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Hickory Plains, AR Natural Disasters and Weather Extremes

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The chance of earthquake damage in Hickory Plains is about the same as Arkansas average and is lower than the national average. The risk of tornado damage in Hickory Plains is much higher than Arkansas average and is much higher than the national average.

Topics:Earthquake IndexVolcano IndexTornado IndexOther Weather Extremes EventsVolcanos NearbyHistorical Earthquake EventsHistorical Tornado Events

Earthquake Index, #160

Hickory Plains, AR

The earthquake index value is calculated based on historical earthquake events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the earthquake level in a region. A higher earthquake index value means a higher chance of an earthquake.

Volcano Index, #1

Hickory Plains, AR

The volcano index value is calculated based on the currently known volcanoes using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the possibility of a region being affected by a possible volcano eruption. A higher volcano index value means a higher chance of being affected.

Tornado Index, #38

Hickory Plains, AR

The tornado index value is calculated based on historical tornado events data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the tornado level in a region. A higher tornado index value means a higher chance of tornado events.

Other Weather Extremes Events

A total of 4,239 other weather extremes events within 50 miles of Hickory Plains, AR were recorded from 1950 to 2010. The following is a break down of these events:

Avalanche:0Blizzard:0Cold:16Dense Fog:0Drought:8
Dust Storm:0Flood:440Hail:1,612Heat:16Heavy Snow:11
High Surf:0Hurricane:0Ice Storm:11Landslide:1Strong Wind:17
Thunderstorm Winds:1,905Tropical Storm:1Wildfire:2Winter Storm:28Winter Weather:40

Volcanos Nearby

No volcano is found in or near Hickory Plains, AR.

Historical Earthquake Events

A total of 14 historical earthquake events that had recorded magnitudes of 3.5 or above found in or near Hickory Plains, AR.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeDepth (km)LatitudeLongitude

Historical Tornado Events

A total of 221 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Hickory Plains, AR.

