Key Center, WA
Key Center is located in west Washington. Key Center is part of Pierce County. Key Center has 14.58 square miles of land area and 0.11 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Key Center population is 4,172. Key Center median household income is $62,188 in 2010-2014. Key Center median house value is $276,400 in 2010-2014. On average, the public school district that covers Key Center is much better than the state average in quality.
Population | 4,172 (2010-2014), rank #204 | Population Growth | 38.93% since 2006-2010, see rank | Population Density: | 284.10/sq mi, rank #471 | Median Household Income: | $62,188 at 2010-2014—-12.59% increase since 2006-2010, rank #193 | Median House Price: | $276,400 at 2010-2014—2.52% increase since 2006-2010, rank #155 | Time Zone: | Pacific GMT -8:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer | Land Area: | 14.58 sq mi, rank #42 | Water Area: | 0.11 sq mi (0.74%), rank #164 | State: | Washington | Area: | Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA | County: | Pierce County | School District: | , rank #90 | Accommodations: | Key Center Hotels |
| Hot Rankings High / Low WA Cities by Males Employed High / Low WA Cities by Females Employed |
Key Center, WA Map, Border, and Nearby Locations