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Mountain View Elementary School

11748 State Route 106
Kingsley PA, 18826, Susquehanna County
Phone: 570-434-2181

Ranking: (1,804 out of 2,311, bottom 22%)*
Type: Regular Primary School
Status: Currently Operational
Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Title I Eligible School: Yes School-Wide Title I: NA
Magnet: NA
Charter: NA
Shared-Time School: NA

Students and Teachers

      2013-2014         2012-2013         2011-2012         2010-2011         2009-2010         2008-2009         2007-2008    
Total Teachers:44 42 44 49 51 53 50 
Total Students:550 561 560 576 610 616 638 
Grade 1:7714.0%7513.4%8214.6%8314.4%7512.3%7612.3%8813.8%
Grade 2:7313.3%8214.6%8615.4%7312.7%7512.3%9114.8%8813.8%
Grade 3:8415.3%8314.8%7713.8%6711.6%8614.1%8313.5%9815.4%
Grade 4:9016.4%7813.9%7012.5%8013.9%8413.8%9615.6%9214.4%
Grade 5:7714.0%7413.2%8214.6%8915.5%9916.2%9916.1%9214.4%
Grade 6:7814.2%8515.2%8715.5%9416.3%10517.2%8814.3%9615.0%
Student By Gender:
Student By Races:
American Indian/Alaska Native:00.0%00.0%10.2%10.2%00.0%00.0%00.0%
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander:00.0%00.0%00.0%00.0%NANANANANANA
Two or More Races:142.5%40.7%40.7%20.3%NANANANANANA
Lunch Program:
Free Lunch Program Eligible:19936.2%18533.0%17831.8%21036.5%19131.3%20333.0%19831.0%
Reduced-Price Lunch Program Eligible:498.9%7212.8%7713.8%6912.0%7712.6%477.6%8713.6%
Student-Teacher Ratio:12.50 13.36 12.73 11.88 11.87 11.60 12.90 

Test Performance

YearTestGradeMeasurementScoreSchool DistrictState Average
2005Math3rd Grade% met std80%80%81%
2006Math3rd Grade% met std83%83%83%
2007Math3rd Grade% met std78.2%77.3%78.5%
2008Math3rd Grade% met std75%75%80.5%
2009Math3rd Grade% met std78%78.3%81.7%
2010Math3rd Grade% met std87.2%87.7%84.5%
2011Math3rd Grade% met std84.7%84.7%83.5%
2012Math3rd Grade% met std72%72%80%
2005Reading3rd Grade% met std62%62%68%
2006Reading3rd Grade% met std70%70%69%
2007Reading3rd Grade% met std76.7%75.8%72.8%
2008Reading3rd Grade% met std66.3%66.3%76.8%
2009Reading3rd Grade% met std75.6%75.9%77%
2010Reading3rd Grade% met std72.8%72.6%75.2%
2011Reading3rd Grade% met std76.9%76.9%77.2%
2012Reading3rd Grade% met std80%80%74.1%
2006Math4th Grade% met std73.5%73.5%77.2%
2007Math4th Grade% met std77.5%77.5%78%
2008Math4th Grade% met std77.8%77.8%79.6%
2009Math4th Grade% met std72.9%72.9%81.8%
2010Math4th Grade% met std79.7%78.8%84.9%
2011Math4th Grade% met std93.6%93.6%85.2%
2012Math4th Grade% met std94.1%94.1%82.6%
2006Reading4th Grade% met std59%59%68.1%
2007Reading4th Grade% met std57.3%57.3%70.1%
2008Reading4th Grade% met std71.1%71.1%70.1%
2009Reading4th Grade% met std59.4%59.4%72.6%
2010Reading4th Grade% met std62.9%62.2%72.9%
2011Reading4th Grade% met std75.7%75.7%73.3%
2012Reading4th Grade% met std74.3%74.3%72.1%
2008Science4th Grade% met std84.5%84.5%81.5%
2009Science4th Grade% met std77.4%77.4%83.4%
2010Science4th Grade% met std81.5%81.7%81.4%
2011Science4th Grade% met std91%91%82.9%
2012Science4th Grade% met std95.6%95.6%82.3%
2003Math5th Grade% met std51.7%51.7%56.3%
2004Math5th Grade% met std47.1%47.1%61.8%
2005Math5th Grade% met std58.6%59%69%
2006Math5th Grade% met std45.6%45.6%66.9%
2007Math5th Grade% met std69.1%69.5%71%
2008Math5th Grade% met std63.6%63.6%73.2%
2009Math5th Grade% met std62.2%62.2%73.5%
2010Math5th Grade% met std57.6%57.6%74.4%
2011Math5th Grade% met std62.9%62.2%76.3%
2012Math5th Grade% met std72.8%73.4%73.3%
2003Reading5th Grade% met std56.2%56.2%58%
2004Reading5th Grade% met std54.8%54.8%62.7%
2005Reading5th Grade% met std67.3%67.7%64.2%
2006Reading5th Grade% met std45.6%45.6%60.6%
2007Reading5th Grade% met std50%50.6%60%
2008Reading5th Grade% met std55.6%55.6%61.6%
2009Reading5th Grade% met std70.4%70.4%64.5%
2010Reading5th Grade% met std53.2%53.2%64.1%
2011Reading5th Grade% met std60.1%60.5%67.3%
2012Reading5th Grade% met std61.6%61.3%65%
2006Writing5th Grade% met std19.6%19.6%54.1%
2007Writing5th Grade% met std35.9%35.4%57.3%
2008Writing5th Grade% met std43.7%43.7%57.3%
2009Writing5th Grade% met std62.9%62.9%58.1%
2010Writing5th Grade% met std49.5%49.5%61.8%
2011Writing5th Grade% met std62.2%61.4%67.1%
2012Writing5th Grade% met std62.8%61.3%64.2%
2006Math6th Grade% met std62.2%62.2%68%
2007Math6th Grade% met std58.1%58.1%69.6%
2008Math6th Grade% met std62.9%62.9%72.3%
2009Math6th Grade% met std81.2%81.2%75.7%
2010Math6th Grade% met std82.3%82.3%78%
2011Math6th Grade% met std72.1%72.4%78.8%
2012Math6th Grade% met std75.7%74.7%77.2%
2006Reading6th Grade% met std70.7%70.7%65.9%
2007Reading6th Grade% met std61.9%61.9%63.5%
2008Reading6th Grade% met std60.6%60.6%66.9%
2009Reading6th Grade% met std68.3%68.3%67.6%
2010Reading6th Grade% met std76.5%76.5%68.8%
2011Reading6th Grade% met std72.9%73.3%69.9%
2012Reading6th Grade% met std75.7%74.7%68.5%

Some data by SchoolDigger.com.

* Mountain View Elementary School was rated 2 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.

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