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Tie Plant, MS Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Tie Plant is about the same as Mississippi average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Tie Plant is much lower than Mississippi average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #244

Tie Plant, MS

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Tie Plant, MS

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #387

Tie Plant, MS

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 2,436 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Tie Plant, MS were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:0Cold:2Dense Fog:0Drought:5
Dust Storm:0Flood:205Hail:792Heat:6Heavy Snow:6
High Surf:0Hurricane:5Ice Storm:7Landslide:0Strong Wind:4
Thunderstorm Winds:1,361Tropical Storm:1Wildfire:0Winter Storm:3Winter Weather:4

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Tie Plant, MS.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Tie Plant, MS.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Tie Plant, MS.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 89 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Tie Plant, MS.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
3.91968-12-27233°46'N / 89°55'W33°44'N / 89°48'W7.30 Miles123 Yards0025K0Grenada
4.71974-04-12233°41'N / 89°45'W0025K0Grenada
6.91969-06-21233°53'N / 89°49'W33°48'N / 89°46'W6.50 Miles33 Yards000K0Grenada
8.61973-03-10233°43'N / 89°47'W33°59'N / 89°39'W19.90 Miles220 Yards00250K0Grenada
8.91990-12-21333°45'N / 89°57'W33°50'N / 89°55'W3.50 Miles440 Yards00250K0Grenada
8.91974-04-01233°40'N / 89°55'W0025K0Carroll
10.61973-11-20333°41'N / 90°03'W33°48'N / 89°54'W11.90 Miles33 Yards0025K0Grenada
13.31971-02-04233°43'N / 89°36'W33°46'N / 89°31'W6.10 Miles33 Yards7025K0Grenada
15.71975-03-12233°58'N / 89°45'W1.00 Mile60 Yards0025K0Yalobusha
16.71974-10-29233°30'N / 89°48'W0.20 Mile50 Yards003K0Montgomery
17.51956-04-03233°36'N / 90°27'W34°19'N / 88°49'W105.9 Miles33 Yards000K0Leflore
18.51983-04-01233°35'N / 90°03'W1.00 Mile73 Yards0025K0Carroll
20.61988-11-19233°26'N / 89°59'W33°31'N / 89°55'W7.00 Miles120 Yards00250K0Carroll
20.71984-04-21234°00'N / 89°55'W34°05'N / 89°40'W14.00 Miles10 Yards00250K0Yalobusha
22.61988-12-27233°49'N / 90°13'W33°54'N / 90°06'W12.00 Miles73 Yards00250K0Tallahatchie
23.01984-04-21233°51'N / 90°20'W34°00'N / 89°55'W22.00 Miles10 Yards00250K0Tallahatchie
23.01973-11-20233°30'N / 90°04'W00250K0Leflore
23.21975-03-12234°00'N / 90°03'W1.00 Mile100 Yards073K0Tallahatchie
23.51983-05-18233°45'N / 90°12'W0.70 Mile77 Yards00250K0Tallahatchie
23.81980-06-24233°57'N / 90°10'W33°54'N / 90°07'W4.90 Miles300 Yards00250K0Tallahatchie
24.01988-12-27233°44'N / 90°14'W33°48'N / 90°11'W6.00 Miles73 Yards00250K0Leflore
24.11973-11-24333°40'N / 90°12'W003K0Leflore
24.31968-03-11233°31'N / 90°07'W1.50 Miles33 Yards0025K0Leflore
24.61976-05-13233°22'N / 89°38'W33°30'N / 89°31'W11.40 Miles1320 Yards04250K0Montgomery
24.81971-02-21433°41'N / 90°08'W34°31'N / 89°24'W71.20 Miles33 Yards000K0Grenada
24.91980-10-17233°26'N / 89°34'W1.00 Mile200 Yards05250K0Montgomery
25.41984-04-21333°38'N / 89°24'W33°42'N / 89°19'W7.00 Miles10 Yards2425.0M0Leflore
25.82001-02-24333°29'N / 90°09'W33°31'N / 90°07'W5.00 Miles400 Yards002.2M0Leflore
26.21957-11-14333°27'N / 89°34'W33°27'N / 89°26'W7.80 Miles100 Yards0025K0Montgomery
