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Genesee County


Genesee county is located in southeast Michigan. Genesee county has 636.98 square miles of land area and 12.61 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Genesee county population is 418,654, which has shrunk 4.01% since 2000. The population growth rate is lower than the state average rate of -0.50% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%. Genesee county median household income is $41,879 in 2010-2014 and has has shrunk by 0.17% since 2000. The income growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 9.90% and is much lower than the national average rate of 27.36%. Genesee county median house value is $88,300 in 2010-2014 and has shrunk by 7.05% since 2000. The house value growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 3.98% and is much lower than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers Genesee county is close to the state average in quality. The Genesee county area codes are 248, 810, 989.

Population418,654 (2010-2014), rank #5
Population Growth-4.01% since 2000, rank #60
Population Density:644.49/sq mi, rank #5
Median Household Income:$41,879 at 2010-2014—-0.17% increase since 2000, rank #44
Median House Price:$88,300 at 2010-2014—-7.05% increase since 2000, rank #68
Time Zone:Eastern GMT -5:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:636.98 sq mi, rank #33
Water Area:12.61 sq mi (1.94%), rank #62
Area:Flint, MI
School District:
Area Code:248, 810, 989
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Genesee County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Genesee County Cities / Towns

Genesee County Zip Codes

48411 6548437 51948458 21,17848473 22,243484804850148502 1,08848503 25,42848504 29,51048505 22,41648506 29,31948507 31,35948509 9,52648519 7,81348529 9,5434853148532 20,0524855048551485524855348554485554855648557

Genesee County Census Tracts

MI049000100 FlintMI049000200 FlintMI049000300 FlintMI049000400 FlintMI049000500 FlintMI049000600 FlintMI049000700 FlintMI049000800 FlintMI049000900 FlintMI049001000 FlintMI049001100 FlintMI049001200 FlintMI049001300 FlintMI049001400 FlintMI049001500 FlintMI049001600 FlintMI049001700 FlintMI049001800 FlintMI049001900 FlintMI049002000 FlintMI049002200 FlintMI049002300 FlintMI049002400 FlintMI049002600 FlintMI049002700 FlintMI049002800 FlintMI049002900 FlintMI049003000 FlintMI049003100 FlintMI049003200 FlintMI049003300 FlintMI049003400 FlintMI049003500 FlintMI049003600 FlintMI049003700 FlintMI049003800 FlintMI049004000 FlintMI049010110 ClioMI049010111 ClioMI049010112MI049010113 ClioMI049010114 ClioMI049010115MI049010201MI049010202 ClioMI049010304 BeecherMI049010305MI049010501 FlintMI049010502MI049010503MI049010504MI049010603 FlushingMI049010604 FlushingMI049010610 FlushingMI049010700 FlushingMI049010810MI049010811 FlintMI049010812 FlintMI049010813MI049010910 FlintMI049010911 FlintMI049010912MI049011010 FlintMI049011101MI049011102MI049011209 Grand BlancMI049011210 Grand BlancMI049011211 Grand BlancMI049011212MI049011213MI049011214 Grand BlancMI049011301 BurtonMI049011302 BurtonMI049011401 BurtonMI049011402 BurtonMI049011502 BurtonMI049011503 BurtonMI049011505 BurtonMI049011508 BurtonMI049011601 DavisonMI049011610 DavisonMI049011710 DavisonMI049011711 DavisonMI049011712 DavisonMI049011713 DavisonMI049011714 DavisonMI049011800MI049011901MI049011902MI049012003 FlintMI049012006 FlintMI049012007 FlintMI049012008 FlintMI049012009MI049012100MI049012201MI049012202MI049012310 Mount MorrisMI049012311 Mount MorrisMI049012401MI049012402MI049012501MI049012503MI049012504 ClioMI049012601MI049012602 MontroseMI049012603MI049012702 Swartz CreekMI049012703MI049012704MI049012801MI049012802MI049012904MI049012905MI049012906MI049012907MI049013001MI049013002MI049013110MI049013111MI049013112MI049013113 LindenMI049013202 FentonMI049013204 FentonMI049013301MI049013401MI049013402 GoodrichMI049013500 FlintMI049013600 FlintMI049980000 FlintMI049980100 Flint

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