Roslyn Estates, NY Public Schools
5 public schools were found that might cover Roslyn Estates, NY. .
Roslyn Middle School (1.6 miles)
375 Locust Ln
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
phone: 516-801-5201
Regular Other School Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 11
375 Locust Ln
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
phone: 516-801-5201
Regular Other School Grade: Grade 6 to Grade 11
Students: 772 Student-Teacher Ratio: 11.29, Title 1
Harbor Hill School (2.1 miles)
3 Glen Cove Rd
Greenvale, NY 11548
phone: 516-801-5401
Regular Primary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 5
3 Glen Cove Rd
Greenvale, NY 11548
phone: 516-801-5401
Regular Primary School Grade: Grade 1 to Grade 5
Students: 509 Student-Teacher Ratio: 13.76, Title 1
Roslyn High School (1.1 miles)
475 Round Hill Rd
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
phone: 516-801-5101
Regular High School Grade: Grade 8 to Grade 12
475 Round Hill Rd
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
phone: 516-801-5101
Regular High School Grade: Grade 8 to Grade 12
Students: 1,025 Student-Teacher Ratio: 11.72, Title 1
East Hills Elementary School (1.4 miles)
315 Locust Ln
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
phone: 516-801-5301
Regular Primary School Grade: Grade 2 to Grade 5
315 Locust Ln
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
phone: 516-801-5301
Regular Primary School Grade: Grade 2 to Grade 5
Students: 529 Student-Teacher Ratio: 13.56, Title 1
Roslyn Heights Elementary School (0.9 miles)
240 Willow St
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
phone: 516-801-5501
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 1
240 Willow St
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
phone: 516-801-5501
Regular Primary School Grade: Prekindergarten to Grade 1
Students: 329 Student-Teacher Ratio: 14.52, Title 1