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Richest Cities by Income Near Clarendon School District 1

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Clarendon School District 1

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 96 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$101,750Arcadia Lakes, SC / 927
2.$87,188Oswego, SC / 45
3.$77,589Stateburg, SC / 1,486
4.$75,714Cope, SC / 146
5.$71,625Boykin, SC / 100
6.$66,000Pinopolis, SC / 1,314
7.$63,214Cordova, SC / 130
8.$60,444Elgin, SC / 1,587
9.$60,264Goose Creek, SC / 34,765
10.$55,958Forest Acres, SC / 10,412
11.$55,833Paxville, SC / 252
12.$55,625Smoaks, SC / 113
13.$54,951Summerville, SC / 40,409
14.$54,063Sangaree, SC / 9,018
15.$53,958Pineridge, SC / 2,203
16.$50,293Lugoff, SC / 7,074
17.$49,983Ladson, SC / 14,166
18.$49,554Bonneau Beach, SC / 1,811
19.$49,536Hanahan, SC / 16,944
20.$48,942Cameron, SC / 456
21.$47,963Dalzell, SC / 3,226
22.$45,412Camden, SC / 6,805
23.$45,065Woodfield, SC / 10,054
24.$44,632Rembert, SC / 222
25.$44,359Hopkins, SC / 3,061
26.$44,225Moncks Corner, SC / 7,508
27.$42,969Harleyville, SC / 944
28.$42,708Coward, SC / 606
29.$42,339Cane Savannah, SC / 1,400
30.$41,667Lakewood, SC / 2,716
31.$41,583Bamberg, SC / 3,633
32.$41,250Reevesville, SC / 209
33.$41,199Privateer, SC / 2,052
34.$40,972Livingston, SC / 121
35.$40,808Dentsville, SC / 13,475
36.$40,627Cayce, SC / 12,319
37.$39,750Cottageville, SC / 996
38.$38,989North Charleston, SC / 94,524
39.$38,750Woodford, SC / 177
40.$38,403Lane, SC / 1,056
41.$38,348Oakland, SC / 1,361
42.$38,333Pinewood, SC / 405
43.$38,272Columbia, SC / 127,605
44.$37,609Wedgefield, SC / 1,389
45.$36,875Elloree, SC / 638
46.$35,502Sumter, SC / 40,340
47.$34,760Swansea, SC / 807
48.$33,657Alcolu, SC / 293
49.$33,438Cherryvale, SC / 3,050
50.$33,194Rowesville, SC / 409
51.$32,833Gaston, SC / 1,233
52.$32,083Ridgeville, SC / 1,740
53.$32,054East Sumter, SC / 1,131
54.$31,934Lincolnville, SC / 1,480
55.$31,859Saint Matthews, SC / 2,053
56.$31,691Turbeville, SC / 841
57.$31,320Orangeburg, SC / 13,855
58.$30,993Saint Stephen, SC / 2,101
59.$30,972Eutawville, SC / 542
60.$30,625Stuckey, SC / 475
61.$30,568Mulberry, SC / 330
62.$30,313Lamar, SC / 767
63.$30,246Edisto, SC / 2,361
64.$29,250Summerton, SC / 1,030
65.$28,750Mayesville, SC / 615
66.$28,359Gadsden, SC / 2,079
67.$27,813Bowman, SC / 1,151
68.$27,361Neeses, SC / 264
69.$26,927Olanta, SC / 565
70.$26,567Lake City, SC / 6,690
71.$26,176Manning, SC / 4,185
72.$26,042Williams, SC / 74
73.$25,938Lynchburg, SC / 439
74.$25,833Bonneau, SC / 357
75.$25,000Branchville, SC / 980
76.$24,599South Sumter, SC / 2,414
77.$24,423North, SC / 946
78.$24,375Holly Hill, SC / 1,103
79.$23,818Denmark, SC / 3,589
80.$23,309Kingstree, SC / 3,426
81.$22,500Norway, SC / 260
82.$22,219Santee, SC / 909
83.$21,281Scranton, SC / 687
84.$20,962Vance, SC / 222
85.$20,833Shiloh, SC / 71
86.$20,714Lodge, SC / 85
87.$19,886Timmonsville, SC / 2,624
88.$19,167Jamestown, SC / 53
89.$18,634Brookdale, SC / 4,329
90.$18,236Wilkinson Heights, SC / 2,274
91.$17,634Saint George, SC / 1,994
92.$17,554Andrews, SC / 2,958
93.$17,442Eastover, SC / 630
94.$17,019Greeleyville, SC / 563
95.$14,562Bishopville, SC / 3,555
96.$11,954Russellville, SC / 387

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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