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Leonidas, MI Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Leonidas is about the same as Michigan average and is much lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Leonidas is higher than Michigan average and is higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #159

Leonidas, MI

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Leonidas, MI

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #232

Leonidas, MI

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 3,261 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Leonidas, MI were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:16Cold:5Dense Fog:4Drought:2
Dust Storm:0Flood:115Hail:729Heat:6Heavy Snow:173
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:24Landslide:0Strong Wind:53
Thunderstorm Winds:1,913Tropical Storm:0Wildfire:0Winter Storm:138Winter Weather:9

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Leonidas, MI.

Historical Earthquake Events

No historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Leonidas, MI.

No historical earthquake events found in or near Leonidas, MI.

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 87 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Leonidas, MI.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
6.91966-07-09241°56'N / 85°19'W0.50 Mile10 Yards0025K0St. Joseph
10.61955-07-06241°55'N / 85°29'W003K0St. Joseph
16.31955-05-28242°07'N / 85°38'W42°25'N / 85°03'W36.20 Miles100 Yards00250K0Kalamazoo
17.71976-03-12241°47'N / 85°15'W41°48'N / 85°12'W0025K0Branch
18.61976-03-12241°45'N / 85°19'W41°47'N / 85°15'W3.30 Miles100 Yards0025K0St. Joseph
19.01983-06-30241°59'N / 84°59'W1.00 Mile40 Yards0025K0Branch
19.51975-05-21241°55'N / 85°00'W0.80 Mile33 Yards0025K0Branch
20.21977-04-02442°17'N / 85°33'W42°21'N / 85°19'W12.40 Miles183 Yards0102.5M0Kalamazoo
20.52010-06-05241°49'N / 85°41'W41°46'N / 85°29'W11.00 Miles200 Yards00300K0KSt. Joseph
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A survey of damage across southern St. Joseph county was performed by NWS Personnel. The damage found indicates that a circulation touched down over an open field north of Miller Road and west of Blue School Road. The tornado initially struck two barns, destroying them and sending the debris several miles downwind. The tornado then picked up a trailer at a local Port-A-Jon business. It appears that a combination of the strong winds and the trailer striking one of the guy wires, resulted in a 350 foot cell tower being blown down into an adjacent tower, causing the failure of both (DI: FST DOD:2). The tornado then continued across mainly open fields, scouring a 200 yard wide area of corn, just to the east-southeast of the cell towers and several trees along its track. The final damage occurred at a residence where minor roof damage was done to a barn, as well as more focused tree damage and a center pivot irrigation system being flipped. The tornado reached a maximum of roughly 200 yards in width and was on the ground for over 10 miles. Maximum winds are estimated at around 125 mph. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A warm front worked north towards lower Michigan during the evening hours of the 5th. Storms were initially slow to organize, but quickly intensified and became super cellular as they moved off Lake Michigan. A combination of tornadoes and micro bursts were found in surveys across Berrien, Cass and St. Joseph counties.
20.71986-05-15341°56'N / 84°58'W1.20 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Branch
21.91976-03-12241°41'N / 85°30'W41°45'N / 85°19'W10.10 Miles127 Yards0825K0Lagrange
22.41980-05-13342°18'N / 85°43'W42°17'N / 85°30'W10.60 Miles450 Yards57925.0M0Kalamazoo