26.41970-04-01233°30'N / 90°19'W33°40'N / 90°06'W16.90 Miles300 Yards0425K0Leflore
27.01968-12-27233°41'N / 90°18'W33°43'N / 90°13'W5.60 Miles133 Yards003K0Leflore
28.21965-01-23233°51'N / 89°19'W0.50 Mile23 Yards003K0Calhoun
28.21990-12-21333°16'N / 89°51'W33°24'N / 89°41'W13.00 Miles880 Yards1152.5M0Carroll
29.61971-02-21433°23'N / 90°21'W33°41'N / 90°08'W24.20 Miles33 Yards000K0Leflore
30.81974-04-01233°48'N / 89°18'W33°47'N / 89°13'W5.10 Miles33 Yards0025K0Calhoun
30.91988-12-27234°09'N / 89°38'W34°10'N / 89°33'W5.00 Miles73 Yards00250K0Yalobusha
32.31957-11-07333°10'N / 90°10'W33°31'N / 90°00'W26.00 Miles300 Yards0125K0Carroll
34.01974-01-28233°44'N / 90°23'W0025K0Leflore
34.52000-01-03234°10'N / 89°33'W34°14'N / 89°33'W2.20 Miles300 Yards00100K0Yalobusha
 Brief Description: The tornado first developed just south of Highway 315 in the community of Hawkins Crossing and moved northeast across the northeast corner of Yalobusha county. The tornado continued into southwest Lafayette county and continued to travel northeast ending in Union county. One home was blown three feet off its foundation with only the west facing wall left standing. Two mobile homes were completely destroyed. Nine other homes and one barn recieved moderate to extensive damage.
34.51997-03-01334°04'N / 89°26'W34°10'N / 89°21'W5.00 Miles400 Yards0110K0Calhoun
 Brief Description: A second tornado developed in Calhoun county near Banner. This tornado also tracked northeast through extreme southeast Lafayette county, through the northwest part of Pontotoc county and through the middle of Union county. While damage occurred in all four counties, the most damage took place in Union county near the town of Martintown. All told 17 persons were injured. Ninety-one homes were damaged with forty-nine of these homes deemed uninhabitable.
34.91975-03-12234°04'N / 89°24'W34°04'N / 89°15'W8.50 Miles60 Yards0025K0Calhoun
35.11980-10-17233°22'N / 90°16'W33°25'N / 90°12'W5.40 Miles33 Yards00250K0Leflore
35.41968-12-27234°03'N / 90°17'W150K0Tallahatchie
36.02001-02-24334°02'N / 89°21'W34°05'N / 89°14'W8.00 Miles50 Yards0010K0Calhoun
 Brief Description: The tornado began in rural Calhoun county and tracked northeast moving into Pontotoc county near Matthews.
36.11990-12-21333°11'N / 89°56'W33°16'N / 89°51'W7.00 Miles880 Yards000K0Holmes
36.22005-09-24233°23'N / 90°15'W33°28'N / 90°20'W8.00 Miles250 Yards001.5M700KLeflore
 Brief Description: This tornado touched down just north-northwest of Cruger, in Holmes county, on the extreme southern end of Mosquito Lake and tracked northwest for 9 miles across southern Leflore county. As the tornado tracked northwest toward the Phillipstown Community, hundreds of trees were snapped and uprooted across Mosquito Lake. Between Phillipstown and Quito was where the most significant damage occurred. Two homes and a church were significantly damaged and hunting lodge was totally destroyed with its contents and debris scattered half a mile along the path. A steel framed cotton gin was nearly destroyed in Quito with nearly all of the roof gone and many walls taken down. A seed warehouse at this location was also significantly damaged. Additionally, hundreds of trees were damaged along with several bails of picked cotton that were scattered across a few fields. The tornado dissipated just to the northwest of Quito.
