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Median Household Income Rank of School District within 50 miles of Isle au Haut

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 43 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼School District / Population
1.$68,135Orrington / 3,710
2.$67,818School Administrative District 22 / 12,468
3.$67,639School Administrative District 07 / 461
4.$64,057Bar Harbor / 5,194
5.$63,661Dedham / 2,139
6.$61,250Castine / 1,483
7.$57,519Hope / 1,521
8.$54,464Mount Desert / 1,708
9.$54,366Bristol / 2,766
10.$53,833Nobleboro / 1,647
11.$52,917Islesboro / 649
12.$51,552School Administrative District 28 / 8,373
13.$51,354Surry / 1,666
14.$50,347Mount Desert Community School District / 10,039
15.$50,000Otis / 400
16.$48,295Jefferson / 2,529
17.$48,047School Administrative District 65 / 89
18.$47,669Regional School Unit 25 / 8,461
19.$47,432Trenton / 1,453
20.$47,122School Administrative District 40 / 14,808
21.$46,823Appleton / 1,437
22.$46,354Great Salt Bay Community School District / 4,467
23.$46,156Brooksville / 1,005
24.$45,482Regional School Unit 24 / 19,161
25.$45,313Brooklin / 1,022
26.$45,308Damariscotta / 2,216
27.$44,531Lincolnville / 1,846
28.$44,158Blue Hill / 2,649
29.$43,500School Administrative District 76 / 443
30.$42,390Bremen / 675
31.$41,563Penobscot / 1,377
32.$41,504Regional School Unit 20 / 18,312
33.$40,526School Administrative District 08 / 1,090
34.$40,000Deer Isle-Stonington Community School District / 3,084
35.$39,167Sedgwick / 1,192
36.$38,433Regional School Unit 13 / 17,358
37.$36,354Tremont / 1,412
38.$35,658School Administrative District 03 / 10,528
39.$35,563Southwest Harbor / 1,725
40.$34,375Cranberry Isles / 101
41.$33,750Frenchboro / 65
41.$33,750Isle au Haut / 85
43.$27,917Monhegan Plantation / 40

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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