Local Data Search


Stratford, VA Public Schools

5 public schools were found in or near Stratford, VA.

Colonial Beach Elementary (12.4 miles)
315 Douglas Ave
Colonial Beach, VA 22443
phone: 804-224-9897
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 7
Students: 357 Student-Teacher Ratio: 18.72, Title 1
Cople Elementary (8.1 miles)
7114 Cople Hwy
Hague, VA 22469
phone: 804-472-2081
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 5
Students: 392 Student-Teacher Ratio: 13.75, Title 1
Montross Middle (4.2 miles)
8884 Menokin Rd
Montross, VA 22520
phone: 804-493-9818
Regular Middle School Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 8
Students: 354 Student-Teacher Ratio: 12.51
Colonial Beach High (12.7 miles)
100 First St
Colonial Beach, VA 22443
phone: 804-224-7166
Regular High School Grade: Grade 8 to Grade 12
Students: 235 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.88
Washington & Lee High (1.9 miles)
16380 Kings Hwy
Montross, VA 22520
phone: 804-493-8015
Regular High School Grade: Grade 9 to Grade 12
Students: 492 Student-Teacher Ratio: 12.36

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