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Granby Elementary School

202 West Topaz
Granby CO, 80446, Grand County
Phone: 970-887-3312

Ranking: (576 out of 1,246, top 46%)*
Type: Regular Primary School
Status: Currently Operational
Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 5
School District: East Grand School District 2
Title I Eligible School: Yes School-Wide Title I: NA
Magnet: NA
Charter: NA
Shared-Time School: NA

Students and Teachers

      2013-2014         2012-2013         2011-2012         2010-2011         2009-2010         2008-2009         2007-2008    
Total Teachers:29 29 29 22 26 23 24 
Total Students:360 360 354 335 353 300 311 
Grade 1:5314.7%4412.2%5615.8%4011.9%6317.8%4615.3%5317.0%
Grade 2:4713.1%5715.8%4512.7%5917.6%4412.5%4515.0%6119.6%
Grade 3:5715.8%4512.5%6618.6%3711.0%4613.0%5919.7%4815.4%
Grade 4:4813.3%6518.1%5014.1%4413.1%6418.1%4715.7%4815.4%
Grade 5:6818.9%4913.6%4512.7%5917.6%4613.0%NANANANA
Student By Gender:
Student By Races:
American Indian/Alaska Native:51.4%00.0%10.3%20.6%30.8%31.0%31.0%
Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander:20.6%30.8%51.4%61.8%NANANANANANA
Two or More Races:71.9%61.7%30.8%10.3%NANANANANANA
Lunch Program:
Free Lunch Program Eligible:10629.4%9325.8%10228.8%7121.2%9125.8%5518.3%4313.8%
Reduced-Price Lunch Program Eligible:3710.3%4512.5%4813.6%309.0%3710.5%248.0%4715.1%
Student-Teacher Ratio:12.32 12.49 12.40 14.92 13.67 12.90 13.20 

Test Performance

YearTestGradeMeasurementScoreSchool DistrictState Average
2005Math3rd Grade% Proficient697868
2006Math3rd Grade% Proficient828071
2007Math3rd Grade% Proficient656568
2008Math3rd Grade% Proficient647770
2009Math3rd Grade% Proficient847269
2010Math3rd Grade% Proficient838271
2011Math3rd Grade% Proficient898469
2005Reading3rd Grade% Proficient848072
2006Reading3rd Grade% Proficient667671
2007Reading3rd Grade% Proficient596771
2008Reading3rd Grade% Proficient748171
2009Reading3rd Grade% Proficient787473
2010Reading3rd Grade% Proficient737170
2011Reading3rd Grade% Proficient958973
2004Writing3rd Grade% Proficient374852
2005Writing3rd Grade% Proficient566656
2006Writing3rd Grade% Proficient345052
2007Writing3rd Grade% Proficient435255
2008Writing3rd Grade% Proficient476350
2009Writing3rd Grade% Proficient464453
2010Writing3rd Grade% Proficient515251
2011Writing3rd Grade% Proficient706451
2005Math4th Grade% Proficient567166
2006Math4th Grade% Proficient698069
2007Math4th Grade% Proficient767670
2008Math4th Grade% Proficient726768
2009Math4th Grade% Proficient787471
2010Math4th Grade% Proficient807970
2011Math4th Grade% Proficient887971
2004Reading4th Grade% Proficient817263
2005Reading4th Grade% Proficient687464
2006Reading4th Grade% Proficient868967
2007Reading4th Grade% Proficient737164
2008Reading4th Grade% Proficient667066
2009Reading4th Grade% Proficient637565
2010Reading4th Grade% Proficient727565
2011Reading4th Grade% Proficient747866
2004Writing4th Grade% Proficient555653
2005Writing4th Grade% Proficient445852
2006Writing4th Grade% Proficient626650
2007Writing4th Grade% Proficient545749
2008Writing4th Grade% Proficient485352
2009Writing4th Grade% Proficient576551
2010Writing4th Grade% Proficient565851
2011Writing4th Grade% Proficient626356
2004Math5th Grade% Proficient607358
2005Math5th Grade% Proficient767563
2006Math5th Grade% Proficient616565
2007Math5th Grade% Proficient787565
2010Math5th Grade% Proficient546665
2011Math5th Grade% Proficient636266
2004Reading5th Grade% Proficient919069
2005Reading5th Grade% Proficient948869
2006Reading5th Grade% Proficient657269
2007Reading5th Grade% Proficient818068
2010Reading5th Grade% Proficient708270
2011Reading5th Grade% Proficient767469
2006Science5th Grade% Proficient294137
2007Science5th Grade% Proficient505141
2010Science5th Grade% Proficient395047
2011Science5th Grade% Proficient314346
2004Writing5th Grade% Proficient737455
2005Writing5th Grade% Proficient727458
2006Writing5th Grade% Proficient526560
2007Writing5th Grade% Proficient627057
2010Writing5th Grade% Proficient667658
2011Writing5th Grade% Proficient705961
2012Math3rd Grade% Proficient82.381.971.0
2013Math3rd Grade% Proficient72.981.672.3
2012Reading3rd Grade% Proficient75.075.273.9
2013Reading3rd Grade% Proficient73.080.773.3
2012Writing3rd Grade% Proficient58.857.152.5
2013Writing3rd Grade% Proficient43.756.350.9
2012Math4th Grade% Proficient64.773.771.5
2013Math4th Grade% Proficient81.077.671.7
2012Reading4th Grade% Proficient66.776.867.0
2013Reading4th Grade% Proficient74.672.867.9
2012Writing4th Grade% Proficient51.057.649.3
2013Writing4th Grade% Proficient58.860.253.1
2012Math5th Grade% Proficient64.471.164.5
2013Math5th Grade% Proficient53.865.365.3
2012Reading5th Grade% Proficient71.176.769.4
2013Reading5th Grade% Proficient67.373.570.3
2012Science5th Grade% Proficient35.550.048.5
2013Science5th Grade% Proficient40.453.048.5
2012Writing5th Grade% Proficient51.164.458.4
2013Writing5th Grade% Proficient51.962.357.2

Some data by SchoolDigger.com.

Teacher's Experience and Compensation

    2007     2006  
Teachers with Bachelor Degree:28.6%31.6%
Teachers with Master or PhD Degree:71.4%68.4%
Mean Number of Years of Teaching:13.0 years12.0 years
Teachers with 5 Years of Experience of Less:14.3%15.8%
Teachers with 6 Years of Experience or More:85.7%84.2%
Mean Base Salary:$42,239.0$41,396.0
Mean Base Salary of Teachers with 5 Years of Experience of Less:$31,098.0$33,706.0
Mean Base Salary of Teachers with 6 Years of Experience or More:$44,096.0$42,837.0

* Granby Elementary School was rated 3.5 out of 5 by USA.com. The ranking was calculated based on publically available historical Math and English performance data.

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