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USA.com / New Mexico / Manzano, NM / Income and Careers

Manzano, NM Income and Careers

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Manzano median household income is $48,281, which has grown by 251.13% since 2000. The median household income growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 31.74% and is much higher than the national average rate of 27.36%.

Topics:Household IncomeEmployment Status

Household Income

Median Household Income Growth Since 2000, see rank
Manzano, NM
New Mexico
Ranks: $10k or less, $10k-$20k, $20k-$30k, $30k-$40k, $40k-$50k, $50k-$75k, $75k-$100k, $100k-$150k, $150k-$200k, $200k or more

Household Income Other than Earnings
 Manzano, NMNew MexicoU.S.
%+Average Amount%+Average Amount%+Average Amount
Interest, Dividends, or Net Rental Income-7.14%$0, see rank18.11%$16,97321.11%$16,919
Social Security Income-7.14%$0, see rank30.93%$16,38629.33%$17,636
Public Assistance Income-7.14%$0, see rank2.72%$3,2302.82%$3,720
Retirement Income100.00%$0, see rank19.57%$26,83217.85%$24,095
+ The percentage of the total households that have the income.

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical household income data.

Employment Status

 Manzano, NMNew MexicoU.S.
Population 16 Years and Over14, see rank1,625,155248,775,628
Male10, 0.00%, see rank49.07%48.69%
Male, In Labor Force:20, 0.00%, see rank65.02%69.28%
Male, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.88%0.73%
Male, Civilian20, 0.00%, see rank64.14%68.54%
Male, Civilian, Employed30, 0.00%, see rank89.92%90.49%
Male, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank10.08%9.51%
Male, Not in Labor Force20, 0.00%, see rank34.98%30.72%
Female114, 100.00%, see rank50.93%51.31%
Female, In Labor Force:20, 0.00%, see rank55.46%58.79%
Female, In Armed Forces20, 0.00%, see rank0.18%0.11%
Female, Civilian20, 0.00%, see rank55.28%58.69%
Female, Civilian, Employed30, 0.00%, see rank90.92%91.18%
Female, Civilian, Unemployed30, 0.00%, see rank9.08%8.82%
Female, Not in Labor Force214, 100.00%, see rank44.54%41.21%
1 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over.
2 Percentage of the population of 16 years and over for the gender.
3 Percentage of the Civilian for the gender.

*Based on 2010-2014 data. View historical employment status data.

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