Montana has 145,545.69 square miles of land area and 1,493.91 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Montana population is 1,006,370, which has grown 11.55% since 2000. The population growth rate is about the same as the national average rate of 11.61%. Montana median household income is $46,766 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 41.61% since 2000. The income growth rate is much higher than the national average rate of 27.36%. Montana median house value is $187,600 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 88.54% since 2000. The house value growth rate is much higher than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%.
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Montana Map, Border, and Nearby Locations
Montana Area Codes
Montana Counties
Yellowstone 151,965Missoula 111,011Gallatin 93,108Flathead 92,373Cascade 81,953Lewis And Clark 64,772Ravalli 40,640Silver Bow 34,462Lake 28,987Lincoln 19,455Hill 16,434Park 15,642Glacier 13,641Big Horn 13,079Custer 11,869Fergus 11,496Jefferson 11,465Sanders 11,373Roosevelt 10,861Richland 10,686Carbon 10,189Rosebud 9,335Beaverhead 9,294Deer Lodge 9,243Dawson 9,219Stillwater 9,214Madison 7,723Valley 7,518Powell 7,010Blaine 6,576Pondera 6,211Teton 6,075Chouteau 5,859Broadwater 5,697Toole 5,208Musselshell 4,760Mineral 4,230Phillips 4,194Sweet Grass 3,622Sheridan 3,510Granite 3,133Fallon 3,028Liberty 2,235Wheatland 2,126Meagher 2,026Judith Basin 2,023Daniels 1,813Mccone 1,758Powder River 1,710Prairie 1,282Carter 1,205Garfield 1,097Wibaux 987Treasure 761Golden Valley 738Petroleum 489
Montana Cities / Towns
Absarokee 1,074ActonAlberton 476Alder 109Alzada 37Amsterdam 207AnacondaAnaconda-Deer Lodge County 9,243AngelaAntelope 23Arlee 610Ashland 851Augusta 243Avon 81Azure 176
Babb 113Bainville 208Baker 1,843Ballantine 208Basin 210Batavia 353Bear Dance 273Bearcreek 129Beaver Creek 396Belfry 161Belgrade 7,625Belknap 221Belt 639Biddle 22Big Arm 260Big Sandy 664Big Sky 2,694Big Timber 1,460Bigfork 4,375BighornBillings 106,979Birney 119Black Eagle 1,233BloomfieldBoneau 321BonnerBonner-West Riverside 1,717Boulder 1,281Box Elder 84Boyd 23BoyesBozeman 39,123Brady 133Bridger 1,034Bridger CDP 67Broadus 586Broadview 179Brockton 274BrockwayBrowning 1,088BrusettBuffaloBusby 726ButteButte-Silver Bow 33,481Bynum 40
Camas 44CameronCamp Three 210Canyon CreekCapitolCardwell 48Carlton 646Carter 64Cascade 632Charlo 345Charlos Heights 163Chester 834Chinook 1,165Choteau 1,616Churchill 989Circle 614Clancy 1,699Clinton 1,028Clyde Park 254Coffee CreekCohagenColstrip 2,243Columbia Falls 4,765Columbus 2,250Condon 431Conner 67Conrad 2,600Cooke City 21Coram 560Corvallis 921Corwin Springs 102Craig 32Crane 205Crow Agency 1,821Culbertson 774Custer 163Cut Bank 2,947
DagmarDarby 604Dayton 84De Borgia 21DeckerDeer Lodge 3,085DellDenton 231Dillon 4,181DivideDixon 255Dodson 151Drummond 395Dupuyer 79Dutton 384
East Glacier ParkEast Glacier Park Village 517East Helena 2,497East Missoula 2,597Edgar 144Ekalaka 342Elkhorn 18Elliston 299Elmo 177Emigrant 370Ennis 843EssexEthridgeEureka 1,036Evaro 398Evergreen 6,711
Fairfield 690Fairview 868Fallon 175Finley Point 744FishtailFlaxville 116Florence 798FlowereeForest GroveForest Hill Village 235Forsyth 1,831Fort Belknap Agency 1,331Fort Benton 1,364Fort HarrisonFort Peck 208Fort Shaw 278Fort Smith 47Fortine 462Four Corners 3,264Fox Lake 99Frazer 306Frenchtown 1,802Froid 131Fromberg 365
