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Least Educated Counties in MI

Michigan Average Education Index County Rank

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 83 results found. Show Results on Map. The education index is an indicator of the average education level of the population. A higher education index value means more educated population.

RankAverage Education Index ▲County / Population
1.12.13Lake, MI / 11,625
2.12.19Oscoda, MI / 8,884
3.12.37Arenac, MI / 16,487
4.12.37Ogemaw, MI / 21,862
5.12.39Baraga, MI / 8,882
6.12.45Luce, MI / 6,685
7.12.47Clare, MI / 31,162
8.12.52Montmorency, MI / 9,920
9.12.55Sanilac, MI / 44,010
10.12.59Gladwin, MI / 26,076
11.12.60Kalkaska, MI / 17,400
12.12.60Osceola, MI / 23,681
13.12.61Alcona, MI / 11,238
14.12.62Huron, MI / 33,642
15.12.64Tuscola, MI / 56,543
16.12.66Oceana, MI / 27,029
17.12.66Roscommon, MI / 24,932
18.12.67Saint Joseph, MI / 61,848
19.12.67Schoolcraft, MI / 8,640
20.12.68Missaukee, MI / 14,962
21.12.68Crawford, MI / 14,325
22.12.70Newaygo, MI / 48,962
23.12.70Montcalm, MI / 63,553
24.12.71Iosco, MI / 26,422
25.12.75Presque Isle, MI / 13,697
26.12.78Alger, MI / 9,604
27.12.79Gratiot, MI / 42,612
28.12.80Ionia, MI / 64,651
29.12.80Branch, MI / 46,083
30.12.81Hillsdale, MI / 47,033
31.12.83Cass, MI / 52,429
32.12.84Iron, MI / 12,057
33.12.86Menominee, MI / 24,245
34.12.95Wexford, MI / 32,653
35.12.97Manistee, MI / 24,951
36.12.98Van Buren, MI / 76,585
37.12.99Wayne, MI / 1,870,362
38.13.00Saint Clair, MI / 165,719
39.13.01Saginaw, MI / 202,336
40.13.03Monroe, MI / 152,784
41.13.04Muskegon, MI / 173,223
42.13.05Shiawassee, MI / 71,621
43.13.05Chippewa, MI / 39,078
44.13.05Bay, MI / 108,156
45.13.06Alpena, MI / 29,958
46.13.06Cheboygan, MI / 26,699
47.13.09Ontonagon, MI / 6,976
48.13.09Lapeer, MI / 89,944
49.13.09Jackson, MI / 161,569
50.13.11Calhoun, MI / 137,112
51.13.12Mecosta, MI / 42,730
52.13.12Gogebic, MI / 16,471
53.13.12Lenawee, MI / 100,911
54.13.13Allegan, MI / 111,385
55.13.15Mackinac, MI / 11,281
56.13.15Barry, MI / 59,576
57.13.15Otsego, MI / 24,445
58.13.17Mason, MI / 28,715
59.13.18Genesee, MI / 433,054
60.13.21Delta, MI / 37,403
61.13.22Dickinson, MI / 26,584
62.13.28Macomb, MI / 837,490
63.13.30Berrien, MI / 157,232
64.13.32Keweenaw, MI / 2,122
65.13.37Antrim, MI / 23,975
66.13.52Houghton, MI / 36,192
67.13.52Benzie, MI / 17,705
68.13.54Isabella, MI / 69,451
69.13.58Charlevoix, MI / 26,228
70.13.65Kent, MI / 599,432
71.13.65Ottawa, MI / 261,376
72.13.68Eaton, MI / 108,002
73.13.71Marquette, MI / 66,514
74.13.79Clinton, MI / 74,235
75.13.89Grand Traverse, MI / 86,061
76.13.90Emmet, MI / 32,806
77.13.92Midland, MI / 83,626
78.13.99Livingston, MI / 181,350
79.14.03Kalamazoo, MI / 247,246
80.14.13Ingham, MI / 281,365
81.14.36Leelanau, MI / 21,757
82.14.48Oakland, MI / 1,201,113
83.15.08Washtenaw, MI / 343,947

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Education Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Education Index' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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