Distance (miles)DateMagnitudeStart Lat/LogEnd Lat/LogLengthWidthFatalitiesInjuriesProperty DamageCrop DamageAffected County
3.31988-11-15234°55'N / 91°49'W34°59'N / 91°44'W6.00 Miles250 Yards0025.0M0Prairie
7.01952-03-21234°48'N / 91°48'W34°59'N / 91°44'W13.30 Miles417 Yards515250K0Prairie
7.91950-03-26334°59'N / 91°44'W35°05'N / 91°30'W14.90 Miles1760 Yards020250K0Prairie
9.41999-01-21335°03'N / 91°55'W35°08'N / 91°48'W8.00 Miles1000 Yards22900White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in southern White County just southwest of Beebe. The tornado moved through Beebe causing extensive damage to homes and businesses. Of all the tornadoes in this particular outbreak, the tornado at Beebe was the strongest. The tornado heavily damaged the new Beebe Junior High School off of Center Street and destroyed a gym behind the school. The Beebe Fire Department and a church also sustained damage. Two pickup trucks were found upside down on Hickory Street, with many old houses damaged or destroyed on Main Steet. Trees were downed throughout the area. Also, a girls high school basketball game was cancelled at halftime...and a boys game scheduled for later was called off with word of an approaching tornado. The tornado arrived a half hour later and heavily damaged the high school gym. Fortunately, the building was empty...everyone had gone home. In Beebe, the tornado killed two people...an elderly woman and an infant. The tornado tracked northeast out of Beebe toward McRae, with trees down and building debris noted along Highway 367 between Beebe and McRae. In McRae, widespread damage was found. The old fire station lost a wall and the new fire station across the railroad tracks (along Highway 367) was destroyed. Several mobile homes were overturned next to the new fire station and the post office was heavily damaged. A train signal was also destroyed. All natural gas in town was shut off due to leaks. The tornado finally dissipated about a mile northeast of McRae. F65PH, M0PH
10.02001-02-24235°02'N / 91°55'W35°02'N / 91°55'W0.50 Mile300 Yards0000White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved from northern Lonoke County into southern White County about 2.5 miles south-southwest of Beebe. The tornado was only on the ground about half a mile before dissipating 2 miles south-southwest of Beebe. The tornado caused mostly tree damage.
10.11980-04-07235°05'N / 91°54'W35°07'N / 91°50'W4.50 Miles33 Yards002.5M0White
10.42000-02-13234°53'N / 91°59'W34°50'N / 91°41'W17.50 Miles100 Yards0200Lonoke
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in western Lonoke County about 3.7 miles north of Furlow. Just as the tornado developed, it removed roof shingles from a few houses and badly damaged a farm shop. A mobile home was then demolished in the Fairview community. The worst structural damaged was found at the intersection of Arkansas Highways 31 and 236, or 4 miles south of Woodlawn. There, two small houses and some grain bins were destroyed, several vehicles and some telephone equipment were badly damaged and power poles were blown down. Farther east, more damage was found about 5 miles north of Carlisle near the intersection of Arkansas Highway 13 and East Shaefer Road. In this area, an old abandoned house and a mobile home were destroyed with a couple of houses damaged. Also, at least three dozen power poles were replaced. Two injuries were reported in Lonoke County. The tornado moved east into Prairie County, crossing the county line about 5 miles northeast of Carlisle.
10.71952-03-21434°54'N / 91°51'W34°48'N / 91°48'W7.60 Miles33 Yards26250K0Lonoke
12.11988-11-15234°47'N / 91°56'W34°55'N / 91°49'W12.00 Miles250 Yards2825.0M0Lonoke
12.42001-02-24234°57'N / 92°00'W35°03'N / 91°56'W7.50 Miles300 Yards0000Lonoke
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in northern Lonoke County about 1.8 miles southeast of Cabot. The tornado moved quickly northeast, and caused damage at several homes and businesses in areas just east of Cabot and Ward and in the Old Austin community. In addition, there were a few mobile homes, barns and sheds destroyed. Trees and power lines were also downed. The tornado travelled about 7.5 miles before heading into White County.
13.02010-04-30234°49'N / 92°04'W35°01'N / 91°51'W19.00 Miles1000 Yards004.6M0KLonoke
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado exited Pulaski County south-southeast of Jacksonville and entered Lonoke County north of Kerr. In Lonoke County, the tornado affected the South Bend and Furlow communities, then continued to the northeast, passing south of Cabot and east of Ward. A Red Cross survey indicated: 20 houses and 14 mobile homes destroyed, 27 houses and 6 mobile homes with major damage, 50 houses and 22 mobile homes with minor damage, and 15 houses and 14 mobile homes affected. In addition, numerous trees and power lines were blown down. The tornado exited Lonoke County north-northeast of Jacksons Store and entered White County southeast of Beebe. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Moisture from the Gulf of Mexico surged into Arkansas at the end of April, so conditions in the state became warm and humid. On the 30th, a strong area of low pressure aloft approached from the west, resulting in the development of thunderstorms. Wind shear, a change in wind direction and speed with height, was present. This created a favorable environment for the formation of tornadoes.
13.11979-04-11234°46'N / 91°58'W34°53'N / 91°45'W14.60 Miles250 Yards00250K0Lonoke
13.42003-05-04335°05'N / 92°02'W35°11'N / 91°47'W17.50 Miles500 Yards0500White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved from Lonoke County into White County about 4 miles southeast of El Paso. The tornado moved across Highway 64 where several homes and businesses were destroyed with a number of other buildings suffering significant damage. Two tractor-trailers traveling along Highway 64 were hit by the tornado and overturned. The drivers of both vehicles suffered minor injuries. As the tornado continued moving to the northeast, numerous other homes and other buildings were either damaged or destroyed. A number of vehicles were also damaged or destroyed. Widespread trees and power poles were blown down along the track of the tornado. Some of the downed trees were 3 to 4 feet in diameter.
13.42008-04-03234°56'N / 92°03'W35°01'N / 91°55'W9.00 Miles300 Yards002.0M0KLonoke
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado began southwest of Cabot and was most intense as it traveled through industrial and business areas on the west side of the railroad tracks in Cabot. Business structures destroyed included a self-storage warehouse and two storage buildings. A truck repair building was badly damaged, and two large warehouses also suffered damage. Several vehicles on a used-car lot were damaged when a large canopy fell. A canopy was damaged at a gas station, and there was roof damage to several businesses. To the east of the railroad tracks, numerous houses sustained roof damage, both in the middle of Cabot and on northeast through the Shiloh subdivision. A few houses and vehicles were damaged by falling trees. EPISODE NARRATIVE: The event began with a warm front moving north from the Gulf Coast region on the 3rd. The front was followed by above normal temperatures and abundant moisture. There was plenty of fuel for developing thunderstorms. A large area of showers and thunderstorms developed near the stalled front in northern and western Arkansas during the evening of the 3rd. During the early morning hours of the 4th, it became a heavy rain event.
14.31960-05-06235°08'N / 91°55'W35°15'N / 91°42'W14.60 Miles500 Yards032.5M0White
15.01978-04-17234°44'N / 92°04'W34°50'N / 91°35'W28.20 Miles33 Yards05250K0Lonoke
15.01980-04-07235°02'N / 92°06'W35°05'N / 91°54'W11.90 Miles33 Yards002.5M0Lonoke
15.11976-03-29334°54'N / 92°06'W35°00'N / 91°55'W12.50 Miles100 Yards56425.0M0Lonoke
15.22000-02-13234°52'N / 91°40'W34°49'N / 91°26'W15.20 Miles100 Yards0000Prairie
 Brief Description: A strong tornado that was spawned in Lonoke County moved into Prairie County, crossing the county line about 7.5 miles northwest of Hazen. Not long after entering the county, the tornado damaged or destroyed a couple of barns and several shop buildings in the Center Point community on Arkansas Highway 249. In the same area, a mobile home was knocked off of its foundation, a home was badly damaged by a fallen tree, and shingles were removed from several roofs. The tornado began weakening as it headed into the Wattensaw Wildlife Management Area, where some tree damage was found. The tornado dissipated about 1.7 miles west of Biscoe.
15.21997-03-01234°52'N / 91°59'W34°53'N / 91°58'W2.30 Miles100 Yards03150K0Lonoke
 Brief Description: The same thunderstorm that produced the tornadoes in Arkadelphia and in Little Rock spawned another tornado in Lonoke County. The tornado touched down about 2 miles north of Furlow near the intersection of Highways 89 and 236. The tornado traveled northeastward, downing trees and removing sections of roofing from a couple of homes. One frame home was destroyed and a large utility tower was also blown down. Much of the damage along the tornado's path was F0 and F1. However, damage to the utility tower was consistent with an F2 rating.
