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Tebbetts, MO Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Tebbetts is lower than Missouri average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Tebbetts is lower than Missouri average and is higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #559

Tebbetts, MO

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Tebbetts, MO

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #1057

Tebbetts, MO

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 3,438 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Tebbetts, MO were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:1Cold:17Dense Fog:7Drought:8
Dust Storm:0Flood:434Hail:1,389Heat:47Heavy Snow:16
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:20Landslide:0Strong Wind:10
Thunderstorm Winds:1,312Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:1Winter Storm:58Winter Weather:34

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Tebbetts, MO.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Tebbetts, MO.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Tebbetts, MO.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 53 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Tebbetts, MO.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
10.21966-05-23238°47'N / 91°54'W2.00 Miles100 Yards0025K0Callaway
11.32006-03-13238°46'N / 92°04'W38°51'N / 91°53'W13.00 Miles100 Yards0200Callaway
 Brief Description: A tornado initially formed at approximately 12:30 am CST along County Road 337 about 2 miles northeast of Guthrie. Light tree damaged occurred in this area. The tornado traveled northeast and moderately damaged a home just north of County Road 328 approximately 1.5 miles west of US Highway 54. The home was moved approximately 25 feet off the foundation. Extensive tree damage occurred to the southwest and northeast of this location. Two people were injured at this location and were hospitalized for several days. Another home just to the east suffered roof damage. The damage width in this area was about 100 yards wide and was rated as F2 intensity. The tornado damaged a barn along US Highway 54 approximately 2 miles southwest of Fulton. Debris from the barn was thrown into the highway median. The track continued to the northeast and damaged trees along Highway NN, and damaged outbuildings along Highway C approximately 1.5 miles south of Fulton. The damage in this area was rated as F0 intensity. The tornado track continued northeast crossing Highways O and UU causing tree damage. The tornado dissipated approximately 3 miles east of Fulton along highway JJ. The damage in this area was rated as F0 intensity. The complete tornado track was approximately 13 miles long.
14.71983-05-01338°27'N / 91°55'W38°29'N / 91°43'W9.00 Miles400 Yards032.5M0Osage
16.11973-05-26238°49'N / 92°10'W3.00 Miles50 Yards01250K0Boone
18.81980-05-12238°52'N / 92°10'W38°54'N / 92°06'W3.80 Miles33 Yards0025K0Callaway
20.61980-05-12238°44'N / 92°25'W38°52'N / 92°10'W16.20 Miles33 Yards0025K0Boone
25.51980-05-12238°44'N / 92°26'W38°44'N / 92°25'W0025K0Cole
28.91998-11-10338°57'N / 92°20'W38°57'N / 92°20'W2.00 Miles70 Yards0166.0M0Boone
 Brief Description: Close to 50 homes or businesses were destroyed or suffered major damage from an early morning tornado that hit on the southeast side of Columbia. Miraculously, only 16 people were injured, most minor cuts and bruises, by the the multiple-vortex tornado which reached F3 intensity. The tornado first touched down in the South Ridge Subdivision where at least 20 homes were virtually destroyed. On Lakespur Court, 5 homes here suffered considerable roof and wall damage as the tornado quickly reached F2 strength. The tornado moved north-northeast and crossed Churchill Street. The upper half of a two-story house in this area was completely destroyed. As the tornado continued northeast, it briefly reached F3 intensity at the corner of Saratoga and Lupine