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Poorest Cities by Income Near Pueblo, NM

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Pueblo, NM

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 40 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$7,353Madrid, NM / 88
2.$7,438Pueblo, NM / 57
3.$15,192Sena, NM / 64
4.$16,680Tecolotito, NM / 150
5.$16,701Tecolote, NM / 233
6.$17,941Rowe, NM / 185
7.$19,631East Pecos, NM / 746
8.$21,550North San Ysidro, NM / 98
9.$22,813Encino, NM / 64
10.$24,643San Pedro, NM / 88
11.$25,043Las Vegas, NM / 13,845
12.$26,122Galisteo, NM / 318
13.$27,750Villanueva, NM / 295
14.$29,904Mcintosh, NM / 1,522
15.$30,278Moriarty, NM / 1,891
16.$30,893Peak Place, NM / 356
17.$31,908San Jose CDP, NM / 255
18.$32,271Canada De Los Alamos, NM / 632
19.$32,792Agua Fria, NM / 3,234
20.$35,000Indian Hills, NM / 1,081
21.$39,583Ribera, NM / 171
22.$41,343Nambe, NM / 2,118
23.$43,466Pecos, NM / 1,629
24.$45,714Llano Del Medio, NM / 178
25.$46,111Cuyamungue, NM / 467
26.$49,947Santa Fe, NM / 67,588
27.$51,891La Cienega, NM / 3,330
28.$52,122Chupadero, NM / 371
29.$52,813Pastura, NM / 14
30.$53,036Lamy, NM / 334
31.$54,250Cuyamungue Grant, NM / 144
32.$57,625Cedar Grove, NM / 561
33.$57,813Edgewood, NM / 3,664
34.$58,176Mora, NM / 508
35.$58,194Glorieta, NM / 342
36.$68,750Tesuque Pueblo, NM / 215
37.$70,056Los Cerrillos, NM / 158
38.$82,845Eldorado At Santa Fe, NM / 5,810
39.$104,487Tesuque, NM / 825
40.$115,536Anton Chico, NM / 126

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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