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Fastest Growing Cities Near Somes Bar, CA

Population Growth Rate Rank of City within 50 miles of Somes Bar, CA

A total of 25 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankPopulation Growth Rate ▼City / Population
1.82.10%Crescent City, CA / 7,295
2.51.06%Cave Junction, OR / 2,059
3.46.70%Klamath, CA / 955
4.28.48%Fort Jones, CA / 848
5.19.94%Grenada, CA / 421
6.17.33%Hiouchi, CA / 413
7.14.75%Bertsch-Oceanview, CA / 2,568
8.5.56%Takilma, OR / 266
9.5.28%Yreka, CA / 7,675
10.3.30%Montague, CA / 1,504
11.0.62%Selma, OR / 653
12.0.09%Happy Camp, CA / 1,153
13.-3.85%Hornbrook, CA / 275
14.-3.97%Etna, CA / 750
15.-8.50%Greenview, CA / 183
16.-10.65%Ruch, OR / 847
17.-10.79%Orick, CA / 281
18.-12.59%Gasquet, CA / 500
19.-16.34%Williams, OR / 1,142
20.-17.05%Smith River, CA / 871
21.-18.24%Willow Creek, CA / 1,425
22.-25.42%Coffee Creek, CA / 132
23.-33.83%Kerby, OR / 311
24.-44.12%Gazelle, CA / 76
25.-51.09%O Brien, OR / 112

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Population Growth Rate' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Population Growth Rate' data are not listed.

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