Drives. A ranch home in this area was completely levelled. Other nearby homes in this area sustained severe roof and wall damage. Large trees that were downed fell in a definite convergent pattern. The tornado tracked northeast across Balmoral and Caliente Courts and Hialeah Drive. About 15 homes in this area sustained major damage. Several homes in this area were speared by 2 by 4 boards driven by the wind. Severe roof damage was also noted on several homes on Solano Court. The tornado caused significant damage to seven large homes on Le Mesa Drive. It was noted in this area that the walls of two homes were drawn in toward the center axis of the tornado. The tornado crossed Highway 63 and caused at least $400,000 in damage in the Concorde Office and Industrial Plaza. Metal roofs and walls and loading dock doors were blown away on several buildings. At one warehouse, the damage tripped the sprinkler system which then flooded the inside of the building.
29.21986-10-03238°22'N / 92°25'W38°24'N / 92°22'W3.30 Miles100 Yards002.5M0Cole
30.61990-11-27338°57'N / 92°20'W39°05'N / 92°13'W12.00 Miles50 Yards0325.0M0Boone
30.91990-11-27338°53'N / 92°27'W1.00 Mile50 Yards00250K0Boone
31.51966-10-14238°38'N / 92°34'W38°38'N / 92°32'W0025K0Moniteau
32.31960-11-15238°13'N / 91°43'W38°14'N / 91°41'W1.30 Miles100 Yards0025K0Maries
32.41967-10-24238°38'N / 92°34'W0.50 Mile50 Yards003K0Moniteau
32.81986-10-03238°20'N / 92°28'W38°22'N / 92°25'W6.70 Miles100 Yards002.5M0Miller
34.11984-04-29238°13'N / 91°36'W38°22'N / 91°27'W14.00 Miles10 Yards01025.0M0Gasconade
34.21999-04-08239°03'N / 92°21'W39°07'N / 92°10'W10.00 Miles120 Yards0000Boone
 Brief Description: The supercell that spawned the tornado near Midway created another tornado that first caused damage near Hinton. A couple of farm equipment buildings and a garage were destroyed. Near Hallsville, one home lost its roof and an equipment building was destroyed. 3 grain bins were destroyed with one landing about 3/4 mile from its original location. To the southeast of Hallsville 3 homes suffered roof damage, 1 barn, 2 equipment buildings and a grain bin were destroyed.
34.71955-04-23238°58'N / 91°33'W39°06'N / 91°34'W9.10 Miles100 Yards0025K0Montgomery
35.11980-05-12238°34'N / 92°48'W38°44'N / 92°26'W22.70 Miles50 Yards0025K0Moniteau
35.31966-10-14238°33'N / 92°40'W38°38'N / 92°34'W7.60 Miles50 Yards0025K0Moniteau
35.41981-07-20238°53'N / 91°23'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0025K0Montgomery
35.61970-06-12339°09'N / 91°50'W16.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Audrain
35.81999-04-08239°01'N / 92°27'W39°02'N / 92°23'W4.00 Miles120 Yards0500Boone
 Brief Description: A tornado first formed near Midway and created a 4 mile damage path as it moved northeast across Boone County. Damage first occurred along Locust Grove Road where 1 barn and 2 equipment buildings were destroyed and 3 homes suffered roof and siding damage. Numerous trees were blown down or snapped in two in this area. When the tornado crossed O.B. Brown Road, a mobile home was destroyed as were 7 outbuildings. One home completely lost its roof while another lost half of its roof. Witnessed described the tornado as a swirling mass of rain and debris.
36.01990-06-07238°27'N / 92°35'W0.50 Mile73 Yards0025.0M0Moniteau
36.61956-12-04239°07'N / 92°10'W39°13'N / 92°00'W11.10 Miles400 Yards00250K0Boone
37.31980-05-12238°52'N / 91°20'W0.50 Mile100 Yards07250K0Montgomery
38.11982-04-16238°05'N / 91°57'W38°07'N / 91°45'W13.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Maries
38.21980-05-12238°50'N / 91°18'W0.50 Mile100 Yards00250K0Montgomery
38.41993-09-22239°06'N / 91°39'W39°05'N / 91°26'W12.00 Miles120 Yards005.0M0Audrain And Montgomery
