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Poorest Cities by Income Near Manzano, NM

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Manzano, NM

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 64 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$6,071Chical, NM / 116
2.$12,235Casa Colorada, NM / 175
3.$17,115Mountainair, NM / 788
4.$19,735Madrone, NM / 685
5.$21,450Veguita, NM / 255
6.$23,421Pueblitos, NM / 689
7.$23,977Monterey Park, NM / 1,824
8.$24,643San Pedro, NM / 88
9.$25,053Estancia, NM / 2,226
10.$27,500Willard, NM / 109
11.$29,904Mcintosh, NM / 1,522
12.$30,278Moriarty, NM / 1,891
13.$30,625Chilili, NM / 140
14.$31,316El Cerro Mission, NM / 3,757
15.$31,687Meadow Lake, NM / 5,867
16.$31,690Polvadera, NM / 483
17.$32,167Highland Meadows, NM / 432
18.$32,899Belen, NM / 7,255
19.$34,821Tome, NM / 1,446
20.$35,000Indian Hills, NM / 1,081
21.$37,203South Valley, NM / 41,992
22.$37,350Jarales, NM / 2,073
23.$39,167Bernalillo, NM / 8,073
24.$41,111Carnuel, NM / 1,138
25.$43,194Sausal, NM / 1,251
26.$43,493Rio Communities, NM / 4,743
27.$43,745Los Lunas, NM / 13,874
28.$43,750Pueblo Of Sandia Village, NM / 509
29.$44,844Adelino, NM / 823
30.$45,370Torreon CDP, NM / 386
31.$45,833Santa Ana Pueblo, NM / 843
32.$46,662Albuquerque, NM / 531,403
33.$46,795North Valley, NM / 11,705
34.$47,117Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM / 5,948
35.$47,250Los Chaves, NM / 4,451
36.$47,763Peralta, NM / 3,615
37.$48,281Manzano, NM / 19
38.$50,938Tijeras, NM / 473
39.$51,141Sandia Knolls, NM / 1,712
40.$55,195Las Maravillas, NM / 1,793
41.$57,625Cedar Grove, NM / 561
42.$57,813Edgewood, NM / 3,664
43.$57,978Valencia, NM / 2,422
44.$58,393Alamillo, NM / 135
45.$59,063Rio Rancho, NM / 81,056
46.$60,278San Antonito, NM / 1,396
47.$60,865Edith Endave, NM / 271
48.$61,434Cedar Crest, NM / 1,372
49.$62,051Bosque Farms, NM / 3,901
50.$62,543Paradise Hills, NM / 5,159
51.$64,375Sedillo, NM / 750
52.$64,458Ponderosa Pine, NM / 998
53.$64,950El Cerro, NM / 3,401
54.$65,521Isleta Village Proper, NM / 275
55.$65,774Abeytas, NM / 157
56.$66,146Manzano Springs, NM / 54
57.$74,293Cedro, NM / 395
58.$78,681Placitas CDP, NM / 4,911
59.$86,250Lemitar, NM / 326
60.$90,201Corrales, NM / 8,156
61.$108,324Sandia Heights, NM / 3,625
62.$112,054San Acacia, NM / 124
63.$116,500Las Nutrias, NM / 89
64.$135,481Sandia Park, NM / 70

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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