Local Data Search

Rhode Island Water Area City Rank

A total of 34 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankWater Area ▼City / Population
1.14.76 sq miWarwick, RI / 82,065
2.3.72 sq miNewport, RI / 24,599
3.3.31 sq miEast Providence, RI / 47,166
4.2.97 sq miMelville, RI / 1,611
5.2.45 sq miTiverton, RI / 7,300
6.2.17 sq miProvidence, RI / 178,562
7.1.60 sq miCranston, RI / 80,680
8.0.70 sq miWesterly, RI / 17,984
9.0.59 sq miGreenville, RI / 8,596
10.0.49 sq miPascoag, RI / 4,310
11.0.33 sq miNarragansett Pier, RI / 3,749
12.0.29 sq miPawtucket, RI / 71,313
13.0.26 sq miWakefield-Peacedale, RI / 8,911
14.0.22 sq miHope Valley, RI / 1,696
15.0.20 sq miNewport East, RI / 10,953
16.0.20 sq miCumberland Hill, RI / 8,194
17.0.19 sq miWoonsocket, RI / 41,136
18.0.12 sq miValley Falls, RI / 12,108
19.0.12 sq miChepachet, RI / 1,510
20.0.08 sq miCentral Falls, RI / 19,406
21.0.07 sq miMisquamicut, RI / 419
22.0.04 sq miWyoming, RI / 156
23.0.04 sq miHarrisville, RI / 1,965
24.0.04 sq miAshaway, RI / 1,307
25.0.04 sq miWeekapaug, RI / 419
26.0.03 sq miQuonochontaug, RI / 483
27.0.02 sq miHarmony, RI / 969
28.0.02 sq miCarolina, RI / 867
29.0.02 sq miClayville, RI / 119
30.0.02 sq miGreene, RI / 849
31.0.02 sq miBradford, RI / 1,212
32.0.01 sq miWatch Hill, RI / 179
33.0.01 sq miFoster Center, RI / 340
34.0.01 sq miKingston, RI / 7,136

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Water Area' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Water Area' data are not listed.

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