2014), rank #20
Population Growth5.77% since 2000, rank #42
Population Density:112.68/sq mi, rank #27
Median Household Income:$58,582 at 2010-2014—21.28% increase since 2000, rank #21
Median House Price:$362,100 at 2010-2014—36.23% increase since 2000, rank #16
Time Zone:Pacific GMT -8:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:3,280.59 sq mi, rank #17
Water Area:490.63 sq mi (13.01%), rank #3
Area:Salinas, CA
School District:
Area Code:408, 805, 831
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Monterey County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Monterey County Cities / Towns

Monterey County Zip Codes

93450 81493901 26,4389390293905 60,88793906 63,52993907 21,81293908 12,350939129391593920 83993921 3,1649392293923 12,95493924 5,96793925 1,67293926 9,12893927 17,69793928 36293932 56493933 22,69693940 33,7609394293943 69394493950 15,36593953 4,57893954 24693955 34,08493960 27,21293962 93995012 10,47095039 1,545

Monterey County Census Tracts

CA053000101 SalinasCA053000102 SalinasCA053000103 SalinasCA053000104 SalinasCA053000200 SalinasCA053000300 SalinasCA053000400 SalinasCA053000501 SalinasCA053000502 SalinasCA053000600 SalinasCA053000701 SalinasCA053000702 SalinasCA053000800 SalinasCA053000900 SalinasCA053001200 SalinasCA053001300 SalinasCA053001400 SalinasCA053001500 SalinasCA053001600 SalinasCA053001700 SalinasCA053001801CA053001802 SalinasCA053010101CA053010102CA053010202CA053010305CA053010306CA053010400 CastrovilleCA053010501CA053010504CA053010505 SalinasCA053010506 SalinasCA053010603 SalinasCA053010604 SalinasCA053010605 SalinasCA053010606CA053010607 SalinasCA053010608 SalinasCA053010701 SalinasCA053010702CA053010804CA053010900 SoledadCA053011000CA053011101CA053011102CA053011202 GreenfieldCA053011203 GreenfieldCA053011204CA053011302 King CityCA053011303CA053011304CA053011400CA053011502CA053011602CA053011604 CarmelCA053011700CA053011801 Carmel By The SeaCA053011802 Carmel By The SeaCA053011900CA053012000CA053012100 Pacific GroveCA053012200 Pacific GroveCA053012302CA053012401CA053012402 Pacific GroveCA053012502 MontereyCA053012600 MontereyCA053012700 MontereyCA053012800CA053013000 MontereyCA053013100 MontereyCA053013200CA053013300CA053013400 Del Rey OaksCA053013500 SeasideCA053013600 SeasideCA053013700 SeasideCA053013800 SeasideCA053013900 SeasideCA053014000CA053014102 MarinaCA053014104CA053014105 MarinaCA053014107CA053014201 MarinaCA053014202 MarinaCA053014301 MarinaCA053014302CA053014500CA053014601CA053014700CA053014800CA053980000 SalinasCA053990000

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