15.22001-11-24235°11'N / 91°53'W35°13'N / 91°47'W5.50 Miles880 Yards0300White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in southwest White County. The tornado first touched down about 4.5 miles southwest of Antioch and traveled to the northeast. The most extensive damage was 5 to 6 miles southwest of Searcy where a house had shifted off of its foundation by as much as 10 to 15 feet. Also, a small house and a trailer were destroyed, and another trailer was flipped over. Up to two dozen other structures suffered some damage, mostly roof damage. Numerous trees were also blown down along the path of the tornado. Three people sustained injuries. The tornado eventually dissipated 2.8 miles southwest of Searcy.
15.51997-03-01335°04'N / 92°01'W35°13'N / 91°53'W13.00 Miles100 Yards0550K0White
 Brief Description: The Lonoke County tornado moved into White County 5 miles southeast of El Paso at 239 pm CST. The tornado continued to track northeastward. Several utility towers were destroyed, as well as a frame house and some trailers. The tornado encountered some rough terrain and weakened somewhat, but still managed to down trees and cause some spotty roof damage. The tornado lifted about 3 miles south of Center Hill.
16.41999-01-21234°45'N / 91°37'W34°49'N / 91°36'W7.00 Miles250 Yards0000Prairie
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in western Prairie County. The tornado caused mostly tree and utility pole damage...but also destroyed a home about 2 to 3 miles west of Hazen. Some roof damage was noted about 2 miles northwest of Hazen as well. The tornado dissipated near the intersection of Interstate 40 and Highway 249. As the tornado dissipated, a new tornado formed about a mile to the west.
16.91978-04-17234°50'N / 91°35'W34°55'N / 91°23'W12.80 Miles33 Yards00250K0Prairie
17.31959-03-14335°05'N / 92°07'W35°08'N / 91°55'W11.80 Miles33 Yards13250K0White
17.31980-04-07234°46'N / 91°54'W34°46'N / 91°52'W1.90 Miles700 Yards012.5M0Lonoke
19.51999-01-21235°12'N / 91°57'W35°17'N / 91°52'W8.00 Miles400 Yards2200White
 Brief Description: A tornado was spawned in western White County. The tornado tracked mostly along Highway 305 from near Floyd through Center Hill. Several mobile homes were destroyed near the highway, with trees blown down and telephone poles snapped. Many properties in Center Hill were also heavily damaged. At least two mobile homes thrown and destroyed....claiming two lives. F66MH, M42VE
19.71999-01-21234°50'N / 92°05'W34°52'N / 92°01'W4.00 Miles400 Yards0000Lonoke
 Brief Description: A strong tornado in southeast Pulaski County moved into western Lonoke County. The tornado moved through the South Bend community and caused extensive damage. A shed was destroyed and a house was heavily damaged along or near Meadowlark Lane. Numerous trees were also downed or snapped in the same area. Farther northeast, the tornado damaged a few homes along Highway 294. In one of these homes, the garage was destroyed with extensive roof damage noted. In all, at least 12 homes...11 mobile homes and 10 farm buildings sustained at least some damage. The tornado dissipated about 2 miles northeast of town.
19.82005-09-24235°13'N / 91°49'W35°18'N / 91°56'W9.00 Miles150 Yards0000White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned on White County 5 miles to the southeast of Center Hill. The tornado moved to the northwest around the remnants of Hurricane Rita. Winds with the tornado were estimated to be about 155 mph. The tornado destroyed a house, welding shop and a mobile home. A church, as well as a number of other houses and mobile homes sustained heavy damage. Numerous trees and power lines were also downed along the path of the tornado. The tornado was on the ground close to 9 miles before lifting northwest of Center Hill.
19.92003-05-04335°02'N / 92°06'W35°04'N / 92°05'W1.50 Miles300 Yards0000Lonoke
 Brief Description: The tornado moved from Faulkner County into the extreme northwest corner of Lonoke County, about 7.2 miles northwest of Cabot. The tornado moved across Highway 5 where a number of trees and power poles were blown down. Several homes also sustained some minor roof damage due to fallen trees. The tornado continued moving northeast into White County.
20.51970-04-30235°16'N / 91°53'W1.30 Miles200 Yards0025K0White
20.82006-04-02235°16'N / 91°48'W35°19'N / 91°45'W6.30 Miles100 Yards0000White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in White County about 1.5 miles east-southeast of Armstrong Springs. The tornado destroyed two mobile homes, and several other mobile homes were damaged. A self storage warehouse was damaged as were three other businesses. Several dozen trees were uprooted, and power lines were downed. A number of vehicles were badly damaged as well.
21.32003-05-16235°16'N / 91°54'W35°18'N / 91°50'W5.00 Miles150 Yards0000White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned roughly 1 mile west of Center Hill. The tornado moved northeast, with several large trees uprooted or snapped. There was damage to roofs of some structures, with barns and outbuildings damaged as well. The tornado dissipated about 4 miles northeast of Center Hill.
22.21952-03-21435°13'N / 91°42'W35°22'N / 91°31'W14.60 Miles1760 Yards503252.5M0White
22.32001-02-24234°41'N / 91°37'W34°46'N / 91°26'W12.70 Miles200 Yards0000Prairie
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in southwest Prairie County about 3 miles northwest of Slovak. The tornado moved quickly northeast, and destroyed several metal farm shops and an outbuilding. The tornado also tipped over a recreational vehicle, removed tin from barns and sheds, and removed roof shingles from a few homes. Finally, at least a half dozen transmission towers were damaged, some heavily. The tornado travelled about 12.7 miles before dissipating 1 mile southeast of DeValls Bluff.
22.41999-01-21235°09'N / 92°07'W35°14'N / 92°00'W8.00 Miles250 Yards0000White
 Brief Description: A tornado in eastern Faulkner County moved into western White County, tracking mostly through rural areas. The tornado knocked down several trees, and destroyed a hay barn 4 miles north of El Paso along Highway 5. The tornado also damaged the roof of a church about 3 miles south of Romance. The tornado dissipated between Romance and Floyd just southwest of Highway 31.
22.51961-03-12235°08'N / 92°07'W35°09'N / 92°05'W1.90 Miles417 Yards00250K0White
23.01988-11-15234°42'N / 92°06'W34°47'N / 91°56'W12.00 Miles250 Yards0025.0M0Lonoke
23.11976-03-29334°52'N / 92°10'W34°54'N / 92°06'W4.70 Miles100 Yards003K0Pulaski
23.31951-02-20234°36'N / 92°01'W34°44'N / 91°42'W20.20 Miles333 Yards0325K0Lonoke
23.31980-04-07234°59'N / 92°13'W35°02'N / 92°06'W7.60 Miles33 Yards002.5M0Pulaski
23.41950-03-26235°06'N / 91°24'W35°09'N / 91°20'W5.40 Miles833 Yards020K0Woodruff
23.52005-09-24234°42'N / 91°58'W34°46'N / 92°04'W7.20 Miles100 Yards0500Lonoke
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in Lonoke County roughly 2 miles east-southeast of Bevis Corner. The tornado moved to the northwest around the remnants of Hurricane Rita. Estimated winds with the tornado were about 120 mph. The tornado demolished a couple of mobile homes, with an injury in one of these homes. Several other mobile homes sustained some damage, such as being moved off of their foundations or having their roofs caved in. In one of these homes, 4 additional injuries were noted. The tornado was on the ground for just over 7 miles before dissipating near Kerr.
23.51982-12-23235°09'N / 92°07'W35°16'N / 92°01'W8.00 Miles77 Yards05250K0White
23.51980-04-07234°52'N / 92°12'W34°52'N / 92°04'W7.60 Miles100 Yards00250K0Pulaski
23.71978-04-17234°55'N / 91°23'W34°57'N / 91°17'W6.40 Miles33 Yards00250K0Woodruff
24.01999-01-21235°15'N / 91°59'W35°21'N / 91°54'W10.00 Miles300 Yards0000White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in northwest White County. The tornado caused extensive tree damage, and also some property damage...mainly in the town of Joy. In Joy, a shed was destroyed behind an antique store. The volunteer fire department was also heavily damaged. A recreational vehicle was thrown into some trees. The tornado dissipated just north of Highway 310 between Sidon and Pickens.
24.31982-12-23235°02'N / 92°12'W35°09'N / 92°07'W8.00 Miles77 Yards02250K0Faulkner
24.31959-03-14335°03'N / 92°13'W35°05'N / 92°07'W6.20 Miles33 Yards00250K0Faulkner
24.41999-01-21235°08'N / 92°09'W35°10'N / 92°07'W2.00 Miles250 Yards0700Faulkner
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in eastern Faulkner County. The tornado destroyed a couple of manufactured homes southeast of Naylor on or near Bull Mountain Road. Five people were injured in one of the homes. A hay barn was also destroyed before the tornado exited into western White County.
24.51979-04-11234°41'N / 92°06'W34°46'N / 91°58'W9.60 Miles150 Yards00250K0Pulaski
24.71952-03-21334°32'N / 91°48'W34°44'N / 91°39'W16.20 Miles33 Yards99250K0Lonoke
25.31982-04-02234°39'N / 91°35'W2.50 Miles17 Yards00250K0Prairie
25.41985-04-23234°39'N / 91°55'W1.50 Miles400 Yards00250K0Lonoke
25.91976-03-26335°03'N / 91°22'W35°09'N / 91°15'W9.60 Miles70 Yards02250K0Woodruff
26.02008-05-02234°36'N / 92°01'W34°42'N / 91°52'W11.00 Miles200 Yards023.0M0KLonoke