GalataGallatin Gateway 866Gallatin River Ranch 45Gardiner 1,229Garrison 63GarryowenGeraldine 268Geyser 55Gibson Flats 139Gildford 99Glasgow 3,327GlenGlendive 5,167GlentanaGold CreekGrantsdaleGrass Range 137Great Falls 59,017Greycliff 63
HallHamilton 4,486HammondHappys Inn 50Hardin 3,720Harlem 849Harlowton 926Harrison 191HathawayHauganHavre 9,668Havre North 785Hays 962Heart Butte 543Hebgen Lake Estates 106Helena 29,142Helena Flats 988Helena Valley Northeast 2,731Helena Valley Northwest 3,939Helena Valley Southeast 7,340Helena Valley West Central 8,502Helena West Side 1,324HelmvilleHeron 245Herron 53Highwood 211HilgerHingham 86Hinsdale 172Hobson 274HogelandHomesteadHot Springs 589Hungry Horse 898Huntley 461Huson 7Hysham 329
Kalispell 20,629Kerr 246Kevin 107Kicking Horse 174Kila 478King Arthur Park 852Kings Point 69KinseyKlein 336Knife River 320Kremlin 84
Lake Mary Ronan 90Lake Mc DonaldLakeside 2,755LambertLame Deer 2,131LarslanLaurel 6,887Lavina 200LedgerLewistown 5,879Lewistown Heights 849Libby 2,667Lima 201Lincoln 862Lindisfarne 265LindsayLittle Bitterroot Lake 205Little Browning 256Livingston 7,086LloydLockwood 6,943Lodge Grass 278Lodge Pole 356Logan 58Lolo 3,994Loma 37Lonepine 172LoringLothair
Malmstrom 3,625Malmstrom A F BMalta 1,818Manhattan 1,267Marion 869Martin City 468Martinsdale 85Marysville 114Maxville 117Mc AllisterMc LeodMedicine Lake 289MelroseMelstone 61MelvilleMidvale 411MildredMiles City 8,553MilltownMissoula 68,377MoccasinMoltMonarchMontana City 2,683Moore 197MosbyMuddy 563Musselshell 63
Pablo 2,616Paradise 183Park City 1,072Parker School 656PeerlessPendroyPhilipsburg 725Piltzville 364Pinesdale 999Pioneer Junction 755Plains 766Plentywood 1,752Plevna 126PolarisPolebridgePolson 4,580Pompeys PillarPonderosa Pines 482Pony 144Poplar 901PowdervillePower 176Pray 572ProctorPryor 665
Rader Creek 188Radersburg 203RamsayRapeljeRavalli 77RaymondRaynesfordRed Lodge 2,337RedstoneReed Point 219Reserve 30Rexford 83Richey 155RichlandRinglingRiverbend 390Roberts 277Rocky Boy West 992Rocky Boy'S Agency 501Rocky Point 85Rollins 181Ronan 1,906Roscoe 43Rosebud 121Roundup 1,740Roy 138Rudyard 260Ryegate 212
Saco 238Saddle Butte 172Saint Ignatius 946Saint Marie 454Saint Pierre 402Saint Regis 239Saint Xavier 6SalteseSand Coulee 243Sand SpringsSandersSangrey 493Santa Rita 113Savage 290Scobey 1,096Sedan 174Seeley Lake 1,174Shawmut 33Shelby 3,096Shepherd 766Sheridan 685Sidney 5,888Silesia 101Silver Gate 21Silver StarSimms 367Somers 1,248South Browning 2,045South Glastonbury 284South Hills CDP 426Spokane Creek 318Springdale 82Springhill 57Stanford 419Starr School 140Stevensville 1,944Stockett 256Stryker 35Sula 61SumatraSun Prairie 1,290Sun River 125Sunburst 320Superior 864Swan Lake 85Sweet Grass 94Sylvanite 110
TeigenTerry 686The Silos 512Thompson Falls 1,080Three Forks 1,837Toston 204Townsend 2,033Trego 714Trout Creek 181Troy 924Turah 361Turner 99Turtle Lake 18Twin Bridges 299Two Dot
Ulm 541
Walkerville 981Warm SpringsWeeksville 101West Glacier 327West Glendive 1,972West Havre 81West Kootenai 121West Yellowstone 1,434Westby 168Wheatland 478White Haven 706White Sulphur Springs 1,151Whitefish 6,542Whitehall 962WhitetailWhitewater 34WhitlashWibaux 513WillardWillow Creek 278Wilsall 102Wineglass 289Winifred 187Winnett 235Winston 147Wisdom 108Wise RiverWolf CreekWolf Point 2,730Woods Bay 578Worden 573Wye 318Wyola 159
Yaak 251