Alaska has 570,640.51 square miles of land area and 94,743.02 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Alaska population is 728,300, which has grown 16.17% since 2000. The population growth rate is higher than the national average rate of 11.61%. Alaska median household income is $71,829 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 39.28% since 2000. The income growth rate is higher than the national average rate of 27.36%. Alaska median house value is $246,300 in 2010-2014 and has grown by 70.80% since 2000. The house value growth rate is much higher than the national average rate of 46.91%. As a reference, the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate for the same period is 26.63%.
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Alaska Map, Border, and Nearby Locations
Alaska Area Codes
Alaska Counties
Anchorage 298,178Fairbanks North Star 99,319Matanuska Susitna 93,843Kenai Peninsula 56,687Juneau 32,200Bethel 17,576Kodiak Island 13,924Ketchikan Gateway 13,676Nome 9,792Valdez Cordova 9,685North Slope 9,618Sitka 8,957Wade Hampton 7,778Northwest Arctic 7,672Southeast Fairbanks 7,044Prince Of Wales Hyder 6,356Yukon Koyukuk 5,651Aleutians West 5,650Dillingham 4,956Aleutians East 3,296Petersburg 3,212Haines 2,557Wrangell 2,383Hoonah Angoon 2,126Denali 2,048Lake And Peninsula 1,490Skagway 996Bristol Bay 995Yakutat 635
Alaska Cities / Towns
Adak 114Akhiok 103Akiachak 590Akiak 407Akutan 879Alakanuk 733Alatna 2Alcan Border 33Aleknagik 231Aleneva 63Allakaket 72Ambler 329Anaktuvuk Pass 233Anchor Point 2,189Anchorage 298,178Anderson 257Angoon 416Aniak 519Anvik 86Arctic Village 118Atka 66Atmautluak 288Atqasuk 219Attu Station 11Auke Bay
Badger 21,175Barrow 4,296Bear Creek 2,399Beaver 86Beluga 5Bethel 6,295Bettles 11Bettles FieldBig Delta 590Big Lake 3,959Birch Creek 11Brevig Mission 439Buckland 582Buffalo Soapstone 878Butte 3,544
Cantwell 197Central 91Chalkyitsik 85Chase 22Chefornak 474Chena Ridge 5,671Chenega 72Chevak 986Chickaloon 234Chicken 7Chignik 86Chignik Lagoon 60Chignik Lake 58Chiniak 14ChisanaChistochina 105Chitina 78Chuathbaluk 104ChugiakCircle 103Clam Gulch 163Clarks Point 75ClearCoffman Cove 131Cohoe 1,485Cold Bay 44Coldfoot 11College 14,568Cooper Landing 323Copper Center 378Cordova 2,637Covenant Life 151Craig 1,295Crooked Creek 104Crown Point 84
Deering 128Delta Junction 1,070Deltana 2,122Denali National ParkDiamond Ridge 1,144Dillingham 2,255Diomede 65Dot Lake 13Dot Lake Village 38DouglasDry Creek 88Dutch Harbor
Eagle 74Eagle RiverEagle Village 11Edna Bay 21Eek 425Egegik 74Eielson 2,647Eielson AfbEkwok 100Elfin Cove 42Elim 319Emmonak 819Ester 2,653Eureka Roadhouse 29Evansville 21Excursion Inlet 36
Fairbanks 32,100False Pass 31Farm Loop 1,018Farmers Loop 4,062Ferry 7Fishhook 5,015Flat 4Fort Greely 560Fort WainwrightFort Yukon 514Four Mile Road 29Fox 510Fox River 685Fritz Creek 1,774Funny River 935
Gakona 163Galena 539Gambell 702Game Creek 38Gateway 5,367GirdwoodGlacier View 278Glennallen 389Goldstream 3,910Golovin 122Goodnews Bay 237Grayling 151Gulkana 104Gustavus 529
