Rye, AR Public Schools
2 public schools were found that might cover Rye, AR. .
Woodlawn High School (15.1 miles)
6760 Hwy 63
Rison, AR 71665
phone: 870-357-8171
Regular High School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 12
6760 Hwy 63
Rison, AR 71665
phone: 870-357-8171
Regular High School Grade: Grade 7 to Grade 12
Students: 264 Student-Teacher Ratio: 12.73, Title 1
Woodlawn Elementary School (15.1 miles)
6760 Hwy 63
Rison, AR 71665
phone: 870-357-2211
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
6760 Hwy 63
Rison, AR 71665
phone: 870-357-2211
Regular Primary School Grade: Kindergarten to Grade 6
Students: 292 Student-Teacher Ratio: 15.15, Title 1