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Mobile County


Mobile county is located in southwest Alabama. Mobile county has 1,229.43 square miles of land area and 414.58 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Mobile county population is 414,045, which has grown 3.55% since 2000. The population growth rate is lower than the state average rate of 8.33% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%. Mobile county median household income is $43,844 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 30.06% since 2000. The income growth rate is higher than the state average rate of 27.47% and is higher than the national average rate of 27.36%. Mobile county median house value is $124,500 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 54.66% since 2000. The house value growth rate is higher than the state average rate of 45.48% and is higher than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%. On average, the public school district that covers Mobile county is better than the state average in quality. The Mobile county area codes are 251, 334.

Population414,045 (2010-2014), rank #2
Population Growth3.55% since 2000, rank #27
Population Density:251.85/sq mi, rank #4
Median Household Income:$43,844 at 2010-2014—30.06% increase since 2000, rank #16
Median House Price:$124,500 at 2010-2014—54.66% increase since 2000, rank #12
Time Zone:Central GMT -6:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer
Land Area:1,229.43 sq mi, rank #4
Water Area:414.58 sq mi (25.22%), rank #2
Area:Mobile, AL
School District:
Area Code:251, 334
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Mobile County Map, Border, and Nearby Locations

Mobile County Cities / Towns

Mobile County Zip Codes

36505 1,61336509 2,35936512 2236521 5,57436523 1,98536525 1,89836528 1,29136541 14,14236544 11,11136560 3,47936568 13436571 14,83436572 6,43436575 19,49436582 25,60336587 11,07736590 203660136602 76236603 11,62336604 10,10636605 27,86036606 20,09736607 7,02036608 37,23236609 24,11136610 11,43936611 6,02636612 4,94836613 13,32336615 4636616 2736617 13,64936618 17,12036619 15,735366253662836630366333664036641366443665236660366633667036671366753668536688 407366893669136693 18,79936695 46,636

Mobile County Census Tracts

AL097000200 MobileAL097000401 MobileAL097000402 MobileAL097000500 MobileAL097000600 MobileAL097000701 MobileAL097000702 MobileAL097000800 MobileAL097000901 MobileAL097000902 MobileAL097000903 MobileAL097001001 MobileAL097001002 MobileAL097001100 MobileAL097001200AL097001302 MobileAL097001400 MobileAL097001501 MobileAL097001502 MobileAL097001800 MobileAL097001901 MobileAL097001902 MobileAL097002000 MobileAL097002100 MobileAL097002200 MobileAL097002301 MobileAL097002302 MobileAL097002400 MobileAL097002501 MobileAL097002502 MobileAL097002600 MobileAL097002700 MobileAL097002800 MobileAL097002900 MobileAL097003000 MobileAL097003100 MobileAL097003202 MobileAL097003203 MobileAL097003204 MobileAL097003205 MobileAL097003301 MobileAL097003302 MobileAL097003402AL097003404 MobileAL097003405 MobileAL097003406 MobileAL097003407AL097003408 MobileAL097003501 MobileAL097003502 MobileAL097003602 MobileAL097003605 MobileAL097003606 MobileAL097003607 MobileAL097003608 MobileAL097003703 MobileAL097003704 MobileAL097003705 MobileAL097003706 MobileAL097003707 MobileAL097003708 MobileAL097003709 MobileAL097003710 MobileAL097003800AL097003901AL097003902AL097004000 PrichardAL097004100 PrichardAL097004800 PrichardAL097004900AL097005000AL097005100 ChickasawAL097005200AL097005300AL097005400AL097005500 SaralandAL097005600AL097005700AL097005800AL097005900AL097006000 CitronelleAL097006102AL097006103AL097006104AL097006105AL097006200AL097006301AL097006302AL097006402AL097006403 MobileAL097006404 MobileAL097006405 MobileAL097006406 MobileAL097006407AL097006501AL097006502AL097006600AL097006701AL097006702AL097006801AL097006802AL097006901 Tillmans CornerAL097006902AL097007000AL097007101AL097007102AL097007103AL097007201AL097007202AL097007300AL097007400 MobileAL097007500 PrichardAL097007600AL097007700AL097990000

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