36.61973-04-24233°54'N / 90°24'W0422.5M0Tallahatchie
36.91971-02-21333°31'N / 90°27'W33°38'N / 90°21'W10.00 Miles33 Yards0025K0Leflore
36.91990-12-21233°18'N / 90°22'W33°30'N / 90°12'W16.00 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Leflore
37.61967-01-26233°29'N / 90°22'W0.30 Mile20 Yards07250K0Leflore
38.11957-11-07333°17'N / 90°14'W33°20'N / 90°10'W5.20 Miles300 Yards20250K0Holmes
39.01963-03-11433°10'N / 89°39'W33°16'N / 89°26'W14.30 Miles440 Yards0225K0Attala
39.01984-04-21333°42'N / 89°19'W33°56'N / 88°55'W23.00 Miles10 Yards5225.0M0Tallahatchie
39.41963-03-11433°16'N / 89°26'W33°30'N / 89°05'W25.80 Miles440 Yards250K0Choctaw
39.41976-03-20333°36'N / 89°11'W33°40'N / 89°03'W9.00 Miles1400 Yards15250K0Webster
40.61997-05-02333°10'N / 90°14'W33°14'N / 89°54'W20.00 Miles200 Yards00200K0Holmes
 Brief Description: This tornado initially touched down 1 mile south of Tchula and moved northeast to 2 miles east southeast of Emory. The path width and strength varied along the path, but at its widest point was 200 yards. The worst damage occurred at a school 2 miles east of Tchula where major damage was done. Fortunately the the school was almost vacant. Along the remainder of the path mostly F1 and F2 damage occurred. Several houses were damaged and one mobile home was flipped over. Of course numerous trees were blown down along the entire path.
40.82010-04-24233°04'N / 89°49'W33°17'N / 89°22'W30.00 Miles1920 Yards0060.0M4.0MAttala
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado then moved into western Attala County from just east of Durant in Holmes County. The tornado re-intensified somewhat and began causing significant tree damage in rural western Attala County. The tornado continued across Attala County, causing tree and power line damage,and heavily damaging a number of rural residences, including in the community of Hesterville. The tornado continued to the northeast and crossed the Natchez Trace Parkway. Here numerous trees were damaged and thrown across the Parkway. The maximum intensity in Attala County was EF2 with maximum winds around 130 mph. EPISODE NARRATIVE: During the midday hours of April 24th, an intense supercell thunderstorm produced a violent, long track tornado, which ripped a path across the center of the NWS Jackson, MS forecast area. This tornado touched down just south of I-20, west of Tallulah, in Madison Parish. The tornado intensified quickly and became large as it tracked at a fast pace to the northeast. The tornado moved at roughly 55 mph and was on the ground for 149 miles. The actual time on the ground was 2 hours and 44 minutes. The tornado touched 9 counties/parishes along it's path with the most significant damage occurring in Madison Parish, Warren, Yazoo, Holmes, Attala and Choctaw Counties. A great deal of the damage was in the EF2 and EF3 range with a couple locations of EF4 damage in Yazoo and Holmes Counties. Maximum winds peaked around 170 mph. Overall, 10 fatalities occurred along with 146 injuries. Five fatalities occurred in Choctaw County, 4 in Yazoo County, and 1 in Holmes County. As we try and put this tornado into perspective for the state of Mississippi, this long track tornado ranks as the 4th longest in Mississippi history at 149 miles. It is the widest known tornado with a maximum width of 1.75 miles. It also ranks as the 9th deadliest tornado with 10 fatalities, making it the most deadly since November 21st 1992. Lastly, this was the first violent tornado (F4 or greater) in the month of April since April 18th, 1978.
41.51988-01-19433°09'N / 89°35'W33°16'N / 89°20'W13.00 Miles700 Yards012.5M0Attala
41.71950-03-27233°08'N / 89°34'W33°15'N / 89°25'W11.90 Miles33 Yards000K0Attala
41.71972-04-21333°19'N / 90°26'W33°21'N / 90°13'W12.80 Miles150 Yards000K0Leflore
41.81971-02-21333°51'N / 90°31'W33°58'N / 90°28'W8.60 Miles33 Yards300K0Sunflower
42.01992-11-22433°12'N / 89°19'W33°29'N / 89°10'W21.00 Miles880 Yards11225.0M0Choctaw
42.61997-03-01334°10'N / 89°22'W34°16'N / 89°16'W5.00 Miles400 Yards0010K0Lafayette
 Brief Description: A second tornado developed in Calhoun county near Banner. This tornado also tracked northeast through extreme southeast Lafayette county, through the northwest part of Pontotoc county and through the middle of Union county. While damage occurred in all four counties, the most damage took place in Union county near the town of Martintown. All told 17 persons were injured. Ninety-one homes were damaged with forty-nine of these homes deemed uninhabitable.