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado exited Pulaski County, east of Wrightsville, and entered Lonoke County, just northwest of Keo. Two houses and two farm shops near Keo had roof damage. In addition, two houses north of Keo were destroyed. Trees, power poles, and grain bins were blown down, and there was damage at a fish farm. Two farm shops in Pettus were damaged. Also, five large, steel, electrical transmission towers were partially to totally destroyed. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A line of thunderstorms pushed into western Arkansas early on the morning of May 2nd. During the morning and afternoon hours, severe thunderstorms developed out ahead of the line and produced tornadoes.
26.11978-04-17234°43'N / 92°05'W34°44'N / 92°04'W1.30 Miles250 Yards02250K0Pulaski
26.91982-12-24334°59'N / 92°16'W35°14'N / 92°08'W16.50 Miles150 Yards17250K0Faulkner
26.91982-12-02335°09'N / 92°10'W35°16'N / 92°07'W7.00 Miles350 Yards01250K0Faulkner
27.72003-05-04335°00'N / 92°22'W35°04'N / 92°06'W15.90 Miles400 Yards0000Faulkner
 Brief Description: A strong tornado touched down in the southern part of Faulkner County, about 3 miles southwest of Saltillo. The tornado caused quite a bit of tree and power pole damage. Several homes and other buildings sustained some damage The tornado tracked to the northeast into Lonoke County.
28.21999-01-21234°40'N / 92°12'W34°49'N / 92°05'W11.00 Miles400 Yards0600Pulaski
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in southeast Pulaski County...or southeast of a dissipating tornado that moved through Little Rock. This new tornado developed about 7 miles southeast of the downtown area...and damaged a sprinkler system used for farming near the intersection of Highways 165 and 391. Farther northeast, the tornado destroyed a storage building and blew down some trees along Highway 70 about 1 to 2 miles east of Highway 391. The tornado then knocked at least four 18-wheelers over on Interstate 40 near Galloway before heading into Lonoke County.
28.31952-03-21335°08'N / 91°27'W35°16'N / 91°11'W17.60 Miles600 Yards0025K0Woodruff
28.42004-10-18234°35'N / 91°42'W34°35'N / 91°40'W1.80 Miles300 Yards0000Lonoke
 Brief Description: An F2 tornado touched down in Lonoke County southeast of Seaton Dump and moved to the east. Damage along the path of the tornado consisted of a carport blown 300 yards into an open farm field and the tin roof blown off a building. Numerous power poles were either snapped off or knocked down. The tornado eventually moved into Prairie County.
28.41982-12-02335°17'N / 92°07'W35°18'N / 92°04'W4.00 Miles300 Yards072.5M0White
28.71978-04-17234°57'N / 91°17'W34°58'N / 91°12'W5.10 Miles33 Yards00250K0Monroe
29.02008-04-03234°48'N / 92°16'W34°53'N / 92°11'W7.00 Miles800 Yards000K0KPulaski
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado began in North Little Rock, south of St. Joseph's Orphanage, near the intersection of Camp Robinson Rd. and Donovan Briley Blvd. It passed through the southeast corner of Camp Joseph T. Robinson, moved across the North Little Rock Airport, continued through parts of Sherwood and Sylvan Hills, and ended on the north side of Gravel Ridge. At the North Little Rock Airport, a number of the hangars suffered substantial damage. Virtually all of the small planes that had been tied down on the parking apron were overturned. A DC3 aircraft rolled about 1/4 mile from the parking apron, across a runway, and into a ditch. A small plane was trapped beneath the DC3 as it rolled along. At the National Weather Service, located at the airport, the staff took shelter for a few minutes in the office's concrete-reinforced safe room. Damage at the weather office was limited to a flagpole, birdhouse, and TV antenna being blown down. At Sylvan Hills High School, a considerable amount of roof damage occurred. The Sherwood Sports Complex, adjacent to the school, suffered substantial damage. Nearby, a tornado siren was blown down. The greatest amount of residential damage occurred in the Hidden Creek subdivision, and on to the northeast on Loop Rd., Kellogg Acres Rd., and Oakdale Rd. EPISODE NARRATIVE: The event began with a warm front moving north from the Gulf Coast region on the 3rd. The front was followed by above normal temperatures and abundant moisture. There was plenty of fuel for developing thunderstorms. A large area of showers and thunderstorms developed near the stalled front in northern and western Arkansas during the evening of the 3rd. During the early morning hours of the 4th, it became a heavy rain event.
29.01982-12-02335°18'N / 92°04'W35°21'N / 92°03'W4.00 Miles300 Yards002.5M0White
29.21979-06-28234°49'N / 92°13'W0.80 Mile77 Yards002.5M0Pulaski
29.41982-12-02335°02'N / 92°20'W35°17'N / 92°07'W17.00 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Faulkner
29.41960-05-05235°12'N / 92°12'W0.80 Mile417 Yards0025K0Faulkner
29.71982-12-02335°16'N / 92°07'W35°22'N / 92°04'W6.00 Miles350 Yards02250K0White
29.92004-10-18234°34'N / 91°42'W34°37'N / 91°23'W17.20 Miles600 Yards0012.2M0Prairie
 Brief Description: The F2 tornado moved from Lonoke County into Prairie County about 6.1 miles west-southwest of the Fairmount Community. The tornado gained intensity as it tracked to the east-northeast and then to the east as it approached the Stuttgart Airport. The tornado continued to track to the east before lifting east-northeast of the town of Ulm. The maximum damage was observed at the airport where numerous planes were damaged or destroyed. Damage at the airport was estimated at just over 12 million dollars. Also, most of the hangers and other buildings on the airport property sustained damage. Elsewhere along the path of the tornado, many power poles were snapped off or blown down. Metal irrigation pipe was carried for a mile and deposited in the field. Numerous outbuildings and farm shops were destroyed or damaged. A combine was destroyed and another was badly damaged. A farm tractor was destroyed as well. In the town of Ulm, a number of trees had large limbs broken and there was minor damage to house roofs. Underpinning was also blown out from under several mobile homes. The tornado weakened considerably before reaching Ulm.
30.31973-11-24235°20'N / 92°05'W1.30 Miles100 Yards18250K0White
30.52002-12-18335°06'N / 92°19'W35°12'N / 92°11'W9.80 Miles150 Yards11300Faulkner
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned over Faulkner County about 1 mile north of Hamlet. The tornado moved to the northeast for approximately 9.8 miles before lifting 0.8 mile east-southeast of Enola. A number of homes, both permanent and mobile, were either damaged or destroyed along the path of the tornado. An 84 year-old woman was killed when her mobile home was destroyed. 13 others sustained injuries. Numerous trees and power lines were blown down. A power substation was also damaged. F84MH
30.51956-01-28335°19'N / 92°07'W35°20'N / 92°05'W1.90 Miles150 Yards0025K0White
31.01997-03-01235°24'N / 91°38'W35°27'N / 91°35'W4.00 Miles150 Yards01420K0White
 Brief Description: Another tornado developed about 3.5 miles west-southwest of Velvet Ridge and moved northeastward. Before moving into Jackson County, the tornado destroyed a mobile home. 3 people inside the mobile home ran for cover and were not injured.
31.01982-04-02234°36'N / 92°01'W1.00 Mile100 Yards022.5M0Lonoke
31.11956-01-28335°15'N / 92°13'W35°19'N / 92°07'W7.40 Miles150 Yards0025K0Faulkner
31.41985-04-23234°35'N / 91°33'W34°36'N / 91°25'W8.00 Miles300 Yards00250K0Prairie
31.41973-04-19234°48'N / 92°15'W1.00 Mile100 Yards00250K0Pulaski
31.91967-05-06234°32'N / 91°53'W34°32'N / 91°46'W6.60 Miles100 Yards00250K0Lonoke
32.01967-05-06234°32'N / 91°46'W34°32'N / 91°33'W12.30 Miles100 Yards00250K0Lonoke
32.31997-03-01234°41'N / 92°14'W34°44'N / 92°10'W5.00 Miles352 Yards0010.0M0Pulaski
 Brief Description: Another tornado developed just south of the College Station storm, near the Sweet Home area. The tornado traveled northeastward, damaging several buildings. Some trees and power lines were also blown down. The tornado lifted soon after crossing the Arkansas River near the intersection of I-440 and Highway 165. Damage along the tornado's path was consistent with an F2 rating.
32.51978-01-07335°02'N / 91°13'W35°03'N / 91°08'W5.10 Miles100 Yards0125K0Woodruff
32.61982-12-02335°21'N / 92°03'W35°28'N / 91°59'W7.00 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Cleburne
32.72003-05-04335°07'N / 91°25'W35°18'N / 91°03'W25.50 Miles300 Yards0000Woodruff
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved out of White County and into Woodruff County about 4.8 miles west-southwest of Gregory. The tornado continued to strengthen as it moved northeastward before reaching Patterson and McCrory. Widespread trees and power poles were knocked down along the tornado path. Numerous homes and buildings sustained major structural damage. The tornado then turned more to the east and moved through Pumpkin Bend where several homes and other outbuildings were either damaged or destroyed. A number of trees and power lines were also downed. The tornado continued to track eastward out of Woodruff County, about 3.5 miles east of Pumpkin Bend, and moved into Cross County (Memphis County Warning Area).
32.81982-04-02234°53'N / 91°11'W002.5M0Monroe
32.91961-03-12234°57'N / 92°32'W35°08'N / 92°07'W26.70 Miles417 Yards012250K0Faulkner
32.91980-04-07234°54'N / 92°26'W34°59'N / 92°13'W13.50 Miles1320 Yards0152.5M0Faulkner
33.01985-04-23234°36'N / 91°25'W34°37'N / 91°23'W2.00 Miles300 Yards00250K0Monroe
33.11973-05-26435°16'N / 91°22'W35°22'N / 91°16'W9.00 Miles300 Yards0025K0Woodruff
33.21967-05-06234°32'N / 91°58'W34°32'N / 91°53'W4.90 Miles100 Yards01250K0Lonoke