23.01965-04-11441°44'N / 85°10'W41°45'N / 85°05'W3.80 Miles333 Yards000K0Steuben
23.82001-05-21242°22'N / 85°27'W42°22'N / 85°27'W1.00 Mile150 Yards00500K100KKalamazoo
 Brief Description: A F2 tornado produced maximum estimated wind speeds of 120 to 130 m.p.h. and caused extensive damage 4 miles west of Richland, in Kalamazoo county. The initial damage occurred approximately one third of a mile south of the intersection of C Avenue and 24th street, extending north for about a mile. Extensive tree damage occurred along the tornado's path, and there was structural damage to several homes. One home along the tornado's path was completely destroyed, while several others sustained significant roof and shingle damage. The home that was destroyed lost it's roof, which was carried roughly 75 yards north of the home, and it also lost most of it's interior and exterior walls. The tornado's path length was one mile long with a width of 150 yards.
23.81965-04-11342°22'N / 85°36'W42°22'N / 85°19'W14.20 Miles150 Yards017250K0Kalamazoo
23.91965-04-11441°43'N / 85°40'W41°45'N / 85°30'W8.50 Miles333 Yards5420K0Lagrange
24.11953-05-17241°47'N / 85°46'W41°51'N / 85°40'W6.40 Miles33 Yards003K0St. Joseph
24.81965-04-11441°38'N / 85°40'W41°44'N / 85°16'W21.60 Miles177 Yards5412.5M0Lagrange
24.91965-04-11441°45'N / 85°05'W41°53'N / 84°50'W15.50 Miles1333 Yards9200250.0M0Branch
25.32009-06-19242°23'N / 85°30'W42°23'N / 85°28'W1.00 Mile200 Yards000K0KKalamazoo
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: Several trees and large branches were knocked down across North 28th Street near the tornado touchdown. The most extensive damage was located approximately two-miles northwest of Richland south of E C Avenue. The roof was torn off a ranch-style house and completely destroyed with pieces of truss carried one-half mile. Insulation was found over one-mile away from the tornado damaged home. The back deck of the home was destroyed with a large piece of the deck thrown approximately 100 yards. All trees were snapped or uprooted around the house with two uprooted trees carried 30-40 feet. Nearly 1.8 miles northwest of Richland, about 50% of trees were snapped or uprooted with numerous branches down along the tree line. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Thunderstorms developed and moved across Lake Michigan during the evening hours on June 19th. Several hours of intense rainfall occurred starting around 7:00 PM EST. The ground was already saturated from early morning thunderstorms that produced very heavy rainfall. In addition to the heavy rain, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes accompanied the thunderstorms.
26.01965-04-11441°48'N / 85°00'W41°52'N / 84°50'W9.20 Miles33 Yards92000K0Branch
26.51976-03-12241°38'N / 85°38'W41°44'N / 85°30'W9.30 Miles100 Yards09250K0Lagrange
26.71986-09-29242°12'N / 85°51'W42°12'N / 85°47'W3.80 Miles400 Yards01250K0Van Buren
28.11986-07-15242°24'N / 85°11'W42°15'N / 84°45'W22.50 Miles440 Yards00250K0Calhoun
28.31956-04-03241°38'N / 85°29'W003K0Lagrange
29.01969-09-06241°42'N / 85°00'W0025K0Steuben
30.41974-04-03341°34'N / 85°13'W41°44'N / 84°53'W20.50 Miles333 Yards2150K0Steuben
31.21986-07-15242°33'N / 85°31'W42°25'N / 85°11'W20.00 Miles440 Yards00250K0Barry
32.51980-07-05241°43'N / 85°49'W00250K0Elkhart
32.91965-04-11441°37'N / 85°42'W41°38'N / 85°40'W00250K0Elkhart
33.41991-03-27342°23'N / 84°54'W2.00 Miles400 Yards018250K0Calhoun
33.61966-06-09242°31'N / 85°23'W2.00 Miles33 Yards000K0Barry
33.91961-05-06341°32'N / 85°25'W41°33'N / 85°12'W11.00 Miles800 Yards052.5M0Lagrange
34.21974-04-03341°31'N / 85°17'W41°34'N / 85°13'W4.30 Miles1000 Yards000K0Lagrange
34.41986-06-19241°55'N / 86°00'W1.30 Miles700 Yards002.5M0Cass
34.71976-03-04242°05'N / 86°13'W42°15'N / 85°47'W24.80 Miles100 Yards00250K0Van Buren
