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Contra Costa County


Contra Costa county is located in west California. Contra Costa county has 715.94 square miles of land area and 87.83 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Contra Costa county population is 1,081,232, which has grown 13.96% since 2000. The population growth rate is higher than the state average rate of 12.39% and is higher than the national average rate of 11.61%. Contra Costa county median household income is $79,799 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 25.32% since 2000. The income growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 29.47% and is lower than the national average rate of 27.36%. Contra Costa county median house value is $417,400 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 55.86% since 2000. The house value growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 75.60% and is higher than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers Contra Costa county is better than the state average in quality. The Contra Costa county area codes are 510, 707, 925.

Population1,081,232 (2010-2014), rank #9
Population Growth13.96% since 2000, rank #18
Population Density:1,345.20/sq mi, rank #7
Median Household Income:$79,799 at 2010-2014—25.32% increase since 2000, rank #4
Median House Price:$417,400 at 2010-2014—55.86% increase since 2000, rank #13
Time Zone:Pacific GMT -8:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:715.94 sq mi, rank #51
Water Area:87.83 sq mi (10.93%), rank #21
Area:San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA
School District:
Area Code:510, 707, 925
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Contra Costa County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Contra Costa County Cities / Towns

Alamo 15,639Antioch 105,630Bay Point 21,586Bethel Island 2,158Blackhawk 9,297CanyonClayton 11,328Clyde 680Concord 125,017Crockett 3,151Danville 42,891Diablo 969El Cerrito 24,136El Cerrito CDP 5,551El Sobrante 13,122El Sobrante CDP 14,855Hercules 24,596Knightsen 1,644Lafayette 24,685Martinez 36,876Moraga 16,549North Richmond 3,926Oakley 37,391Orinda 18,390Pacheco 4,295Pinole 18,754Pittsburg 65,761Pleasant Hill 33,842Port Costa 302Richmond 106,469Rodeo 9,648San Pablo 29,516San Ramon 73,826Tara Hills 4,767Walnut Creek 65,923

Contra Costa County Zip Codes

94506 21,89694507 15,97394509 63,35194511 2,15894513 56,92994516 15494517 12,78194518 26,64794519 19,92794520 38,74394521 41,1389452294523 34,4289452494525 3,15194526 32,2749452794528 9159452994530 24,30194531 42,58794547 24,62294548 40094549 28,29894553 48,89194556 15,50594561 38,48194563 18,28494564 18,70494565 87,39594569 3209457094572 9,64894575 1,27494582 39,72194583 35,27294595 16,83794596 20,77894597 20,64594598 26,97494801 29,2699480294803 25,99894804 40,94194805 14,32994806 60,10194807948089482094850

Contra Costa County Census Tracts

CA013301000CA013302005 OakleyCA013302006CA013302007 OakleyCA013302008CA013302009 AntiochCA013302010 OakleyCA013303102CA013303103CA013303201CA013303202 BrentwoodCA013303203CA013303204 BrentwoodCA013303205 BrentwoodCA013304001 BrentwoodCA013304002CA013304003 Discovery BayCA013304004 Discovery BayCA013304005CA013305000CA013306002CA013306003 AntiochCA013306004 AntiochCA013307101 AntiochCA013307102 AntiochCA013307201 AntiochCA013307202 AntiochCA013307204 AntiochCA013307205 AntiochCA013308001 AntiochCA013308002 AntiochCA013309000 PittsburgCA013310000 PittsburgCA013311000 PittsburgCA013312000 PittsburgCA013313101 PittsburgCA013313102 PittsburgCA013313103CA013313203CA013313204CA013313205CA013313206 PittsburgCA013314102CA013314103CA013314104CA013314200CA013315000CA013316000 MartinezCA013317000 MartinezCA013318000CA013319000CA013320001CA013320003CA013320004CA013321101 MartinezCA013321102CA013321103CA013321200CA013322000 Pleasant HillCA013323000 Pleasant HillCA013324001CA013324002CA013325000 Pleasant HillCA013326000CA013327000CA013328000 ConcordCA013329000 ConcordCA013330000 ConcordCA013331000 ConcordCA013332000 ConcordCA013333101 ConcordCA013333102 ConcordCA013333200 ConcordCA013334001 ConcordCA013334004 ConcordCA013334006 ConcordCA013334200CA013335000 ConcordCA013336101 ConcordCA013336102 ConcordCA013336201 ConcordCA013336202 ConcordCA013337100 ConcordCA013337200 ConcordCA013337300CA013338101 ConcordCA013338102CA013338201CA013338203CA013338204CA013338301 Walnut CreekCA013338302CA013339001 Walnut CreekCA013339002CA013340001CA013340002CA013341000CA013343001CA013343002CA013343003CA013345101 San RamonCA013345102 San RamonCA013345103 San RamonCA013345105CA013345108 San RamonCA013345111 San RamonCA013345112 San RamonCA013345113CA013345114 DanvilleCA013345115CA013345116 San RamonCA013345202CA013345203CA013345204CA013346101CA013346102CA013346201CA013346203 DanvilleCA013346204CA013347000CA013348000CA013349000 LafayetteCA013350000CA013351101CA013351102CA013351103 Walnut CreekCA013351200CA013352101CA013352102CA013352201CA013352202CA013353001CA013353002CA013354001CA013354002CA013355107CA013355108CA013355109 AntiochCA013355110 AntiochCA013355111 AntiochCA013355112CA013355113CA013355114CA013355115 San RamonCA013355116CA013355117 San RamonCA013355200CA013355301CA013355302CA013355304CA013355306CA013356001CA013356002CA013357000CA013358000CA013359102CA013359103 PinoleCA013359104 HerculesCA013359105 HerculesCA013359202CA013359203 HerculesCA013359204 HerculesCA013360101CA013360102CA013360200CA013361000CA013362000CA013363000CA013364002CA013365002CA013365003 RichmondCA013366001 San PabloCA013366002 San PabloCA013367100CA013367200CA013368001 San PabloCA013368002 San PabloCA013369001 San PabloCA013369002CA013370000CA013371000 RichmondCA013372000 RichmondCA013373000CA013374000 RichmondCA013375000 RichmondCA013376000 RichmondCA013377000 RichmondCA013378000CA013379000 RichmondCA013380000 RichmondCA013381000 RichmondCA013382000 RichmondCA013383000 RichmondCA013384000CA013385100CA013385200 El CerritoCA013386000CA013387000 El CerritoCA013388000 El CerritoCA013389100 El CerritoCA013389200 El CerritoCA013390100 El CerritoCA013390200 El CerritoCA013391000 KensingtonCA013392000 KensingtonCA013392200CA013392300CA013990000

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