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Poorest Cities by Income Near Renfrow, OK

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Renfrow, OK

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 81 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$12,000Waldron, KS / 17
2.$13,542Renfrow, OK / 13
3.$14,732Danville, KS / 79
4.$17,750Bluff City, KS / 53
5.$18,556Nardin, OK / 139
6.$19,531Red Rock, OK / 201
7.$21,667Geuda Springs, KS / 138
8.$23,194Nescatunga, OK / 57
9.$23,333Nash, OK / 218
10.$24,250Douglas, OK / 12
11.$26,250Hunter, OK / 152
12.$27,353Wakita, OK / 350
13.$27,969Billings, OK / 394
14.$28,214Hazelton, KS / 95
15.$28,750Kaw City, OK / 261
15.$28,750Kildare, OK / 73
17.$30,417Covington, OK / 511
18.$30,465Perry, OK / 5,130
19.$30,625Attica, KS / 639
20.$31,250Spivey, KS / 100
21.$31,500Deer Creek, OK / 124
22.$31,559Anthony, KS / 2,392
23.$32,250Meno, OK / 192
24.$33,333Kiowa, KS / 1,115
25.$33,819Burlington, OK / 166
26.$34,286Zenda, KS / 64
27.$34,411Blackwell, OK / 7,131
28.$34,844Arkansas City, KS / 12,296
29.$35,000Goltry, OK / 211
30.$35,545Newkirk, OK / 2,204
31.$35,781Lamont, OK / 377
32.$36,875Mayfield, KS / 56
33.$37,083Argonia, KS / 537
34.$37,143Drummond, OK / 347
35.$37,500Milan, KS / 108
36.$37,885Udall, KS / 799
37.$37,946Harper, KS / 1,338
38.$38,167Pond Creek, OK / 812
39.$38,177Enid, OK / 48,126
40.$38,438Caldwell, KS / 1,343
41.$39,063Tonkawa, OK / 3,219
42.$39,250Braman, OK / 182
43.$39,479Lahoma, OK / 489
44.$39,620Ponca City, OK / 25,326
45.$39,960Winfield, KS / 12,270
46.$40,368Cherokee, OK / 1,494
47.$40,417Amorita, OK / 35
48.$40,938Jet, OK / 137
49.$41,250Manchester, OK / 55
50.$41,690Wellington, KS / 8,186
51.$42,750Garber, OK / 1,133
52.$43,125Hillsdale, OK / 100
53.$43,523Medford, OK / 1,056
54.$43,750South Haven, KS / 341
55.$45,192Ringwood, OK / 402
56.$46,042Sharon, KS / 230
57.$48,095Norwich, KS / 491
58.$48,472Helena, OK / 1,607
59.$49,688Waukomis, OK / 1,168
60.$50,417Conway Springs, KS / 1,502
61.$50,508Belle Plaine, KS / 1,717
62.$51,711Cheney, KS / 1,804
63.$52,083Breckinridge, OK / 136
64.$52,115Milton, KS / 234
65.$53,875Oxford, KS / 1,036
66.$54,729Haysville, KS / 10,345
67.$56,250Viola, KS / 164
67.$56,250Marland, OK / 194
69.$56,831Clearwater, KS / 2,465
70.$58,036North Enid, OK / 1,192
71.$58,319Mccord, OK / 1,955
72.$60,000Kremlin, OK / 312
73.$61,250Hunnewell, KS / 29
74.$63,750Fairmont, OK / 146
75.$65,524Mulvane, KS / 6,291
76.$65,727Derby, KS / 20,909
77.$68,750Carrier, OK / 45
78.$68,929Byron, OK / 59
79.$72,167Parkerfield, KS / 535
80.$75,625Jefferson, OK / 33
81.$99,250Lucien, OK / 167

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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