36.61991-03-27341°32'N / 85°04'W41°39'N / 84°50'W14.60 Miles200 Yards1625.0M0Steuben
36.71965-04-11441°37'N / 86°04'W41°43'N / 85°40'W21.60 Miles333 Yards312520K0Elkhart
36.81962-04-30341°42'N / 86°04'W41°46'N / 85°49'W13.40 Miles33 Yards00250K0Elkhart
36.92010-06-05241°57'N / 86°05'W41°57'N / 86°02'W3.00 Miles200 Yards00100K0KCass
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: After leaving behind a swath of microburst winds, the storm intensified with a tornado touching down about a half mile southwest of Southwestern Michigan College, near Dowagiac. The circulation initially impacted the Pokagan subdivision with numerous homes suffering varying degrees of damage (DI: FR12 DOD: 4). The circulation continued east-southeast through mainly open and wooded areas, severely damaging numerous trees. The most extensive tree damage occurred near Michigan 62, west of Twin Lake Road where a 600 yard wide area of trees suffered extensive damage. The circulation was likely embedded within a much larger area of rear flank downdraft winds. The circulation then turned more southeast and hit a cemetery on Michigan 62, south of Cass Street. The circulation quickly dissipated after this point. Maximum winds are estimated at around 115 mph. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A warm front worked north towards lower Michigan during the evening hours of the 5th. Storms were initially slow to organize, but quickly intensified and became super cellular as they moved off Lake Michigan. A combination of tornadoes and micro bursts were found in surveys across Berrien, Cass and St. Joseph counties.
37.41974-04-03441°26'N / 85°38'W41°35'N / 85°26'W14.40 Miles33 Yards1240K0Noble
37.71980-05-13342°13'N / 86°13'W42°18'N / 85°49'W21.00 Miles300 Yards0152.5M0Van Buren
37.71961-05-06341°33'N / 85°12'W41°33'N / 84°48'W20.50 Miles800 Yards002.5M0Steuben
38.21986-08-26242°35'N / 85°24'W0.60 Mile13 Yards0025K0Barry
38.41991-03-27341°39'N / 84°50'W41°42'N / 84°43'W6.40 Miles200 Yards01825.0M0Williams
38.72001-10-24241°28'N / 85°12'W41°32'N / 85°01'W7.00 Miles440 Yards001.0M0De Kalb
 Brief Description: On Wednesday 10/24/01 a surface low pressure system tracked rapidly northeast from the mid Mississippi Valley to northern Lake Michigan and deepened significantly. The accompanying cold front surged east from the Mississippi Valley during the afternoon to southeast Michigan and western Ohio in the evening. The deepening surface low was the result of a negatively tilted upper level trough approaching the Mississippi Valley. The air mass ahead of the cold front was quite unstable with lifted indices around -5C and surface dewpoints of 65-70F. Strong veering wind fields were over the area with 20-30kt S-SSE flow at the surface veering rapidly in the low levels to southwest at 45kts, then remaining unidirectional above with wind speeds increasing to 65kt at 20,000 ft. An area of Thunderstorms across Illinois in the early afternoon formed into a line as they moved into northwest Indiana. Two strong bow echoes developed over northwest and north central Indiana during the late afternoon and moved northeast at 50 MPH into southern Michigan. Numerous tornadoes occurred in the comma heads of the bow echoes. Isolated supercells ahead of the main squall line produced little severe weather except for a tornado that occurred over northwest Ohio in the evening when the squall line merged with a supercell.
39.01974-04-03341°25'N / 85°28'W41°31'N / 85°17'W11.40 Miles150 Yards33825.0M0Noble
39.21965-04-11441°53'N / 84°50'W41°57'N / 84°22'W24.20 Miles1760 Yards34725.0M0Hillsdale
39.31965-04-11441°52'N / 84°50'W41°57'N / 84°22'W24.50 Miles33 Yards3470K0Hillsdale
39.71977-04-02442°26'N / 85°01'W42°32'N / 84°43'W16.60 Miles613 Yards1442.5M0Eaton