 Brief Description: A tornado with an intermittent damage track first touched down in Martinsburg where many windows were shattered and numerous large trees were blown down. The county sheriff office reported the heaviest damage in a well defined path through town. The tornado crossed into Montgomery County at about 1655 CST. In Wellsville, two eye witnesses saw a tornado approach from the northwest and split into two funnels. The tornado uprooted trees which fell on several cars and houses. A few cars were crushed. A roof off the Kiddie Kastle Day Care Center along Highway 19 was ripped off and deposited between 200 and 250 yards downwind. Extensive damage to houses occured mainly in the southeast part of town. Strong winds from the tornado tore the roof off at least two houses. A wind gust to 90 mph was reported in town but it us unknown if it was directly associated with the tornado. To the east of Wellsville, the tornado apparently tore the roof off a barn near the intersection of Highway 161 and County Road CC before lifting. No one was injured.
39.31955-04-23239°06'N / 91°34'W39°08'N / 91°33'W1.90 Miles100 Yards0025K0Montgomery
39.42006-03-13338°51'N / 91°19'W38°53'N / 91°16'W4.00 Miles300 Yards01800K0Montgomery
 Brief Description: The supercell thunderstorm that produced tornadoes in Osage, Callaway, and Montgomery counties produced another tornado in Montgomery County that formed in Jonesburg about Midnight CST March 13, 2006. Damage was first found on Highway Y where a home suffered roof damage. On West Boonslick Road a porta potty business suffered roof damage in addition to having about 20 porta potties destroyed, a few of which were missing. A garbage bin was blown about 100 yards into a field and a mobile home just north of the business was blown onto its side and destroyed. Damage in this area was rated F1 and was 100 yards wide. The tornado crossed Interstate 70 at mile marker 83 where it pushed a tractor-trailer off the highway. The tornado then produced damage as it crossed Highway E. Several homes suffered roof damage and several garage and barn type structures were destroyed. The tornado continued northeast and caused extensive damage as it crossed Oak Hall Road (County Road 250). The CC Pallet Company was destroyed and two mobile homes were destroyed. A 73 year old woman suffered broken bones and a back injury in one of the mobile homes. The tornado at this location was 200 yards wide and was rated F2. The tornado moved northeast causing tree damage as it moved across primarily open fields. Just north of Highway NN a new home was destroyed, tress were mangled and another home suffered roof damage. The tornado was rated F3 at this location and was 300 yards wide. The tornado next caused significant damage along Highway NN right at the Montgomery Warren County line about 12:10 am CST. A barn and several outbuildings were destroyed and a home suffered roof damage. The tornado was rated F1 and was about 100 yards wide at this location. The tornado then continued into Warren County. The Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency reported 8 structures destroyed, 10 with extensive damage and 14 with moderate damage. This covers homes and businesses and does not include barns and outbuildings.
39.61966-12-08239°13'N / 92°00'W0.30 Mile50 Yards0025K0Audrain
40.01980-04-07238°24'N / 91°19'W38°28'N / 91°14'W6.50 Miles30 Yards00250K0Franklin
40.81966-10-14238°21'N / 92°39'W38°23'N / 92°37'W2.30 Miles50 Yards0025K0Miller
41.91961-03-05238°23'N / 92°40'W38°23'N / 92°40'W00250K0Morgan
42.01959-09-27239°04'N / 92°32'W39°05'N / 92°30'W0025K0Howard
42.11960-11-15238°04'N / 91°43'W2.00 Miles17 Yards0025K0Maries
42.81959-09-27239°03'N / 92°35'W39°04'N / 92°32'W2.30 Miles50 Yards0025K0Howard
43.41982-05-14238°50'N / 92°44'W1.00 Mile77 Yards0025K0Cooper
44.51978-05-12237°59'N / 92°01'W38°01'N / 91°55'W5.60 Miles33 Yards002.5M0Phelps
44.81959-09-27239°02'N / 92°40'W39°03'N / 92°35'W4.10 Miles50 Yards0025K0Howard
45.51966-10-14238°06'N / 92°31'W38°09'N / 92°27'W4.90 Miles50 Yards0025K0Miller
46.21961-03-05238°16'N / 92°46'W38°23'N / 92°40'W9.60 Miles50 Yards00250K0Morgan
46.22006-03-13239°03'N / 91°22'W39°06'N / 91°15'W6.50 Miles300 Yards00200K0Montgomery
