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Worcester County


Worcester county is located close to the center of Massachusetts. Worcester county has 1,510.77 square miles of land area and 68.42 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Worcester county population is 806,804, which has grown 7.44% since 2000. The population growth rate is higher than the state average rate of 4.85% and is lower than the national average rate of 11.61%. Worcester county median household income is $65,453 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 36.72% since 2000. The income growth rate is higher than the state average rate of 34.34% and is higher than the national average rate of 27.36%. Worcester county median house value is $255,600 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 75.07% since 2000. The house value growth rate is about the same as the state average rate of 77.65% and is much higher than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers Worcester county is worse than the state average in quality. The Worcester county area codes are 413, 508, 774, 978.

Population806,804 (2010-2014), rank #2
Population Growth7.44% since 2000, rank #4
Population Density:510.90/sq mi, rank #7
Median Household Income:$65,453 at 2010-2014—36.72% increase since 2000, rank #7
Median House Price:$255,600 at 2010-2014—75.07% increase since 2000, rank #11
Time Zone:Eastern GMT -5:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:1,510.77 sq mi, rank #1
Water Area:68.42 sq mi (4.33%), rank #7
Area:Worcester, MA
School District:
Area Code:413, 508, 774, 978
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Worcester County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Worcester County Cities / Towns

Worcester County Zip Codes

01005 5,11301031 1,38901037 72101068 1,79101074 30101083 3,10801092 1,07801094 31001331 13,26401368 1,23001420 40,41901430 6,13301436 3,93101438 46401440 20,2930144101451 4,84101452 4,45201453 40,97801462 10,79701467 44001468 3,68201473 7,36101475 10,4660147701501 16,13601503 2,91701504 9,05501505 4,39901506 3,39601507 13,126015080150901510 13,67501515 2,26301516 8,6240151701518 2,41801519 6,57301520 14,72401522 3,03801523 7,84701524 7,10301525 1520152601527 13,35001529 3,20801531 1,10901532 14,64401534 6,30301535 4,71501536 7,13801537 2,3920153801540 11,21901541 3,43201542 1,74701543 8,18801545 35,8180154601550 16,77501560 4,56501561 15501562 11,74601564 7,87001566 6,94501568 7,45301569 13,70301570 16,80601571 11,6330158001581 18,4810158201583 7,68701585 4,7050158601588 9,56901590 9,0140160101602 24,22801603 20,38001604 34,62801605 27,38701606 19,04301607 8,99101608 3,35101609 20,94801610 23,88501611 2,45801612 4,87901613016140161501653016540165501740 5,01901745 30901747 5,93401756 5,89501757 28,39101772 9,560

Worcester County Census Tracts

MA027700100MA027701100MA027702200MA027703100 AtholMA027703200MA027703300 AtholMA027704200MA027705100MA027706100 HubbardstonMA027707100 GardnerMA027707200 GardnerMA027707300 GardnerMA027707400 GardnerMA027707500 GardnerMA027708100 WestminsterMA027709100 LeominsterMA027709201 LeominsterMA027709202 LeominsterMA027709400 LeominsterMA027709501 LeominsterMA027709502 LeominsterMA027709600 LeominsterMA027709701 LeominsterMA027709702 LeominsterMA027710100 FitchburgMA027710200 FitchburgMA027710300 FitchburgMA027710400 FitchburgMA027710500 FitchburgMA027710600 FitchburgMA027710700 FitchburgMA027710800 FitchburgMA027711000 FitchburgMA027711100 FitchburgMA027712101 LunenburgMA027712102 LunenburgMA027713100MA027715100 BoltonMA027716100 ClintonMA027716200 ClintonMA027716300 ClintonMA027717100 BerlinMA027718100 BoylstonMA027719100 SterlingMA027720100 PrincetonMA027721101 OakhamMA027721102 RutlandMA027722100MA027723100MA027724100 West BrookfieldMA027725100 North BrookfieldMA027726100 SpencerMA027726200 SpencerMA027727100 PaxtonMA027728100MA027728200 HoldenMA027728300MA027728400MA027729100MA027729200 West BoylstonMA027730100 WorcesterMA027730200 WorcesterMA027730300 WorcesterMA027730401 WorcesterMA027730402 WorcesterMA027730500 WorcesterMA027730600 WorcesterMA027730700 WorcesterMA027730801 WorcesterMA027730802 WorcesterMA027730901 WorcesterMA027730902 WorcesterMA027731001 WorcesterMA027731002 WorcesterMA027731101 WorcesterMA027731102 WorcesterMA027731202 WorcesterMA027731203 WorcesterMA027731204 WorcesterMA027731300 WorcesterMA027731400 WorcesterMA027731500 WorcesterMA027731600 WorcesterMA027731700 WorcesterMA027731800 WorcesterMA027731900 WorcesterMA027732001 WorcesterMA027732002 WorcesterMA027732201 WorcesterMA027732202 WorcesterMA027732203 WorcesterMA027732301 WorcesterMA027732302 WorcesterMA027732400 WorcesterMA027732500 WorcesterMA027732600 WorcesterMA027732700 WorcesterMA027732801 WorcesterMA027732802 WorcesterMA027732901 WorcesterMA027732902 WorcesterMA027733000 WorcesterMA027733101 WorcesterMA027733102 WorcesterMA027735100MA027735200MA027736100 AuburnMA027736200 AuburnMA027736300 AuburnMA027736400MA027736500MA027737100MA027737200 MillburyMA027737300MA027738100MA027738201MA027738202MA027739100MA027739200 ShrewsburyMA027739300 ShrewsburyMA027739400 ShrewsburyMA027739500 ShrewsburyMA027740101 NorthboroughMA027740102 NorthboroughMA027740200 NorthboroughMA027741101MA027741102MA027742300 WestboroughMA027742401 WestboroughMA027742402 WestboroughMA027743100MA027744101 MilfordMA027744102 MilfordMA027744200 MilfordMA027744300 MilfordMA027744400 MilfordMA027745100 HopedaleMA027746100 MendonMA027747101 BlackstoneMA027747102 BlackstoneMA027748100 MillvilleMA027749100MA027749200 UxbridgeMA027750100 WhitinsvilleMA027750200MA027750300MA027751101MA027751102 SuttonMA027752100MA027753100MA027753200 OxfordMA027754100 WebsterMA027754200 WebsterMA027754300 WebsterMA027754400 WebsterMA027755100 DudleyMA027755200 DudleyMA027756101MA027756102 CharltonMA027757100 Southbridge TownMA027757200 Southbridge TownMA027757300 Southbridge TownMA027757400 Southbridge TownMA027757500 Southbridge TownMA027758101MA027758102MA027759100 East BrookfieldMA027760100 BrookfieldMA027761100MA027761200 WestboroughMA027761300 North GraftonMA027761400

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