40.01969-08-15241°38'N / 84°47'W0025K0Steuben
40.01956-04-03342°23'N / 85°57'W42°26'N / 85°56'W2.30 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Van Buren
40.31992-07-13242°02'N / 86°10'W42°04'N / 86°06'W4.00 Miles80 Yards025250K0Cass
40.61958-06-24241°45'N / 86°07'W41°45'N / 85°58'W7.30 Miles33 Yards0025K0St. Joseph
40.71992-07-14241°27'N / 85°17'W41°27'N / 85°09'W4.00 Miles150 Yards02825.0M0Noble
40.81954-05-31242°32'N / 85°46'W0.30 Mile110 Yards003K0Allegan
40.81965-04-11441°31'N / 86°04'W41°42'N / 85°44'W21.20 Miles33 Yards312520K0Elkhart
40.91956-04-03342°16'N / 86°08'W42°23'N / 85°57'W12.00 Miles200 Yards092.5M0Van Buren
41.11977-07-18241°59'N / 84°36'W41°58'N / 84°30'W4.70 Miles33 Yards0025K0Hillsdale
41.31976-03-12242°03'N / 84°35'W42°04'N / 84°30'W3.60 Miles133 Yards00250K0Hillsdale
41.41992-07-14241°27'N / 85°09'W41°27'N / 85°09'W4.00 Miles150 Yards0025.0M0De Kalb
41.51956-04-03342°26'N / 85°56'W42°32'N / 85°50'W8.30 Miles200 Yards032.5M0Allegan
41.81998-08-25241°51'N / 86°14'W41°47'N / 85°59'W9.00 Miles800 Yards00500K0Cass
42.21974-04-03241°55'N / 84°39'W42°05'N / 84°24'W17.00 Miles440 Yards2312.5M0Hillsdale
42.41969-07-04241°59'N / 84°42'W41°52'N / 84°22'W18.70 Miles100 Yards00250K0Hillsdale
42.71989-05-30242°23'N / 86°02'W1.00 Mile50 Yards0025K0Van Buren
42.72009-06-19242°28'N / 86°00'W42°28'N / 85°53'W6.00 Miles400 Yards000K0KAllegan
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: Damage to both trees and structures were found along the tornado path. A Circa 1940 pole barn was destroyed and numerous trees were snapped or uprooted just over a half a mile west of Chicora north of 108th Avenue. Further down the tornado's path, garage doors were blown out and carried 300 yards while two boats were blown out of the garage. The house suffered 80% shingle loss with one 2-foot diameter hole in the roof on the home's west side. This was approximately 0.35 miles north of Chicora. The most extensive damage occurred approximately one mile northeast of Chicora along 42nd Street. A roof was partially torn off of a house. A barn was blown about 20-feet off of its foundation. There were several telephone poles snapped with wires wrapped around a tree. A roof was ripped off a small unoccupied house with one wall collapsed. Debris was lofted up to one-half mile across a field. More shingle loss was found on the west side of a home located two-miles northeast of Chicora. Nearly 80% shingle loss was witnessed. Several utility poles were snapped with widespread tree damage through the area. More damage to a home was observed about a quarter-mile west of Schermerhorn Lake. The damage happened when numerous falling trees crushed it. One-quarter mile of 39th street was blocked by fallen trees. The trees were piled up to 15-feet deep on the road. As the tornado was weakening, a 30-foot metal tower was bent over half way up. This was located near the intersection of 37th Street and 109th Avenue. Minor roof damage was also noted to a home in this area. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Thunderstorms developed and moved across Lake Michigan during the evening hours on June 19th. Several hours of intense rainfall occurred starting around 7:00 PM EST. The ground was already saturated from early morning thunderstorms that produced very heavy rainfall. In addition to the heavy rain, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes accompanied the thunderstorms.
42.91955-08-06242°39'N / 85°17'W0.50 Mile100 Yards0125K0Barry
43.01979-06-07242°05'N / 86°11'W2.00 Miles60 Yards0125K0Van Buren
43.61956-05-09242°12'N / 86°10'W1.00 Mile33 Yards0025K0Van Buren
44.01961-05-06341°33'N / 84°48'W41°34'N / 84°45'W1.90 Miles813 Yards0025K0Williams
44.41976-03-12242°04'N / 84°30'W42°05'N / 84°28'W00250K0Jackson
