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Oklahoma Land Area County Rank

A total of 77 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankLand Area ▼County / Population
1.2,246.36 sq miOsage, OK / 47,937
2.2,041.26 sq miTexas, OK / 21,495
3.1,850.00 sq miMccurtain, OK / 33,164
4.1,834.74 sq miCimarron, OK / 2,390
5.1,814.67 sq miBeaver, OK / 5,581
6.1,589.21 sq miLe Flore, OK / 50,048
7.1,395.84 sq miPushmataha, OK / 11,315
8.1,305.46 sq miPittsburg, OK / 45,220
9.1,286.45 sq miWoods, OK / 8,958
10.1,278.29 sq miCaddo, OK / 29,551
11.1,242.40 sq miWoodward, OK / 20,697
12.1,231.51 sq miEllis, OK / 4,113
13.1,141.13 sq miRoger Mills, OK / 3,743
14.1,100.50 sq miGrady, OK / 53,161
15.1,069.29 sq miComanche, OK / 125,647
16.1,058.47 sq miGarfield, OK / 61,663
17.1,039.02 sq miHarper, OK / 3,747
18.1,015.23 sq miKiowa, OK / 9,379
19.1,003.17 sq miWashita, OK / 11,622
20.1,000.87 sq miGrant, OK / 4,523
21.999.48 sq miDewey, OK / 4,817
22.988.82 sq miCuster, OK / 28,506
23.975.52 sq miAtoka, OK / 13,958
24.954.99 sq miMajor, OK / 7,639
25.952.31 sq miLincoln, OK / 34,366
26.950.14 sq miCreek, OK / 70,607
27.928.42 sq miBlaine, OK / 9,832
28.919.73 sq miKay, OK / 45,781
29.904.47 sq miBryan, OK / 43,595
30.901.80 sq miBeckham, OK / 22,941
31.898.16 sq miKingfisher, OK / 15,202
32.896.63 sq miCanadian, OK / 122,832
33.871.13 sq miTillman, OK / 7,811
34.870.24 sq miStephens, OK / 44,900
35.866.45 sq miAlfalfa, OK / 5,703
36.822.17 sq miCarter, OK / 48,288
37.810.45 sq miMuskogee, OK / 70,519
38.804.65 sq miHughes, OK / 13,840
39.802.65 sq miJackson, OK / 26,275
40.802.12 sq miGarvin, OK / 27,421
41.787.67 sq miPottawatomie, OK / 70,700
42.770.36 sq miChoctaw, OK / 15,175
43.761.35 sq miCraig, OK / 14,792
44.758.83 sq miJefferson, OK / 6,377
45.749.41 sq miCherokee, OK / 47,860
46.743.83 sq miLogan, OK / 43,700
47.738.18 sq miDelaware, OK / 41,415
48.731.89 sq miNoble, OK / 11,498
49.722.08 sq miLatimer, OK / 10,921
50.720.43 sq miPontotoc, OK / 37,873
51.708.82 sq miOklahoma, OK / 743,145
52.697.35 sq miOkmulgee, OK / 39,606
53.684.70 sq miPayne, OK / 78,723
54.675.63 sq miRogers, OK / 88,444
55.673.27 sq miSequoyah, OK / 41,720
56.655.39 sq miMayes, OK / 41,084
57.642.94 sq miJohnston, OK / 11,043
58.639.32 sq miGreer, OK / 6,144
59.632.84 sq miSeminole, OK / 25,460
60.632.65 sq miCotton, OK / 6,157
61.618.57 sq miOkfuskee, OK / 12,260
62.618.50 sq miMcintosh, OK / 20,334
63.576.52 sq miHaskell, OK / 12,839
64.573.48 sq miAdair, OK / 22,380
65.570.70 sq miMcclain, OK / 35,860
66.570.25 sq miTulsa, OK / 616,128
67.567.95 sq miPawnee, OK / 16,566
68.565.78 sq miNowata, OK / 10,555
69.561.55 sq miWagoner, OK / 74,767
70.538.77 sq miCleveland, OK / 264,934
71.537.19 sq miHarmon, OK / 2,883
72.516.68 sq miCoal, OK / 5,877
73.513.99 sq miLove, OK / 9,574
74.470.82 sq miOttawa, OK / 32,086
75.416.46 sq miMurray, OK / 13,656
76.415.45 sq miWashington, OK / 51,564
77.371.08 sq miMarshall, OK / 15,964

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Land Area' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Land Area' data are not listed.

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