Lakewood Elementary School
265 Learning Place Ln
Cecilia KY, 42724, Hardin County
Phone: 270-862-4516
(623 out of 943, bottom 34%)*
Type: Regular Primary School
Status: Currently Operational
Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 5
Title I Eligible School: Yes School-Wide Title I: NA
Magnet: NA
Charter: NA
Shared-Time School: NA
Students and Teachers
| 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 |
| Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % |
Total Teachers: | 38 | | 39 | | 41 | | 40 | | 30 | | 39 | | 40 | |
Total Students: | 561 | | 564 | | 575 | | 629 | | 590 | | 613 | | 603 | |
Prekindergarten: | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 17 | 2.7% | 29 | 4.9% | 25 | 4.1% | 29 | 4.8% |
Kindergarten: | 91 | 16.2% | 84 | 14.9% | 79 | 13.7% | 108 | 17.2% | 76 | 12.9% | 88 | 14.4% | 91 | 15.1% |
Grade 1: | 95 | 16.9% | 91 | 16.1% | 108 | 18.8% | 81 | 12.9% | 90 | 15.3% | 104 | 17.0% | 92 | 15.3% |
Grade 2: | 88 | 15.7% | 109 | 19.3% | 80 | 13.9% | 106 | 16.9% | 98 | 16.6% | 98 | 16.0% | 91 | 15.1% |
Grade 3: | 111 | 19.8% | 78 | 13.8% | 104 | 18.1% | 117 | 18.6% | 103 | 17.5% | 106 | 17.3% | 94 | 15.6% |
Grade 4: | 86 | 15.3% | 95 | 16.8% | 110 | 19.1% | 90 | 14.3% | 108 | 18.3% | 87 | 14.2% | 93 | 15.4% |
Grade 5: | 90 | 16.0% | 107 | 19.0% | 94 | 16.3% | 110 | 17.5% | 86 | 14.6% | 105 | 17.1% | 113 | 18.7% |
Ungraded: | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Student By Gender: |
Male: | 305 | 54.4% | 306 | 54.3% | 316 | 55.0% | 339 | 53.9% | 303 | 51.4% | 307 | 50.1% | 305 | 50.6% |
Female: | 256 | 45.6% | 258 | 45.7% | 259 | 45.0% | 290 | 46.1% | 272 | 46.1% | 287 | 46.8% | 291 | 48.3% |
Student By Races: |
American Indian/Alaska Native: | 0 | 0.0% | 0 | 0.0% | 1 | 0.2% | 2 | 0.3% | 3 | 0.5% | 4 | 0.7% | 1 | 0.2% |
Asian: | 3 | 0.5% | 5 | 0.9% | 5 | 0.9% | 5 | 0.8% | 7 | 1.2% | 5 | 0.8% | 6 | 1.0% |
Hispanic: | 15 | 2.7% | 15 | 2.7% | 12 | 2.1% | 21 | 3.3% | 13 | 2.2% | 19 | 3.1% | 12 | 2.0% |
Black: | 19 | 3.4% | 17 | 3.0% | 21 | 3.7% | 30 | 4.8% | 24 | 4.1% | 25 | 4.1% | 31 | 5.1% |
White: | 496 | 88.4% | 506 | 89.7% | 519 | 90.3% | 556 | 88.4% | 536 | 90.8% | 549 | 89.6% | 550 | 91.2% |
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander: | 0 | 0.0% | 1 | 0.2% | 2 | 0.3% | 2 | 0.3% | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Two or More Races: | 28 | 5.0% | 20 | 3.5% | 15 | 2.6% | 13 | 2.1% | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
Lunch Program: |
Free Lunch Program Eligible: | 252 | 44.9% | 240 | 42.6% | 220 | 38.3% | 258 | 41.0% | 227 | 38.5% | 245 | 40.0% | 182 | 30.2% |
Reduced-Price Lunch Program Eligible: | 72 | 12.8% | 55 | 9.8% | 82 | 14.3% | 78 | 12.4% | 80 | 13.6% | 73 | 11.9% | 78 | 12.9% |
Student-Teacher Ratio: | 14.96 | | 14.65 | | 14.02 | | 15.73 | | 19.67 | | 15.70 | | 15.10 | |
Test Performance
Year | Test | Grade | Measurement | Score | School District | State Average |
2012 | Mathematics | 3rd Grade | % met std | 61.9% | 46.4% | N/A |
2013 | Mathematics | 3rd Grade | % met std | 45.1% | 41.7% | N/A |
2012 | Reading | 3rd Grade | % met std | 63.8% | 52.3% | N/A |
2013 | Reading | 3rd Grade | % met std | 45.1% | 49.9% | N/A |
2012 | Language Mechanics | 4th Grade | % met std | 49.1% | 49.6% | N/A |
2013 | Language Mechanics | 4th Grade | % met std | 62.9% | 57.4% | N/A |
2012 | Mathematics | 4th Grade | % met std | 45.3% | 41% | N/A |
2013 | Mathematics | 4th Grade | % met std | 46.4% | 46.5% | N/A |
2012 | Reading | 4th Grade | % met std | 37.7% | 43.4% | N/A |
2013 | Reading | 4th Grade | % met std | 54.6% | 46.6% | N/A |