42.72010-04-24333°17'N / 89°22'W33°24'N / 89°05'W18.00 Miles1883 Yards53590.0M6.0MChoctaw
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado moved into Choctaw County and crossed Black Road around 128 pm. Here, minor damage occurred to a brick home. Tree damage in this area was more substantial and was in the upper EF2 range. Thousands of trees were uprooted and snapped. Many trees were also splintered in this area. The tornado then crossed Highway 413, just east of French Camp. The tornado reached high end EF3 intensity at this point and produced significant structural damage to a number of structures. Wind speeds ranged from 155 to 165 mph at this location. Three well built brick homes were nearly flattened with only 1 outer wall left standing. Other well built structures sustained major damage to the roof. The Crossroads Grocery was destroyed as the cinder-block structure collapsed on itself. Several vehicles were thrown in this area including at semi-truck. A cell tower was snapped in half. The intense damage continued along the track across Stuart-Weir Road and White Road. Several more structures were severely damaged or destroyed in this area along with significant devastation to timber. Along Pisgah and Dotson Roads, some of the most severe damage occurred and this was the location of the 5 fatalities. Here, dozens of mobile homes and conventional foundation homes were destroyed. Multiple vehicles were thrown with a few landing in trees. The widest part of the tornado was in this general area where it was 1.07 miles wide. The EF3 intensity damage occurred for about 4 miles. The tornado weakened as it tracked toward the Chester Community and crossed Weir-Salem Road and Chester-Mills Road. Here the damage was mostly tree damage with a dozen of homes or so receiving minor to major damage. Some homes had a small portion of roof torn off or shingles peeled away. One well built home was shifted off the foundation with a portion of the back of the home collapsed. Again, timber damage was significant with a large area of pine forest heavily damaged. EF2 damaged was noted there. The tornado continued through Chester and toward Highway 9 and Highway 15. Here mainly EF1 tree damage occurred. The only exception was at and just to the east of the intersection with Highway 9 and Highway 790. Here some low end EF2 tree damage was noted. The tornado then crossed Highway 15 and continued just along and to the south of Macedonia Road. EF1 tree damage occurred in this area as well. The tornado continued into Oktibbeha County just east of of the Reform-Sturgis Road. EPISODE NARRATIVE: During the midday hours of April 24th, an intense supercell thunderstorm produced a violent, long track tornado, which ripped a path across the center of the NWS Jackson, MS forecast area. This tornado touched down just south of I-20, west of Tallulah, in Madison Parish. The tornado intensified quickly and became large as it tracked at a fast pace to the northeast. The tornado moved at roughly 55 mph and was on the ground for 149 miles. The actual time on the ground was 2 hours and 44 minutes. The tornado touched 9 counties/parishes along it's path with the most significant damage occurring in Madison Parish, Warren, Yazoo, Holmes, Attala and Choctaw Counties. A great deal of the damage was in the EF2 and EF3 range with a couple locations of EF4 damage in Yazoo and Holmes Counties. Maximum winds peaked around 170 mph. Overall, 10 fatalities occurred along with 146 injuries. Five fatalities occurred in Choctaw County, 4 in Yazoo County, and 1 in Holmes County. As we try and put this tornado into perspective for the state of Mississippi, this long track tornado ranks as the 4th longest in Mississippi history at 149 miles. It is the widest known tornado with a maximum width of 1.75 miles. It also ranks as the 9th deadliest tornado with 10 fatalities, making it the most deadly since November 21st 1992. Lastly, this was the first violent tornado (F4 or greater) in the month of April since April 18th, 1978.
42.91978-05-12234°19'N / 90°13'W34°19'N / 89°56'W16.20 Miles33 Yards0025.0M0Panola
43.11975-03-12234°04'N / 90°26'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0525K0Tallahatchie
43.41974-01-28233°26'N / 89°08'W0125K0Choctaw
43.71988-11-19333°54'N / 90°32'W33°58'N / 90°30'W4.00 Miles100 Yards03250K0Sunflower
43.71956-04-03233°33'N / 90°36'W33°36'N / 90°27'W9.30 Miles33 Yards020K0Sunflower
43.82000-01-03234°11'N / 89°31'W34°23'N / 89°16'W21.00 Miles150 Yards03100K0Lafayette
 Brief Description: The tornado first developed just south of Highway 315 in the community of Hawkins Crossing and moved northeast across the northeast corner of Yalobusha county. The tornado continued into southwest Lafayette county and continued to travel northeast ending in Union county. In the town of Paris in the southwest part of the county, a frame house was lifted off its foundation with the back end of the house completely blown out. One person in the house was injured. A nearby house under construction was severly damaged. Several other homes in the area received minor damage and numerous trees were snapped or uprooted. The tornado also produced some damage in the towns of Denmark and Lafayette Springs.
