East Lopez, TX
East Lopez is located in south Texas. East Lopez has 0.02 square miles of land area and has no water area. As of 2010-2014, the total East Lopez population is 117. East Lopez median household income is $24,205 in 2010-2014. East Lopez median house value is $75,300 in 2010-2014. On average, the public school district that covers East Lopez is worse than the state average in quality.
Population | 117 (2010-2014), rank #1584 | Population Growth | -45.83% since 2006-2010, see rank | Population Density: | 5,659.86/sq mi, rank #42 | Median Household Income: | $24,205 at 2010-2014—-70.81% increase since 2006-2010, rank #1500 | Median House Price: | $75,300 at 2010-2014—5.02% increase since 2006-2010, rank #895 | Time Zone: | Central GMT -6:00 with Daylight Saving in the Summer | Land Area: | 0.02 sq mi, rank #1724 | Water Area: | 0.00 sq mi (0.00%), rank #1033 | State: | Texas | School District: | , rank #1497 | Accommodations: | East Lopez Hotels |
| Hot Rankings High / Low TX Cities by Males Employed High / Low TX Cities by Females Employed |
East Lopez, TX Map, Border, and Nearby Locations