33.21982-12-24335°10'N / 91°20'W35°21'N / 91°11'W12.00 Miles300 Yards102.5M0Woodruff
33.21952-03-21435°00'N / 91°15'W35°08'N / 91°05'W13.10 Miles880 Yards291802.5M0Woodruff
33.22003-05-04235°22'N / 92°06'W35°26'N / 92°01'W5.50 Miles100 Yards0100Cleburne
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved out of Faulkner County and into Cleburne County about 2.5 miles southwest of Hopewell. The tornado destroyed a couple of barns and outbuildings. Several houses and mobile homes were also damaged. The tornado also destroyed a mobile home. The mobile home was thrown against an old milking barn, which was also destroyed. A travel trailer was overturned and the person inside suffered minor injuries. An old chicken house was also destroyed and a mobile home was damaged due to flying debris. There were dozens of trees knocked down. The tornado dissipated about 3.8 miles northeast of Hopewell.
33.72003-05-16235°25'N / 91°29'W35°26'N / 91°28'W1.00 Mile150 Yards0000White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned near Bradford and moved to the northeast. The tornado downed a number of trees which fell on residences in and near town. Some of the trees were quite old, and were likely at least 100 years old. The tornado tracked to about 1 mile north-northwest of town before heading into Jackson County.
33.81982-12-24234°45'N / 92°16'W0.50 Mile50 Yards0025K0Pulaski
33.91961-05-14234°30'N / 91°36'W34°33'N / 91°31'W5.90 Miles417 Yards0025K0Arkansas
34.01969-10-06235°06'N / 92°25'W35°06'N / 92°15'W9.40 Miles33 Yards013K0Faulkner
34.11961-03-12335°17'N / 91°19'W35°20'N / 91°15'W5.10 Miles300 Yards012250K0Woodruff
34.21967-05-06234°32'N / 91°33'W34°31'N / 91°32'W1.30 Miles100 Yards00250K0Arkansas
34.31999-01-21335°26'N / 91°44'W35°32'N / 91°36'W10.00 Miles800 Yards0200White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in northern White County. The tornado tracked just west of Sunnydale and destroyed a trailer at the intersection of Highways 124 and 157. As the tornado headed northeast, it damaging or destroyed several homes 2 miles north of Sunnydale in the Holly Springs community. A number of trees were knocked down in the area as well. About 4 miles northeast of Sunnydale, the tornado destroyed a newly constructed home which was built on top of a hill. Just before moving into Independence County, the tornado damaged more homes and farm buildings and downed trees along and near Highway 167 close to the White County/Independence County line.
34.31988-11-15234°34'N / 92°14'W34°42'N / 92°06'W12.00 Miles250 Yards35225.0M0Pulaski
34.31956-02-15235°24'N / 91°24'W1.00 Mile100 Yards0025K0White
34.61999-01-21334°41'N / 91°16'W34°53'N / 91°07'W20.00 Miles500 Yards0000Monroe
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in southern Monroe County. The tornado flipped over a tractor 8 miles south of Brinkley. About 3 miles southeast of Brinkley, the tornado destroyed a home with nothing left but the foundation. As the tornado moved northeast, the tornado damaged some transmission towers. The tornado tracked through much of eastern Monroe County and weakened some before moving into St. Francis County (Memphis County Warning Area) and the Wheatley area.
34.71950-03-26234°42'N / 92°21'W34°48'N / 92°13'W10.40 Miles600 Yards07250K0Pulaski
34.81982-04-25234°39'N / 92°12'W0.50 Mile300 Yards012.5M0Pulaski
34.91975-02-22235°16'N / 92°16'W35°25'N / 92°07'W13.40 Miles30 Yards0025K0Faulkner
34.91982-12-02335°22'N / 92°04'W35°32'N / 91°57'W11.00 Miles350 Yards00250K0Cleburne
35.52003-05-04235°17'N / 92°17'W35°23'N / 92°09'W9.00 Miles100 Yards0000Faulkner
 Brief Description: A strong tornado touched down in northern Faulkner County. Numerous trees were Blown down along the path of the tornado. The tornado moved northeast into Cleburne County.
35.71954-05-02334°30'N / 91°33'W0.40 Mile50 Yards000K0Arkansas
35.91975-02-22334°40'N / 92°23'W34°50'N / 92°14'W14.40 Miles80 Yards1222.5M0Pulaski
35.91955-11-15335°26'N / 92°05'W0025K0Cleburne
36.01983-05-14334°30'N / 91°32'W0.80 Mile250 Yards00250K0Arkansas
36.11999-01-21235°30'N / 91°42'W35°31'N / 91°37'W5.00 Miles400 Yards1200White
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in northern White County about 3 miles north of Sunnydale along Highway 157. As the tornado tracked northeast, it caused extensive tree and utility pole damage. A few homes and barns were damaged, with a trailer near the White/Independence County line thrown into Independence County. The occupant of the trailer lost her life. The tornado eventually headed into Independence County toward the town of Pleasant Plains. F87MH
36.11967-03-05234°42'N / 92°23'W34°43'N / 92°11'W11.40 Miles33 Yards04250K0Pulaski
36.11973-04-19234°30'N / 91°58'W00250K0Lonoke
36.32003-05-16235°24'N / 91°25'W35°29'N / 91°25'W4.00 Miles100 Yards0000Jackson
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved out of White County just north of Bradford into Jackson County about 8 miles southwest of Ingleside. The tornado caused mostly tree damage, with trees either downed, snapped or twisted. The roofs of a few residences were also damaged. The tornado dissipated around 5.5 miles west of Ingleside near the Possum Grape community.
36.32010-03-10235°24'N / 92°08'W35°26'N / 92°07'W3.00 Miles300 Yards13250K0KCleburne
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A home was destroyed on South Sawmill Road, and the three occupants in the home were thrown out into a field. A 79 year-old man lost his life. The man's wife, 75 years old, suffered serious injuries, as did their grandson, 23 years old. The washer, dryer, and water heater from the home were found about 750 feet away in some brush. A mobile home on the same property was destroyed. Six other homes received minor damage. Some trees and power lines were blown down. A motorist on Arkansas Highway 107 was injured when his pickup truck was blown off the road. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A low pressure system passed by just to the north of Arkansas on the 10th, with a trailing cold front pushing south across the state. This cold front met up with sufficient Gulf moisture and instability to trigger thunderstorms during the afternoon and evening. Many of the storms dropped hail and a few produced tornadoes.
36.41997-03-01235°26'N / 91°35'W35°33'N / 91°30'W8.50 Miles1056 Yards23010.0M0Jackson
 Brief Description: The White County tornado moved into Jackson County 3 miles south of Denmark at 325 pm CST. As the tornado crossed Highway 167, 2 people were killed when a tree fell on them while they were taking shelter from the tornado in a ditch. Several mobile homes and some frame homes suffered partial roof removal as the tornado progressed across the county. The tornado exited Jackson County 7 miles northeast of Denmark at 331 pm CST. Damage along the path of the tornado was consistent with an F2 rating. M21OU, M30OU
36.61960-02-09335°21'N / 91°19'W35°24'N / 91°17'W3.80 Miles100 Yards01025K0Woodruff
36.71997-03-01434°37'N / 92°21'W34°45'N / 92°12'W11.00 Miles1408 Yards518050.0M0Pulaski
 Brief Description: The Saline County tornado moved into Pulaski County about 2.5 miles southeast of Mabelvale at 341 pm CST. The tornado tracked northeastward and damaged or destroyed a number of homes and businesses in the area of Arch Street Pike and Dixon Road in the south part of Little Rock. One person was killed in the same area when the building he was in seeking shelter was destroyed. Numerous trees and power lines were also blown down. The tornado continued to produce damage as it moved northeastward, but weakened and partially lifted as it approached the intersection of Highway 65 and Dixon Road. At this location, a building was destroyed and the tops of some trees were removed. The tornado reemerged near the College Station area around 349 pm CST, causing widespread damage. Many frame homes were either damaged or destroyed. 4 people were killed in the College Station area. A number of residents noted that there was a tremendous amount of flying debris. The tornado crossed I-440 and passed very close to Little Rock National Airport. The airport was closed for several hours after the storm passed, due to a large amount of debris on the runways. A hotel and a UPS Distribution Center near the airport sustained some damage. The tornado eventually lifted soon after it crossed the Arkansas River. Much of the damage along the path of the tornado was F2 and F3. However, some structural damage along the path was consistent with an F4 rating. M61BU, M69PH, F74VE, M62PH, F45MH
36.71999-01-21334°38'N / 92°24'W34°49'N / 92°13'W15.00 Miles700 Yards37200Pulaski
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved from eastern Saline County into southwest Pulaski County. Trees were downed as the tornado entered Pulaski County, with some roof damage to a business along Interstate 30 about 5 miles southwest of Little Rock. The tornado continued northeast into eastern sections of the downtown area...crossing near the intersection of Interstates 30 and 630. In this area, many homes and businesses (at least 235 structures) were heavily damaged or destroyed. It was estimated that around 750 structures sustained at least some damage. This included homes in an historic district which were built at the turn of the century. Trees were also downed throughout the area. One tree fell on a car, taking the life of a woman inside. The Governor's Mansion was not spared, with numerous trees down and one tree damaging a fence around the property. A grocery store was also destroyed at the corner of 17th and Main. One man lost his life at this location. Farther northeast, the tornado weakened as it crossed Interstate 40 just east of Highway 67/167. However, the tornado blew a tree down on a mobile home about 2 miles southeast of Sherwood. A man lost his life as a result. The tornado finally dissipated in Sherwood, with a new tornado forming in southeast Pulaski County. M63MH, M67BU, M34VE