44.41977-02-23333°08'N / 89°27'W33°15'N / 89°20'W10.50 Miles100 Yards00250K0Attala
44.61988-11-26233°44'N / 90°34'W2.00 Miles40 Yards002.5M0Sunflower
44.71974-04-01233°06'N / 89°54'W0025K0Holmes
44.81975-03-12234°22'N / 90°00'W2.50 Miles70 Yards0025K0Panola
45.01971-02-21433°17'N / 90°27'W33°23'N / 90°21'W9.10 Miles33 Yards141920K0Leflore
45.11963-03-11433°30'N / 89°05'W33°33'N / 89°01'W5.10 Miles440 Yards000K0Oktibbeha
45.22008-01-10333°07'N / 89°31'W33°13'N / 89°19'W13.00 Miles880 Yards001.0M500KAttala
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado started, just west of Ethel, with a path of tree damage which intensified shortly after the beginning point. In some areas nearly every tree was snapped off or uprooted. The tornado reached its widest point as it crossed the Natchez Trace Parkway, where dozens of trees were snapped and uprooted. The tornado caused significant structural damage to several buildings just to the southwest of McCool. One cinder block constructed building sustained nearly total destruction from a combination of a very large hardwood tree falling on it, along with other wind damage. A room addition to the back of a frame home was removed. After the tornado passed McCool, it narrowed and weakened somewhat, with tree damage continuing to occur. The tornado then intensified again as it entered Choctaw County and passed south of the town of Weir. Here a dairy complex was heavily damaged. A well-constructed milking parlor was totally destroyed with all exterior walls collapsed or destroyed. A large 9000 pound trailer was picked up and flipped onto the top of a farm building. Several large wood and metal livestock buildings were totally destroyed. A grain silo was also destroyed. Nearly 300 head of cattle were injured with 10 fatal. After the tornado passed this point, it did not encounter any additional structures, but a path of tree damage continued for several miles before the tornado dissipated near Choctaw Lake. The total path length across Attala and Choctaw counties was 24 miles with a maximum rating of EF3. Maximum winds were around 145 mph. EPISODE NARRATIVE: The second week of January 2008 was quite active with respect to severe weather. Two events impacted the region in a span of 3 days which produced several tornadoes, large hail and wind damage across the area. On January 10th a vigorous storm system developed over the southern portions of the Midwest and moved northeast towards the Ohio valley. A strong cold front swept across the area during the late morning into the afternoon hours and strong to severe thunderstorms developed out ahead of it. All of the ingredients for tornadic development came into place as warm Gulf moisture pushed northward into the area out ahead of the front. The thunderstorms developed in eastern Louisiana and quickly moved across central Mississippi during the late morning and afternoon hours. As the storms progressed eastward, good instability combined with very strong wind shear for supercell development east of the Mississippi River, with the storms reaching maximum intensity along and east of the interstate 55 corridor. By far, the most damage was produced by a single supercell thunderstorm that moved from north of Vicksburg through north central and northeast Mississippi during the late morning and early afternoon hours. This single storm produced three strong tornadoes, all of which were rated as EF3 on the Enhanced Fujita tornado damage scale. The most significant damage occurred in Caledonia in Lowndes County, where a school gymnasium was destroyed along with a number of school buses and vehicles in the area. A second supercell that organized near the Mississippi River in southwest Mississippi before midday tracked from Claiborne County, through the northern Jackson Metropolitan Area, and finally into Noxubee county in northeast Mississippi by mid afternoon. This storm was responsible for 5 different tornado touchdowns along its path, as well as many reports of high winds and hail. The rest of the area saw a broken line of storms and other supercells ahead of the line. A mix of damaging winds and hail were reported through the rest of the afternoon before the system exited the area.
45.41964-11-19234°12'N / 90°18'W34°24'N / 90°07'W17.30 Miles440 Yards0025K0Quitman
45.91999-01-21233°29'N / 90°37'W33°41'N / 90°31'W15.00 Miles100 Yards00100K0Sunflower
 Brief Description: This tornado touched down in open field and moved northeast towards Blaine. A few trees and power lines were blown down until it reached Blaine. At Blaine, the storm did substantial damage to four wood structured houses and one brick structured house. One mobile home was destroyed and another received heavy damage. Two automobiles were also damaged by the debris. Further northeast along the track, the tornado destroyed two wood framed churches near Doddsville. Also a pivot irrigation system was over-turned and several power lines and power poles were blown down.
