Powell County High School
700 West College Ave
Stanton KY, 40380, Powell County
Phone: 606-663-3320
(213 out of 223, bottom 4%)*
Type: Regular High School
Status: Currently Operational
Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
Title I Eligible School: Yes School-Wide Title I: NA
Magnet: NA
Charter: NA
Shared-Time School: NA
Students and Teachers
| 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 |
| Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % |
Total Teachers: | 44 | | 45 | | 44 | | 47 | | 31 | | 46 | | 46 | |
Total Students: | 719 | | 723 | | 746 | | 710 | | 723 | | 720 | | 714 | |
Grade 9: | 181 | 25.2% | 176 | 24.3% | 193 | 25.9% | 203 | 28.6% | 196 | 27.1% | 197 | 27.4% | 205 | 28.7% |
Grade 10: | 171 | 23.8% | 191 | 26.4% | 199 | 26.7% | 172 | 24.2% | 189 | 26.1% | 190 | 26.4% | 184 | 25.8% |
Grade 11: | 183 | 25.5% | 192 | 26.6% | 169 | 22.7% | 176 | 24.8% | 177 | 24.5% | 172 | 23.9% | 173 | 24.2% |
Grade 12: | 182 | 25.3% | 160 | 22.1% | 180 | 24.1% | 156 | 22.0% | 159 | 22.0% | 160 | 22.2% | 152 | 21.3% |
Ungraded: | 2 | 0.3% | 4 | 0.6% | 5 | 0.7% | 3 | 0.4% | 2 | 0.3% | 1 | 0.1% | NA | NA |
Student By Gender: |
Male: | 369 | 51.3% | 370 | 51.2% | 386 | 51.7% | 358 | 50.4% | 372 | 51.5% | 373 | 51.8% | 365 | 51.1% |
Female: | 350 | 48.7% | 353 | 48.8% | 360 | 48.3% | 352 | 49.6% | 342 | 47.3% | 339 | 47.1% | 344 | 48.2% |
Student By Races: |
American Indian/Alaska Native: | 0 | 0.0% | 2 | 0.3% | 2 | 0.3% | 1 | 0.1% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% |
Asian: | 0 | 0.0% | 2 | 0.3% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 3 | 0.4% | 0 | 0.0% | 1 | 0.1% |
Hispanic: | 8 | 1.1% | 4 | 0.6% | 3 | 0.4% | 0 | 0.0% | 2 | 0.3% | 2 | 0.3% | 2 | 0.3% |
Black: | 1 | 0.1% | 5 | 0.7% | 5 | 0.7% | 5 | 0.7% | 6 | 0.8% | 4 | 0.6% | 5 | 0.7% |
White: | 707 | 98.3% | 708 | 97.9% | 735 | 98.5% | 704 | 99.2% | 711 | 98.3% | 714 | 99.2% | 705 | 98.7% |
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander: | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Two or More Races: | 3 | 0.4% | 2 | 0.3% | 1 | 0.1% | 0 | 0.0% | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Lunch Program: |
Free Lunch Program Eligible: | 445 | 61.9% | 453 | 62.7% | 420 | 56.3% | 409 | 57.6% | 416 | 57.5% | 370 | 51.4% | 361 | 50.6% |
Reduced-Price Lunch Program Eligible: | 51 | 7.1% | 51 | 7.1% | 62 | 8.3% | 83 | 11.7% | 78 | 10.8% | 77 | 10.7% | 73 | 10.2% |
Student-Teacher Ratio: | 16.34 | | 16.07 | | 16.95 | | 15.27 | | 23.32 | | 15.70 | | 15.50 | |
Test Performance
Year | Test | Grade | Measurement | Score | School District | State Average |
2012 | Language Mechanics | 10th Grade | % met std | 45.2% | 45.2% | N/A |
2013 | Language Mechanics | 10th Grade | % met std | 40.0% | 40.0% | N/A |
2012 | Writing | 10th Grade | % met std | 24.9% | 24.9% | N/A |
2013 | Writing | 10th Grade | % met std | 31.9% | 31.9% | N/A |
2012 | Writing | 11th Grade | % met std | 28.1% | 28.1% | N/A |
2013 | Writing | 11th Grade | % met std | 39.4% | 39.4% | N/A |
2012 | Algebra II | End of course | % met std | 26.4% | 26.4% | N/A |
2013 | Algebra II | End of course | % met std | 21.7% | 21.7% | N/A |
2012 | Biology | End of course | % met std | 13.6% | 13.6% | N/A |
2013 | Biology | End of course | % met std | 20.2% | 20.2% | N/A |
2012 | English II | End of course | % met std | 40% | 40% | N/A |
2013 | English II | End of course | % met std | 45.4% | 45.4% | N/A |
2012 | U.S. History | End of course | % met std | 16.5% | 16.5% | N/A |
2013 | U.S. History | End of course | % met std | 23.0% | 23.0% | N/A |
2007 | Mathematics | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 26.06% | 26.06% | N/A |
2008 | Mathematics | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 19.74% | 19.74% | N/A |
2009 | Mathematics | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 38.56% | 38.56% | N/A |
2010 | Mathematics | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 28.13% | 28.13% | N/A |
2011 | Mathematics | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 42.69% | 42.69% | N/A |
2007 | Reading | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 43.75% | 43.75% | N/A |
2008 | Reading | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 45.88% | 45.88% | N/A |
2009 | Reading | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 51.96% | 51.96% | N/A |
2010 | Reading | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 54.35% | 54.35% | N/A |
2011 | Reading | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 49.7% | 49.7% | N/A |
2007 | Science | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 29.7% | 29.7% | N/A |
2008 | Science | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 25% | 25% | N/A |
2009 | Science | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 32.03% | 32.03% | N/A |
2010 | Science | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 26.25% | 26.25% | N/A |
2011 | Science | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 45.61% | 45.61% | N/A |
2007 | Social Studies | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 30.3% | 30.3% | N/A |
2008 | Social Studies | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 21.71% | 21.71% | N/A |
2009 | Social Studies | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 32.68% | 32.68% | N/A |
2010 | Social Studies | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 18.13% | 18.13% | N/A |
2011 | Social Studies | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 33.33% | 33.33% | N/A |
2007 | Writing | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 7.36% | 7.36% | N/A |
2008 | Writing | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 8.44% | 8.44% | N/A |
2009 | Writing | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 18.06% | 18.06% | N/A |
2010 | Writing | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 22.52% | 22.52% | N/A |
2011 | Writing | All grades (HS) | % proficient | 19.38% | 19.38% | N/A |
Some data by SchoolDigger.com.
Teacher's Experience and Compensation
| 2007 |
Teachers with Bachelor Degree: | 33.3% |
Teachers with Master or PhD Degree: | 66.7% |
Mean Number of Years of Teaching: | 10.0 years |
Teachers with 5 Years of Experience of Less: | 43.8% |
Teachers with 6 Years of Experience or More: | 56.3% |
Mean Base Salary: | $37,979.0 |
Mean Base Salary of Teachers with 5 Years of Experience of Less: | $31,665.0 |
Mean Base Salary of Teachers with 6 Years of Experience or More: | $42,889.0 |
* Powell County High School was rated 3.5 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.