36.81961-03-26234°29'N / 91°33'W1.50 Miles333 Yards06250K0Arkansas
36.81956-01-28335°12'N / 92°27'W35°15'N / 92°13'W13.70 Miles150 Yards01225K0Faulkner
37.02001-02-24234°36'N / 92°21'W34°44'N / 92°11'W12.30 Miles200 Yards0800Pulaski
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved from southeast Saline County into southwest Pulaski County about 7.5 miles west of Wrightsville. The tornado moved quickly northeast, and closely followed the track of a violent tornado on March 1, 1997. In fact, a few homes and buildings that were rebuilt after the March 1st event were destroyed during this latest event. The tornado affected much of southern Pulaski County, including the Sweet Home and College Station communities. Several houses and mobile homes were damaged or destroyed, including a church. Eight people suffered minor injuries. Trees and power lines were also downed. The tornado was on the ground about 12.3 miles before dissipating about 5.5 miles east of Little Rock.
37.11979-04-11234°33'N / 92°20'W34°41'N / 92°06'W16.10 Miles200 Yards002.5M0Saline
37.52004-10-18234°32'N / 92°15'W34°36'N / 92°04'W10.80 Miles800 Yards0000Pulaski
 Brief Description: The tornado moved out of Saline County and entered Pulaski County about 1.9 miles west of Woodson. The tornado tracked to the north of Woodson and continued to the northeast before lifting about 8.3 miles east of Wrightsville. Most of the structural damage occurred in the Woodson area where several houses and mobile homes sustained damage. Numerous trees and power lines were downed along the path of the tornado.
37.51976-04-24235°26'N / 92°08'W2.00 Miles30 Yards0025K0Cleburne
37.52008-05-02234°30'N / 92°15'W34°36'N / 92°01'W14.00 Miles300 Yards103.5M0KPulaski
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado exited Saline County, southeast of East End, and moved into Pulaski County, southwest of Woodson. Altogether, 75 homes (houses and mobile homes) were damaged or destroyed. This number included 21 homes destroyed, 16 with major damage, 26 with minor damage, and the remainder with only slight damage. Most of these homes were in the Hensley and Woodson areas. One woman was killed when her mobile home was destroyed on West Hensley Rd. Two large, steel, electrical transmission towers were knocked down. The tornado exited Pulaski County, east of Wrightsville, and moved into Lonoke County, just northwest of Keo. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A line of thunderstorms pushed into western Arkansas early on the morning of May 2nd. During the morning and afternoon hours, severe thunderstorms developed out ahead of the line and produced tornadoes.
37.61968-04-19235°29'N / 92°02'W1.00 Mile400 Yards00250K0Cleburne
37.81955-05-26235°23'N / 91°20'W35°25'N / 91°16'W4.50 Miles33 Yards07250K0Woodruff
37.91982-12-24235°10'N / 91°15'W35°22'N / 91°05'W15.00 Miles200 Yards00250K0Woodruff
37.91973-11-23234°35'N / 91°17'W34°46'N / 91°07'W15.80 Miles200 Yards00250K0Monroe
38.01952-03-21234°57'N / 92°25'W0625K0Faulkner
38.11955-11-15335°29'N / 92°02'W35°34'N / 91°48'W14.30 Miles133 Yards01250K0Cleburne
38.31982-12-02334°38'N / 92°26'W34°51'N / 92°16'W14.00 Miles233 Yards12525.0M0Pulaski
38.61961-05-06235°32'N / 91°35'W1.50 Miles300 Yards26250K0White
38.61982-04-02335°05'N / 92°27'W35°07'N / 92°23'W3.50 Miles440 Yards2372.5M0Faulkner
38.71997-03-01235°15'N / 91°16'W35°21'N / 91°05'W12.00 Miles880 Yards00500K0Woodruff
 Brief Description: A tornado touched down about 1.5 miles west of Patterson and moved northeastward. The tornado crossed Highway 64 about a mile northwest of Patterson where some trees were snapped off and a roadside park sustained damage. 3 miles north of McCrory on Highway 17, the tornado destroyed a house trailer and damaged some power poles. About a half mile north of the intersection of Highways 37 and 269, the tornado reached F2 strength, heavily damaging some homes and uprooting a number of trees. Near the intersection of Highways 37 and 145, a duck hunting club was destroyed and a farm shop and grain bins were damaged. The last damage noted in Woodruff County was just off Highway 145 where a frame house was destroyed. The tornado exited Woodruff County at 511 pm CST.
38.81965-04-10435°03'N / 92°27'W35°06'N / 92°24'W4.70 Miles200 Yards620025.0M0Faulkner
38.81968-04-19235°15'N / 92°23'W35°23'N / 92°14'W12.50 Miles600 Yards00250K0Faulkner
39.11970-04-30235°23'N / 92°13'W35°28'N / 92°10'W6.40 Miles100 Yards0025K0Cleburne
39.82005-11-27235°21'N / 92°17'W35°22'N / 92°18'W0.80 Mile100 Yards0000Van Buren
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in southeastern Van Buren about 9 miles southeast of Bee Branch. The tornado was in the county a short time, and only caused some tree damage before moving into southwestern Cleburne County.
39.91973-11-24234°57'N / 92°27'W0025K0Faulkner
39.91970-04-30235°09'N / 92°26'W35°12'N / 92°24'W4.30 Miles50 Yards003K0Faulkner
40.01960-05-06234°33'N / 92°20'W34°38'N / 92°11'W10.30 Miles200 Yards0025K0Pulaski
40.41999-01-21234°53'N / 91°06'W35°04'N / 90°58'W16.00 Miles200 Yards09500K0St. Francis
 Brief Description: The tornado moved into the extreme southwest corner of St. Francis county from Monroe county. It touched down several times and then lifted back into the air. The most severe damage occurred in and near Wheatley. Thirteen homes were completely demolished and six other homes sustained structural damage. Further along its path, the tornado hit a farm about 4.5 miles northeast of Wheatley. The farmhouse lost part of its roof. Two or three machine sheds were demolished, several other outbuildings were damaged, grain storage bins were flatted and blown several hundreds of feet away and irrigation equipment suffered extensive damage.
40.41965-02-09334°36'N / 91°13'W2.00 Miles200 Yards0525K0Monroe
40.42006-03-09235°12'N / 91°09'W35°17'N / 91°03'W7.70 Miles100 Yards0400Woodruff
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in Woodruff County about 4 miles southwest of Morton. The tornado tracked quickly through Morton before exiting into Cross County. The tornado damaged 18 homes in Woodruff County. A large metal building housing a welding shop was destroyed. A church lost a large part of its roof, with several windows blown out. A hunting lodge also suffered considerable roof damage. Several large grain bins were damaged, and a number of outbuildings were destroyed. Numerous power lines and power poles were blown down, with dozens of trees snapped or uprooted.
40.51999-01-21235°32'N / 91°39'W35°36'N / 91°34'W6.00 Miles300 Yards0100Independence
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved from northern White County into southern Independence County...and affected the town of Pleasant Plains. Just south of town, a trailer was flipped over behind a hardware store and a barn was heavily damaged. In the area around Pleasant Plains...at least 25 homes, a couple of businesses and a church sustained at least some damage from this tornado and from a tornado about an hour and a half earlier. Extensive tree damage was also found. The tornado headed northeast and dissipated about 5 miles northeast of town not long after it crossed Highway 157.
40.62008-05-10334°29'N / 91°35'W34°25'N / 91°21'W14.00 Miles1320 Yards0975.0M0KArkansas
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado touched down west of Stuttgart, near the Arkansas/Prairie County line. The tornado then moved toward the east-southeast, passing through the southern sections of Stuttgart. Most of the damage in the city was along and a few blocks to the north of 22nd Street (Arkansas Highway 130). The tornado then passed through the southern part of the Country Club Estates area and moved out across farmsteads, finally taking a turn toward the southeast and ending northeast of Almyra. Altogether, some 800 homes were damaged, along with 82 businesses, and approximately 750 vehicles. Two schools, a community college's training center, a nursing home, and a sports complex were also damaged. Six people had to be rescued after the building housing a dollar store collapsed, trapping the people inside. About 3800 customers lost electric service in the Stuttgart area, and about 2000 customers were without telephone service. Seventy-five animals were treated for minor injuries at Stuttgart's animal shelter. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A cold front moved through Arkansas on the 9th, but the front then stalled and moved back to the north as a warm front on the 10th. Severe storms developed north of the front during the afternoon, with tornadoes developing closer to the front during the early evening hours.
40.71951-02-20234°44'N / 91°42'W35°33'N / 90°24'W92.60 Miles333 Yards0025K0Prairie
40.81979-04-11235°18'N / 92°22'W35°20'N / 92°20'W3.00 Miles440 Yards00250K0Faulkner
40.92005-11-27235°23'N / 92°16'W35°30'N / 92°10'W9.20 Miles100 Yards0100Cleburne