44.41967-10-24241°26'N / 85°40'W05250K0Kosciusko
44.51974-04-03441°25'N / 85°39'W41°26'N / 85°38'W000K0Elkhart
44.71964-08-22241°42'N / 84°36'W0025K0Williams
44.82001-10-24241°39'N / 86°08'W41°42'N / 86°01'W4.50 Miles1320 Yards001.3M0St. Joseph
44.91955-05-28242°25'N / 85°03'W42°45'N / 84°43'W28.40 Miles100 Yards01250K0Eaton
45.01991-03-27341°43'N / 84°36'W41°47'N / 84°31'W5.00 Miles400 Yards0025.0M0Hillsdale
45.21965-04-11341°35'N / 86°04'W41°38'N / 85°58'W5.60 Miles250 Yards00250K0Elkhart
45.51956-04-03342°32'N / 85°50'W42°45'N / 85°32'W21.20 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Ottawa
45.81954-05-31242°18'N / 86°12'W42°24'N / 86°04'W9.30 Miles33 Yards00250K0Van Buren
46.31967-10-24241°35'N / 86°01'W003K0Elkhart
47.51965-04-11342°39'N / 85°18'W42°46'N / 85°04'W14.10 Miles33 Yards05250K0Barry
48.01967-10-24242°38'N / 85°49'W0425K0Allegan
48.21988-10-16241°28'N / 86°00'W41°33'N / 85°56'W6.00 Miles40 Yards002.5M0Elkhart
48.72007-08-24342°35'N / 84°49'W42°37'N / 84°45'W7.00 Miles300 Yards0540.0M0KEaton
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A NWS storm survey team determined that an EF-3 (Enhanced-Fujita Tornado Scale Rating) tornado with wind speeds estimated at 140 mph produced the most severe damage along a path from M-50 just north of Kinsel Highway to just west of M-100 and Vermontville Highway near Potterville, Michigan. The storm survey indicated a tornado path which was 200 to 300 yards wide and 6.5 miles long. Fifteen homes were either destroyed or severely damaged. A roof was blown off a single story home and windward facing walls were blown in. The majority of the roof and garage from this home were not found. A roof was blown off of a two story home and the upper story front walls were blown in. Additional damage included the partial collapse of the upper story of a home, and another house was blown off of the foundation. Two barns were destroyed and another incurred heavy damage just west of Potterville. EPISODE NARRATIVE: An EF-3 tornado struck Eaton county and resulted in five injuries but no fatalities. An EF-1 tornado struck Ingham county but did not produce any injuries or fatalities.
49.62007-10-18341°26'N / 86°00'W41°30'N / 85°53'W7.00 Miles880 Yards0011.0M0KElkhart
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: The tornado continued northeast out of Kosciusko County into the southeast side of Nappanee where the most extensive damage occurred. The width of the tornado decreased to one quarter mile and intensified just south of US-6 and County Road 7 as wind speeds increased to around 165 mph, in the upper range of the EF3 rating. The tornado went through an area populated by homes, restaurants, convenience stores and 3 RV plants, all of which sustained varying degrees of damage. Local officials reported that 459 buildings were damaged. Of these, 352 were homes with 52 of those being destroyed or uninhabitable. 81 businesses were damaged and 26 destroyed. A few minor injuries were also reported, mainly from people trapped in some of the houses and a few businesses. The tornado continued into the Blackstone subdivision where numerous homes were damaged or destroyed. The tornado continued to west of New Paris near the intersection of County Roads 46 and 17 where it lifted. Numerous vehicles of all varieties sustained severe damage. Damage is estimated around $11 million. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A combination of strong dynamics, wind shear, and rapid low level moisture return all combined to produce severe weather across much of Northern Indiana. One of several supercell thunderstorms produced a long tracked tornado which reached the high end of EF3.

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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