Haines 1,951Halibut Cove 21Happy Valley 585Harding-Birch Lakes 155Healy 1,146Healy Lake 13Hobart Bay 1Hollis 129Holy Cross 209Homer 5,229Hoonah 772Hooper Bay 1,259Hope 57Houston 2,058Hughes 63Huslia 379Hydaburg 356Hyder 12
Kachemak 472Kake 592Kaktovik 176Kalifornsky 7,806Kalskag 257Kaltag 200Karluk 30Kasaan 67Kasigluk 537Kasilof 396Kenai 7,348Kenny Lake 131Ketchikan 8,173Kiana 371King Cove 900King Salmon 335Kipnuk 700Kivalina 532Klawock 697Klukwan 66Knik River 690Knik-Fairview 15,797Kobuk 159Kodiak 6,280Kodiak Station 1,397Kokhanok 123Koliganek 164Kongiganak 368Kotlik 636Kotzebue 3,273Koyuk 265Koyukuk 89Kupreanof 48Kwethluk 763Kwigillingok 325
Lake Louise 42Lake Minchumina 19Lakes 9,345Larsen Bay 52Lazy Mountain 1,629Levelock 131Lime Village 22Livengood 10Loring 4Lowell Point 66Lower Kalskag 340Lutak 12
Manley Hot Springs 80Manokotak 673Marshall 320Mc GrathMccarthy 133Mcgrath 344Mckinley Park 429Meadow Lakes 7,139Mekoryuk 177Mendeltna 25Mentasta Lake 231MertarvikMetlakatla 1,568Meyers Chuck 21Minto 252Moose Creek 728Moose Pass 464Mosquito Lake 119Mountain Village 781Mud Bay 131
Nabesna 5Naknek 600Nanwalek 212Napakiak 365Napaskiak 430Naukati Bay 35Nelchina 124Nelson Lagoon 39Nenana 438New Allakaket 71New Stuyahok 574Newhalen 175Newtok 384Nightmute 281Nikiski 4,536Nikolaevsk 196Nikolai 75Nikolski 34Ninilchik 730Noatak 452Nome 3,745Nondalton 214Noorvik 598North Pole 2,153Northway 139Northway Junction 62Northway Village 97Nuiqsut 371Nulato 272Nunam Iqua 132Nunapitchuk 459
Palmer 6,250Paxson 34Pedro Bay 22Pelican 57Perryville 116Petersburg 2,926Petersville 4Pilot Point 47Pilot Station 567Pitkas Point 136Platinum 42Pleasant Valley 280Point Baker 48Point Hope 628Point Lay 246Point Mackenzie 473Point Possession 3Pope-Vannoy Landing 6Port Alexander 30Port Alsworth 147Port Clarence 43Port Graham 166Port Heiden 84Port Lions 230Port Protection 83Portage Creek 2Primrose 51Prudhoe Bay 2,570
Quinhagak 616
Saint George 33Saint George IslandSaint MarysSaint Michael 406Saint Paul 612Saint Paul IslandSalamatof 1,049Salcha 957Sand Point 1,371Savoonga 872Saxman 470Scammon Bay 447Selawik 754Seldovia 264Seldovia Village 180Seward 2,646Shageluk 58Shaktoolik 212Shishmaref 629Shungnak 308Silver Springs 170Sitka 8,957Skagway 932Skwentna 47Slana 139Sleetmute 100Soldotna 4,345South Naknek 60South Van Horn 547St. Mary'S 551Stebbins 538Steele Creek 6,180Sterling 5,748Stevens Village 69Stony River 61Sunrise 15Susitna 18Susitna North 1,420SuttonSutton-Alpine 1,390
Takotna 56Talkeetna 508Tanacross 176Tanaina 9,391Tanana 248Tatitlek 69Tazlina 323Teller 184Tenakee Springs 117Tetlin 123Thorne Bay 536Togiak 765Tok 1,304Toksook Bay 650Tolsona 30Tonsina 16Trapper Creek 448Tuluksak 421Tuntutuliak 437Tununak 297Twin Hills 93Two Rivers 441Tyonek 226
Wainwright 482Wales 165Ward CoveWasilla 8,406Whale Pass 39White Mountain 148Whitestone 244Whitestone Logging Camp 46Whittier 246Willow 1,944Willow Creek 46Wiseman 13Womens Bay 854Wrangell 2,383
Yakutat 587