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Richest Cities by Income Near Upatoi, GA

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Upatoi, GA

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 70 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$80,956The Rock, GA / 187
2.$75,463Junction City, GA / 366
3.$61,875Sunset Village, GA / 1,067
4.$57,059Grantville, GA / 2,771
5.$55,833Hamilton, GA / 977
6.$51,667Concord, GA / 362
7.$51,089Cusseta, GA / 11,702
8.$49,375Gay, GA / 214
9.$48,750Fredonia, AL / 208
10.$47,969Smiths Station, AL / 5,001
11.$45,714Salem, GA / 347
12.$45,625Parrott, GA / 134
13.$43,500Yatesville, GA / 372
14.$43,359Waverly Hall, GA / 1,069
15.$42,917Five Points, AL / 186
16.$41,331Columbus, GA / 187,629
17.$40,854West Point, GA / 3,324
18.$40,000Meansville, GA / 148
19.$39,188Hannahs Mill, GA / 3,703
20.$37,650Milner, GA / 645
21.$36,667Lone Oak, GA / 183
22.$36,500Shiloh, GA / 535
23.$36,458Molena, GA / 342
24.$36,415Opelika, AL / 25,867
25.$36,333Ladonia, AL / 3,518
26.$36,250Standing Rock, AL / 66
27.$35,857Auburn, AL / 51,057
28.$34,438Geneva, GA / 147
29.$33,925Barnesville, GA / 6,584
30.$33,125Luthersville, GA / 670
31.$33,120Phenix City, AL / 31,704
32.$32,958Oglethorpe, GA / 1,897
33.$32,813Pine Mountain, GA / 1,203
34.$32,697Huguley, AL / 3,086
35.$32,365Zebulon, GA / 1,168
36.$32,258Lumpkin, GA / 2,472
37.$32,014Butler, GA / 2,132
38.$31,501Valley, AL / 9,527
39.$30,752La Grange, GA / 29,067
40.$29,549Americus, GA / 17,026
41.$29,444Andersonville, GA / 250
42.$29,255Fort Valley, GA / 9,477
43.$28,750Williamson, GA / 476
44.$28,571Manchester, GA / 4,239
45.$28,257Hogansville, GA / 3,013
46.$28,125Haralson, GA / 157
47.$27,188Aldora, GA / 63
48.$27,083Woodland, GA / 486
49.$26,875Marshallville, GA / 1,297
50.$26,731Ideal, GA / 688
51.$26,691Plains, GA / 502
52.$26,319Lafayette, AL / 3,037
53.$26,250Culloden, GA / 218
54.$26,058Cusseta, AL / 57
55.$25,708Webster County Unified Government, GA / 2,727
56.$25,220Lanett, AL / 6,722
57.$25,000Hurtsboro, AL / 432
58.$24,783Greenville, GA / 686
59.$24,375Richland, GA / 1,982
60.$24,023Lincoln Park, GA / 859
61.$23,267Thomaston, GA / 9,225
62.$23,214Hilltop, GA / 520
62.$23,214Montezuma, GA / 3,590
64.$22,635Ellaville, GA / 1,650
65.$21,198Reynolds, GA / 976
66.$20,163Warm Springs, GA / 307
67.$18,914Woodbury, GA / 1,043
68.$18,885Talbotton, GA / 1,319
69.$18,795Buena Vista, GA / 2,111
70.$11,354Roberta, GA / 854

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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