 Brief Description: A supercell thunderstorm produced a tornado that tracked from northeast Montgomery County, across northern Lincoln County, crossed into southeast Pike County, and then crossed the Mississippi River into Calhoun County, IL during the early morning hours of Monday, March 13, 2006. The total damage track was almost 45 miles with the tornado reaching a maximum damage width of 300 yards and a F3 rating. The tornado first formed and caused damage in northeast Montgomery County about 1:20 am CST along Union Chapel Road northwest of Bellflower. A home suffered roof damage with several trusses on the northwest side destroyed. The tornado was about 100 yards wide at this point and was rated F1. The tornado moved northeast and crossed Highway E several times. In the small community of Gamma, two homes suffered major roof damage, a barn and several outbuildings destroyed. The tornado was rated F2 at this location and was about 200 years wide. The tornado weakened and caused tree damage near the West Fork of the Cuivre River as it crossed into Lincoln County southwest of Olney.
47.41954-04-30238°26'N / 92°50'W38°28'N / 92°47'W3.60 Miles400 Yards000K0Morgan
47.42010-12-31337°56'N / 91°48'W38°02'N / 91°39'W11.00 Miles500 Yards261.0M0KPhelps
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A NWS survey team determined that an EF-3 tornado occurred north of Rolla. The heaviest damage occurred between state Highway E and County Road 8040. Two single wide mobile homes were completely destroyed with debris thrown upstream while the frames were detached. Two fatalities occurred in one of these homes. A two story home had all but its interior walls destroyed. Several cars were thrown with one vehicle thrown over the destroyed home. Minor to moderate roof and tree damage occurred at various locations near the starting point to Highway 63 north of Rolla. There was primarily tree damage between Highway 63 and Highway 68. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Between the evening of the 30th and the morning of the 31st, two separate lines of thunderstorms produced significant severe weather across southwest Missouri including damaging wind, large hail, and deadly tornadoes. The first round of storms lifted out of Arkansas late on the evening of the 30th and the second round moved out of western Kansas shortly before daybreak on the 31st.
47.91982-04-16238°06'N / 91°25'W00250K0Crawford
48.11999-06-01338°00'N / 91°41'W38°00'N / 91°34'W7.00 Miles300 Yards003.5M0Phelps
 Brief Description: A tornado with an intermittent damage path, damaged 200 homes, businesses, and other buildings in the southern portion of St. James. Of these, 33 homes were destroyed along with the St. James Golf Course clubhouse and two Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) buildings. Initially, the tornado touched down just west of the intersection of Hwy BB and County Road (CR) 3370 and produced F1 damage, damaging roofs and destroying a barn. The path width was about 200 yards. The tornado then moved east, south of the downtown St. James area and intensified. F2-F3 damage occurred with a 200-300 yard damage path. Several homes and farm buildings were severely damaged or destroyed. F3 damage occurred at the golf course and at the MODOT site south-southeast of town with a damage path width of 300 yards. The tornado then weakened rapidly, producing F1 damage with a damage path width of 150 yards about 3 miles southeast of downtown.
48.31978-05-12237°56'N / 92°16'W37°59'N / 92°01'W13.90 Miles400 Yards042.5M0Pulaski
48.41992-09-07238°52'N / 92°55'W38°50'N / 92°44'W10.20 Miles60 Yards00250K0Cooper
49.11966-12-08237°57'N / 91°46'W0.20 Mile17 Yards0025K0Phelps
49.11973-06-04237°57'N / 91°46'W0.30 Mile100 Yards01250K0Phelps
49.41981-06-21238°50'N / 91°08'W38°48'N / 91°01'W6.50 Miles300 Yards16250K0Warren

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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