45.91952-08-03234°22'N / 89°31'W0.30 Mile200 Yards0025K0Lafayette
46.61955-06-22234°09'N / 90°25'W34°30'N / 89°59'W34.60 Miles33 Yards0025K0Quitman
47.01950-06-03333°05'N / 89°35'W2.00 Miles50 Yards210K0Attala
47.12008-01-10333°13'N / 89°19'W33°16'N / 89°09'W10.00 Miles600 Yards033.0M2.0MChoctaw
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado started, just west of Ethel, with a path of tree damage which intensified shortly after the beginning point. In some areas nearly every tree was snapped off or uprooted. The tornado reached its widest point as it crossed the Natchez Trace Parkway, where dozens of trees were snapped and uprooted. The tornado caused significant structural damage to several buildings just to the southwest of McCool. One cinder block constructed building sustained nearly total destruction from a combination of a very large hardwood tree falling on it, along with other wind damage. A room addition to the back of a frame home was removed. After the tornado passed McCool, it narrowed and weakened somewhat, with tree damage continuing to occur. The tornado then intensified again as it entered Choctaw County and passed south of the town of Weir. Here a dairy complex was heavily damaged. A well-constructed milking parlor was totally destroyed with all exterior walls collapsed or destroyed. A large 9000 pound trailer was picked up and flipped onto the top of a farm building. Several large wood and metal livestock buildings were totally destroyed. A grain silo was also destroyed. Nearly 300 head of cattle were injured with 10 fatal. After the tornado passed this point, it did not encounter any additional structures, but a path of tree damage continued for several miles before the tornado dissipated near Choctaw Lake. The total path length across Attala and Choctaw counties was 24 miles with a maximum rating of EF3. Maximum winds were around 145 mph. EPISODE NARRATIVE: The second week of January 2008 was quite active with respect to severe weather. Two events impacted the region in a span of 3 days which produced several tornadoes, large hail and wind damage across the area. On January 10th a vigorous storm system developed over the southern portions of the Midwest and moved northeast towards the Ohio valley. A strong cold front swept across the area during the late morning into the afternoon hours and strong to severe thunderstorms developed out ahead of it. All of the ingredients for tornadic development came into place as warm Gulf moisture pushed northward into the area out ahead of the front. The thunderstorms developed in eastern Louisiana and quickly moved across central Mississippi during the late morning and afternoon hours. As the storms progressed eastward, good instability combined with very strong wind shear for supercell development east of the Mississippi River, with the storms reaching maximum intensity along and east of the interstate 55 corridor. By far, the most damage was produced by a single supercell thunderstorm that moved from north of Vicksburg through north central and northeast Mississippi during the late morning and early afternoon hours. This single storm produced three strong tornadoes, all of which were rated as EF3 on the Enhanced Fujita tornado damage scale. The most significant damage occurred in Caledonia in Lowndes County, where a school gymnasium was destroyed along with a number of school buses and vehicles in the area. A second supercell that organized near the Mississippi River in southwest Mississippi before midday tracked from Claiborne County, through the northern Jackson Metropolitan Area, and finally into Noxubee county in northeast Mississippi by mid afternoon. This storm was responsible for 5 different tornado touchdowns along its path, as well as many reports of high winds and hail. The rest of the area saw a broken line of storms and other supercells ahead of the line. A mix of damaging winds and hail were reported through the rest of the afternoon before the system exited the area.
47.21976-04-24234°25'N / 89°57'W34°26'N / 89°43'W13.30 Miles300 Yards00250K0Panola
47.31971-02-21533°21'N / 90°36'W33°31'N / 90°27'W14.40 Miles33 Yards000K0Sunflower
47.81976-03-26234°22'N / 89°26'W1.00 Mile100 Yards0025K0Lafayette
48.92001-11-24234°09'N / 90°27'W34°27'N / 90°11'W27.00 Miles300 Yards2165.0M0Quitman
 Brief Description: The tornado touched down in the western part of the county near Walnut and tracked northeast eventually crossing into Panola county. Two women were killed when the tornado destroyed their homes. Numerous buildings were destroyed in the county. A cotton plant was damaged just west of the town of Belen. Over 100 homes were damaged or destroyed. F73PH, F61PH
49.01970-05-10234°17'N / 89°24'W34°23'N / 89°14'W11.80 Miles33 Yards000K0Lafayette
49.81978-05-12234°19'N / 90°25'W34°19'N / 90°13'W11.50 Miles33 Yards0025.0M0Quitman

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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