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Polk County


Polk county is located close to the center of Florida. Polk county has 1,797.84 square miles of land area and 212.71 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Polk county population is 617,323, which has grown 27.57% since 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 21.14% and is much higher than the national average rate of 11.61%. Polk county median household income is $43,063 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 19.50% since 2000. The income growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 21.62% and is lower than the national average rate of 27.36%. Polk county median house value is $107,100 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 28.57% since 2000. The house value growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 48.06% and is much lower than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers Polk county is worse than the state average in quality. The Polk county area codes are 321, 407, 863.

Population617,323 (2010-2014), rank #9
Population Growth27.57% since 2000, rank #19
Population Density:307.04/sq mi, rank #18
Median Household Income:$43,063 at 2010-2014—19.50% increase since 2000, rank #34
Median House Price:$107,100 at 2010-2014—28.57% increase since 2000, rank #44
Time Zone:Eastern GMT -5:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:1,797.84 sq mi, rank #4
Water Area:212.71 sq mi (10.58%), rank #16
Area:Lakeland, FL
School District:
Area Code:321, 407, 863
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Polk County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Polk County Cities / Towns

Polk County Zip Codes

33801 33,9753380233803 27,7753380433805 24,931338063380733811 20,67733812 13,68333813 32,15533815 14,3033382033823 29,35133827 2,70233830 26,2733383133835 503383633837 20,69633838 3,60733839 2,9723384033841 8,76933843 12,11133844 34,001338453384633847 23633850 7,55933851 89833853 11,67833854 8833855 1533856 5013385833859 9,8883386333867 34433868 12,54733877 34733880 37,57733881 30,954338823388333884 29,7653388533888

Polk County Census Tracts

FL105010300FL105010401 LakelandFL105010402 LakelandFL105010501 LakelandFL105010502 LakelandFL105010601 LakelandFL105010603 LakelandFL105010604 LakelandFL105010701 LakelandFL105010702 LakelandFL105010800 LakelandFL105010900 LakelandFL105011000 LakelandFL105011100 LakelandFL105011202 LakelandFL105011203 LakelandFL105011204 LakelandFL105011300 LakelandFL105011400 LakelandFL105011501 Combee SettlementFL105011502 LakelandFL105011603 Fussels CornerFL105011604FL105011605FL105011606FL105011704FL105011721FL105011722 LakelandFL105011731FL105011732FL105011821 Lakeland HighlandsFL105011822FL105011832FL105011833FL105011834FL105011835FL105011836FL105011901FL105011902 LakelandFL105011908FL105011909FL105011910 LakelandFL105011911 LakelandFL105011912 MedullaFL105011913 MedullaFL105012001 LakelandFL105012002 LakelandFL105012003 LakelandFL105012004 LakelandFL105012111FL105012113FL105012124FL105012125 KathleenFL105012126 LakelandFL105012127 LakelandFL105012128 LakelandFL105012129 LakelandFL105012203 LakelandFL105012204 LakelandFL105012205 LakelandFL105012206 LakelandFL105012303 LakelandFL105012304 LakelandFL105012305 Polk CityFL105012306FL105012307 LakelandFL105012309FL105012403FL105012404FL105012405 Four CornersFL105012406 Four CornersFL105012407FL105012408 AuburndaleFL105012409FL105012410FL105012411FL105012502FL105012503FL105012504FL105012506FL105012507 DavenportFL105012601 Haines CityFL105012602FL105012700 Haines CityFL105012802FL105012803FL105012804FL105012900FL105013001 AuburndaleFL105013002FL105013101 AuburndaleFL105013102 AuburndaleFL105013103FL105013200 AuburndaleFL105013300FL105013400FL105013500 Winter HavenFL105013600FL105013701 Winter HavenFL105013702 Winter HavenFL105013801FL105013802FL105013901 Winter HavenFL105013902FL105014001FL105014003 Winter HavenFL105014005FL105014006 Winter HavenFL105014103FL105014104FL105014105FL105014121FL105014123FL105014124FL105014125FL105014201FL105014202 Lake WalesFL105014203 Lake WalesFL105014301 Lake WalesFL105014302 Lake WalesFL105014400FL105014501FL105014502FL105014600FL105014701FL105014702FL105014802FL105014803FL105014804FL105014901 Fuller HeightsFL105014902FL105015000 BartowFL105015101 BartowFL105015102 BartowFL105015200 BartowFL105015301FL105015302FL105015401FL105015402FL105015404FL105015405FL105015500 Lake WalesFL105015600FL105015701 FrostproofFL105015702FL105015801 FrostproofFL105015802FL105015900FL105016001 Fort MeadeFL105016002 Fort MeadeFL105016003FL105016100FL105016400 LakelandFL105980000 Kissimmee

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