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved from southeastern Van Buren County into southwestern Cleburne County about 2.5 miles west of Quitman. The tornado tracked quickly to the northeast, and removed the roofs of several houses. The tornado also destroyed a mobile home, a camper, a chicken house and a few barns and outbuildings. Several other chicken houses were damaged, as well as some vehicles. Hundreds of trees, power lines and power poles were downed. The tornado dissipated 5.5 miles north-northwest of Pearson.
40.91988-03-24235°35'N / 91°45'W2.00 Miles100 Yards00250K0Independence
40.91955-11-15335°34'N / 91°48'W35°36'N / 91°45'W3.30 Miles133 Yards13250K0Independence
41.11973-11-23234°46'N / 91°07'W34°48'N / 91°01'W6.20 Miles200 Yards01250K0Lee
41.41982-12-24335°21'N / 91°11'W35°23'N / 91°10'W3.00 Miles300 Yards002.5M0Jackson
41.41980-04-07234°45'N / 92°35'W34°47'N / 92°16'W18.10 Miles880 Yards052.5M0Pulaski
41.41955-05-26235°25'N / 91°16'W35°27'N / 91°14'W3.00 Miles33 Yards00250K0Jackson
41.61957-12-19334°23'N / 91°57'W34°26'N / 91°55'W3.80 Miles100 Yards0025K0Jefferson
42.11957-05-13335°04'N / 92°28'W35°19'N / 92°26'W17.50 Miles63 Yards118250K0Faulkner
42.41999-01-21335°32'N / 91°36'W35°38'N / 91°30'W9.00 Miles600 Yards0000Independence
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved out of northern White County into southern Independence County. The tornado tracked across Highway 167 about 2 miles south of Pleasant Plains...damaging or destroying several homes and farm buildings and knocking down trees. Northeast of Pleasant Plains, and near Highway 157...the tornado headed through a forested area. An aerial survey confirmed that in at least one area of the forest...only a few trees were left standing. The tornado began dissipating as it moved between Rosie and Oil Trough. About a mile farther southeast, yet another tornado was developing in southern Independence County.
42.61975-04-30234°52'N / 92°29'W0.50 Mile20 Yards003K0Pulaski
42.91978-01-07335°03'N / 91°08'W35°09'N / 90°52'W16.60 Miles150 Yards000K0St. Francis
43.21984-03-15435°37'N / 91°48'W35°37'N / 91°42'W5.00 Miles440 Yards0325.0M0Independence
43.22006-03-09235°15'N / 91°03'W35°15'N / 91°03'W8.00 Miles50 Yards02100K0Cross
 Brief Description: The tornado moved into Cross County from Woodruff County and continued to move northeast. Five houses were badly damaged. One mobile home was displaced 100 feet from its foundation and damaged. A large metal storage shed was severely damaged with its roof removed and several large steel cross beams twisted. Several other outbuildings and barns were damaged. Many trees, power lines and power poles were also blown down.
43.71997-03-01235°32'N / 91°28'W35°36'N / 91°23'W7.50 Miles880 Yards003.0M0Independence
 Brief Description: The Jackson County tornado moved into Independence County 7 miles south of Oil Trough at 331 pm CST. As the tornado tracked northeastward, it damaged several homes and downed a number of trees and power lines. The tornado exited Independence County 5.5 miles east-southeast of Oil Trough at 342 pm CST.
43.81957-06-13235°19'N / 92°26'W35°21'N / 92°22'W4.50 Miles440 Yards000K0Faulkner
44.11950-08-24234°24'N / 91°26'W34°26'N / 91°23'W3.60 Miles200 Yards0725K0Arkansas
44.21970-10-06235°06'N / 92°31'W0.30 Mile100 Yards0025K0Faulkner
44.21988-11-15234°30'N / 92°21'W34°34'N / 92°14'W7.00 Miles250 Yards0025.0M0Saline
44.31964-08-11234°31'N / 91°33'W34°17'N / 91°20'W20.30 Miles250 Yards00250K0Arkansas
44.31964-08-11234°31'N / 91°33'W34°17'N / 91°20'W20.30 Miles250 Yards000K0Arkansas
44.41976-03-29335°33'N / 92°08'W35°39'N / 91°52'W16.50 Miles50 Yards16250K0Cleburne
44.41955-11-15335°36'N / 91°45'W35°40'N / 91°39'W7.20 Miles133 Yards00250K0Independence
44.71984-03-15435°37'N / 91°42'W35°39'N / 91°36'W5.00 Miles440 Yards0025.0M0Independence
44.72001-02-24234°35'N / 92°23'W34°36'N / 92°21'W2.00 Miles200 Yards0000Saline
 Brief Description: A strong tornado developed about 2.5 miles east of Vimy Ridge in southeast Saline County. The tornado moved quickly northeast, and caused mostly tree damage. The tornado travelled about 2 miles before moving into Pulaski County.
44.71991-03-22235°37'N / 91°57'W35°39'N / 91°45'W10.00 Miles50 Yards01250K0Cleburne
45.11957-06-13235°22'N / 92°24'W1.00 Mile27 Yards003K0Faulkner
45.12010-04-30335°27'N / 91°16'W35°30'N / 91°09'W8.00 Miles1000 Yards001.0M0KJackson
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This was the fifth of five tornadoes spawned by the same supercell thunderstorm. This tornado passed through the south side of Shoffner. A church was destroyed and a power substation was damaged. A hangar at a flying service was destroyed and an aircraft used for agricultural application was damaged. A mobile home was overturned and destroyed. Significant roof damage occurred to homes. A grain elevator was badly damaged. An irrigation pivot was overturned. Outbuildings were destroyed or damaged. Trees were blown down. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Moisture from the Gulf of Mexico surged into Arkansas at the end of April, so conditions in the state became warm and humid. On the 30th, a strong area of low pressure aloft approached from the west, resulting in the development of thunderstorms. Wind shear, a change in wind direction and speed with height, was present. This created a favorable environment for the formation of tornadoes.
45.42008-05-02234°29'N / 92°17'W34°30'N / 92°15'W3.00 Miles300 Yards011.0M0KSaline
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado exited Grant County, northeast of Ico, and moved into Saline County, south-southeast of East End. A total of 16 homes were impacted. Four were destroyed, nine had major damage and three had minor damage. The tornado exited Saline County, southeast of East End, and moved into Pulaski County, southwest of Woodson. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A line of thunderstorms pushed into western Arkansas early on the morning of May 2nd. During the morning and afternoon hours, severe thunderstorms developed out ahead of the line and produced tornadoes.
45.41984-03-15435°36'N / 92°15'W35°37'N / 91°48'W23.00 Miles440 Yards21025.0M0Cleburne
45.51988-11-15335°31'N / 92°14'W35°31'N / 92°14'W2.00 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Cleburne
45.72008-05-02335°22'N / 92°28'W35°29'N / 92°15'W15.00 Miles1600 Yards3610.0M0KVan Buren
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado moved out of Conway County, east of Center Ridge, and entered Van Buren County, west-southwest of Damascus. The tornado destroyed 17 permanent homes and 8 mobile homes. It caused major damage to 30 homes and minor damage to 19 homes. Four chicken houses were destroyed, 8 horses were killed, and one bull was killed. A feed mill was destroyed and three businesses received major damage. One church was destroyed and another was severely damaged. A 4 year-old girl and her grandparents were killed when their house was destroyed on Scroggins Creek Rd. (County Road 65). The tornado exited Van Buren County, east-northeast of Morganton, and moved into Cleburne County, northwest of Crossroads. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A line of thunderstorms pushed into western Arkansas early on the morning of May 2nd. During the morning and afternoon hours, severe thunderstorms developed out ahead of the line and produced tornadoes.
46.01972-06-08235°36'N / 91°25'W0.50 Mile100 Yards0025K0Independence
46.02008-05-02235°29'N / 92°15'W35°42'N / 91°57'W22.00 Miles1200 Yards01232.0M0KCleburne
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado exited Van Buren County, east-northeast of Morganton, and moved into Cleburne County, northwest of Crossroads. Across the county, 194 homes received damage. This included 27 houses and five mobile homes destroyed, 66 homes with major damage, and 96 homes with minor damage. A dog kennel, two chicken houses, and a beauty shop were destroyed. Minor damage was done to two chicken houses, a rock quarry, a flea market, a boat storage facility, a beauty shop, a fire department, a print shop, and a community ball park. At least 19 boats and party barges sank in Greers Ferry Lake. Removal of the vessels and clean-up of the spilled fuel and fluids continued well into June. About 6800 homes and businesses lost power. In addition to power lines and poles being blown down, one transmission line and one substation were damaged. Approximately 250 dogs and puppies were killed, along with two horses, and hundreds of chickens. EPISODE NARRATIVE: A line of thunderstorms pushed into western Arkansas early on the morning of May 2nd. During the morning and afternoon hours, severe thunderstorms developed out ahead of the line and produced tornadoes.
46.11988-11-15335°23'N / 92°27'W35°31'N / 92°14'W15.50 Miles400 Yards1102.5M0Van Buren
46.11997-03-01234°35'N / 92°24'W34°35'N / 92°23'W2.00 Miles352 Yards0010.0M0Saline
 Brief Description: Another tornado formed just south of the main tornado track near Shannon Hills. The tornado was on the ground for approximately 2 miles. Several homes sustained damage. A number of trees were also blown down, as well as several high voltage electrical towers. Much of the damage was mostly F1. However, damage to the high voltage transmission towers was consistent with an F2 rating.
46.21999-01-21334°33'N / 92°25'W34°38'N / 92°23'W7.00 Miles400 Yards0000Saline