2012 | Science | 4th Grade | % met std | 79.2% | 69% | N/A |
2013 | Science | 4th Grade | % met std | 76.3% | 65.8% | N/A |
2012 | Mathematics | 5th Grade | % met std | 20.8% | 42.3% | N/A |
2013 | Mathematics | 5th Grade | % met std | 45.5% | 43.8% | N/A |
2012 | Reading | 5th Grade | % met std | 52.1% | 48.6% | N/A |
2013 | Reading | 5th Grade | % met std | 54.5% | 48.6% | N/A |
2012 | Social Studies | 5th Grade | % met std | 66.7% | 61.2% | N/A |
2013 | Social Studies | 5th Grade | % met std | 53.6% | 56.1% | N/A |
2012 | Writing | 5th Grade | % met std | 9.4% | 19.8% | N/A |
2013 | Writing | 5th Grade | % met std | 18.2% | 22.1% | N/A |
2007 | Mathematics | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 55.36% | 54.57% | N/A |
2008 | Mathematics | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 64.55% | 61.64% | N/A |
2009 | Mathematics | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 60% | 65.1% | N/A |
2010 | Mathematics | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 62.95% | 71% | N/A |
2011 | Mathematics | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 74.59% | 73.29% | N/A |
2007 | Reading | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 68.21% | 65.73% | N/A |
2008 | Reading | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 73.13% | 68.24% | N/A |
2009 | Reading | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 73.33% | 71.78% | N/A |
2010 | Reading | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 73.02% | 75.73% | N/A |
2011 | Reading | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 82.51% | 77.19% | N/A |
2007 | Science | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 56.44% | 49.4% | N/A |
2008 | Science | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 63.74% | 59.29% | N/A |
2009 | Science | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 66.27% | 66.42% | N/A |
2010 | Science | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 65.42% | 66.9% | N/A |
2011 | Science | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 76.74% | 69.41% | N/A |
2007 | Social Studies | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 38.3% | 47.5% | N/A |
2008 | Social Studies | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 44.23% | 48.9% | N/A |
2009 | Social Studies | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 60% | 58.93% | N/A |
2010 | Social Studies | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 45.88% | 51.48% | N/A |
2011 | Social Studies | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 55.05% | 56.44% | N/A |
2007 | Writing | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 44.68% | 44.66% | N/A |
2008 | Writing | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 48.08% | 45.14% | N/A |
2009 | Writing | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 46% | 53.92% | N/A |
2010 | Writing | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 32.94% | 58.14% | N/A |
2011 | Writing | All grades (EL) | % proficient | 60.55% | 58.51% | N/A |
Some data by
Teacher's Experience and Compensation
| 2007 |
Teachers with Bachelor Degree: | 12.8% |
Teachers with Master or PhD Degree: | 87.2% |
Mean Number of Years of Teaching: | 15.0 years |
Teachers with 5 Years of Experience of Less: | 12.8% |
Teachers with 6 Years of Experience or More: | 87.2% |
Mean Base Salary: | $45,363.0 |
Mean Base Salary of Teachers with 5 Years of Experience of Less: | $34,583.0 |
Mean Base Salary of Teachers with 6 Years of Experience or More: | $46,948.0 |
* Lakewood Elementary School was rated 2.5 out of 5 by The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.