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in eastern Saline County. Where the tornado first touched down, a trailer was damaged and a tree fell on a car about 4 miles south of Vimy Ridge along Styles Road. About 2 miles southeast of Vimy Ridge on Sardis Road, extensive tree damage was found. A mobile home was heavily damaged in the same area with several other homes sustaining roof damage. The tornado strengthened as it moved northeast into Pulaski County.
46.21973-05-26435°22'N / 91°16'W35°32'N / 91°02'W17.30 Miles300 Yards0725K0Jackson
46.31982-12-24235°22'N / 91°05'W35°23'N / 91°04'W1.00 Mile200 Yards00250K0Jackson
46.61981-10-17234°32'N / 92°21'W0.50 Mile100 Yards0025K0Saline
46.62010-04-30234°30'N / 92°24'W34°34'N / 92°18'W8.00 Miles550 Yards083.0M0KSaline
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: This tornado exited Grant County northwest of Ico and re-entered Saline County south of Sardis. The tornado traveled through the East End community, causing EF2 damage. A Red Cross survey of the damage indicated: 4 houses and 11 mobile homes destroyed, 11 houses and 3 mobile homes with major damage, 26 houses and 4 mobile homes with minor damage, and 16 houses and 13 mobile homes affected. A fire station in East End was destroyed and part of the roof was torn off a church. Two businesses also suffered damage. In addition, numerous trees and power lines were blown down. Eight people were injured. The tornado exited Saline County northeast of East End and entered Pulaski County south-southeast of Landmark. EPISODE NARRATIVE: Moisture from the Gulf of Mexico surged into Arkansas at the end of April, so conditions in the state became warm and humid. On the 30th, a strong area of low pressure aloft approached from the west, resulting in the development of thunderstorms. Wind shear, a change in wind direction and speed with height, was present. This created a favorable environment for the formation of tornadoes.
46.71999-01-17235°35'N / 91°26'W35°38'N / 91°23'W5.00 Miles250 Yards0000Independence
 Brief Description: A strong tornado was spawned in southeast Independence County about 4 miles south-southeast of Oil Trough. As the tornado tracked northeast, it heavily damaged a home in the Macks community...with the roof removed. Several vehicles at the home were damaged by flying debris. Farther northeast, the tornado caused mostly tree and power line damage before it moved into Jackson County.
46.91984-05-06235°26'N / 91°07'W1.00 Mile433 Yards082.5M0Jackson
47.01961-03-12234°55'N / 92°37'W34°57'N / 92°32'W5.60 Miles417 Yards00250K0Pulaski
47.21991-03-22235°39'N / 91°45'W35°42'N / 91°42'W5.00 Miles50 Yards00250K0Independence
47.41960-05-06335°06'N / 92°37'W35°10'N / 92°31'W7.60 Miles300 Yards1242.5M0Conway
47.41984-03-15435°28'N / 91°14'W35°28'N / 91°03'W10.00 Miles440 Yards0025.0M0Jackson
47.42004-10-18234°30'N / 92°27'W34°32'N / 92°15'W13.20 Miles800 Yards01100Saline
 Brief Description: An F2 tornado touched down 4 miles southwest of Sardis and tracked to the east-northeast before moving into Pulaski County. Numerous trees and power lines were downed along the path of the tornado. A number of mobile homes sustained minor or major damage. Eleven people sustained minor injuries, many of which were inside their mobile homes when the tornado struck.
47.51988-11-15335°20'N / 92°28'W35°23'N / 92°27'W3.00 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Faulkner
47.51970-11-19234°16'N / 91°44'W34°21'N / 91°33'W11.90 Miles300 Yards0025K0Arkansas
47.81982-12-02334°35'N / 92°28'W34°38'N / 92°26'W4.00 Miles233 Yards12825.0M0Saline
47.91993-09-14235°36'N / 91°28'W35°40'N / 91°23'W5.00 Miles75 Yards00500K0Independence
 Brief Description: An F2 tornado touched down 2 miles south of Oil Trough and traveled approximately 5 miles to the northeast before lifting. The path that the tornado traveled was mostly in farm fields. However, the tornado did strike several houses and an airplane hangar. One home sustained major damage, while two other homes received some minor structural damage. A number of trees were also snapped off or uprooted along the path. A local pilot managed to capture a portion of the storm on videotape. The homes that were damaged were unoccupied at the time the tornado struck.
47.91999-01-17235°36'N / 91°22'W35°37'N / 91°21'W2.00 Miles250 Yards0000Jackson
 Brief Description: A strong tornado in southeast Independence County moved into western Jackson County. The tornado caused mostly tree and power line damage and blew down some highway signs before it dissipated about 2 miles west-southwest of Jacksonport.
48.01997-03-01434°31'N / 92°31'W34°39'N / 92°21'W14.00 Miles1408 Yards104025.0M0Saline
 Brief Description: The thunderstorm that produced the tornado across Clark and Hot Spring County earlier spawned another tornado in Saline County. The tornado touched down 5 miles southeast of Benton and traveled northeastward, damaging a number of homes and downing numerous trees and power lines. As the tornado approached Shannon Hills, the tornado expanded to 0.8 mile wide. Dozens of homes were either damaged or destroyed in the area around the Shannon Hills, Vimy Ridge and Sardis communities. 10 people were killed, with most victims inside their homes when the storm hit. The tornado exhibited characteristics of F2 to F3 strength prior to moving into the Shannon Hills area. After that, the tornado reached F4 intensity as it moved across the Shannon Hills area and eventually into Pulaski County. M64PH, F60PH, F23MH, F55PH, F35PH, M55OU, F52OU, M15MH, M49MH, M72OU
48.11968-05-15435°39'N / 91°28'W0.30 Mile300 Yards7242.5M0Independence
48.31955-05-26234°57'N / 92°38'W34°59'N / 92°34'W4.50 Miles880 Yards0025K0Perry
48.71995-10-27234°32'N / 92°24'W0.50 Mile50 Yards0600Saline
 Brief Description: An F2 tornado touched down in the Sardis community and traveled approximately one-half mile before lifting. Several mobile homes were flipped over by the tornado. Altogether, six people residing in the mobile homes received minor injuries. Numerous trees and power lines were also blown down. Several outbuildings were also damaged or destroyed.
48.92005-11-27235°22'N / 92°28'W35°32'N / 92°21'W13.10 Miles400 Yards0000Van Buren
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved from Faulkner County into Van Buren County about 5 miles southwest of Southside. Winds were estimated at 140 mph. Damage along the path of the tornado consisted of numerous barns and outbuildings either damaged or destroyed. A number of cars were damaged, and a few were overturned. Several mobile homes were damaged or destroyed as well. Hundreds of trees were also knocked down. Numerous power lines and power poles were also blown down. The tornado dissipated about 6.5 miles north-northeast of Bee Branch.
49.02005-11-27235°21'N / 92°30'W35°23'N / 92°28'W2.60 Miles400 Yards0000Faulkner
 Brief Description: A strong tornado moved out of Conway County and into the northwest corner of Faulkner County about 5 miles west-southwest of Damascus. Damage along the path of the tornado consisted of numerous downed trees and power lines. Several homes sustained minor roof damage. The tornado continued moving northeastward into Van Buren County.
49.02008-04-03234°38'N / 92°31'W34°39'N / 92°29'W3.00 Miles500 Yards0010.0M0KSaline
 Brief Description: EVENT NARRATIVE: A tornado began northwest of Bryant and ended northwest of Alexander. The tornado caused major damage in the Hurricane Meadows subdivision, and then continued on to the northeast. Altogether, six houses were destroyed, and approximately 30 others suffered varying degrees of damage. EPISODE NARRATIVE: The event began with a warm front moving north from the Gulf Coast region on the 3rd. The front was followed by above normal temperatures and abundant moisture. There was plenty of fuel for developing thunderstorms. A large area of showers and thunderstorms developed near the stalled front in northern and western Arkansas during the evening of the 3rd. During the early morning hours of the 4th, it became a heavy rain event.
49.12005-11-27235°17'N / 92°34'W35°20'N / 92°29'W6.10 Miles600 Yards0000Conway
 Brief Description: A strong tornado touched down over eastern Conway County, about a mile north-northeast of Springfield. Winds were estimated at 140 mph. Damage along the path of the tornado consisted of several homes with roofs blown off and a couple of mobile homes destroyed. About 3 miles northeast of Springfield, a collision repair and auto customizing shop was detroyed. A nearby mobile home was thrown into the business. Numerous trees, power poles and power lines were also knocked down. The tornado moved northeast into Faulkner County.
49.31988-11-15335°16'N / 92°36'W35°20'N / 92°28'W8.50 Miles400 Yards002.5M0Conway
49.41956-02-15235°34'N / 92°16'W0025K0Van Buren
49.61955-11-15335°40'N / 91°39'W35°43'N / 91°27'W11.70 Miles133 Yards00250K0Independence
49.61952-03-21335°28'N / 91°12'W35°32'N / 91°03'W9.60 Miles440 Yards063K0Jackson
49.71970-11-19334°47'N / 90°58'W34°49'N / 90°50'W8.00 Miles400 Yards027250K0Lee
49.81956-02-14335°24'N / 92°30'W35°25'N / 92°26'W4.10 Miles300 Yards00250K0Van Buren

* The information on this page is based on the global volcano database, the U.S. earthquake database of 1638-1985, and the U.S. Tornado and Weather Extremes database of 1950-2010.

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