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Poorest Cities by Income Near North Light Plant, NM

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of North Light Plant, NM

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 29 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$12,250Nageezi, NM / 386
2.$22,169Navajo Dam, NM / 129
3.$25,909Towaoc, CO / 932
4.$28,456Napi Headquarters, NM / 820
5.$29,861Shiprock, NM / 9,575
6.$31,250Arboles, CO / 263
7.$33,795Upper Fruitland, NM / 1,604
8.$34,961Cortez, CO / 8,412
9.$35,536Mancos, CO / 1,056
10.$37,829Dolores, CO / 897
11.$39,907Waterflow, NM / 1,234
12.$41,875Spencerville, NM / 1,533
13.$42,169Bloomfield, NM / 7,887
14.$45,000Ignacio, CO / 873
15.$45,571Lee Acres, NM / 5,484
16.$46,985Aztec, NM / 6,778
17.$48,304Ojo Amarillo, NM / 672
18.$48,553Kirtland, NM / 6,418
19.$49,705Farmington, NM / 44,650
20.$51,136Cedar Hill, NM / 1,021
21.$52,396La Plata, NM / 557
22.$53,380Bayfield, CO / 2,090
23.$53,882Durango, CO / 16,501
24.$57,068North Light Plant, NM / 277
25.$60,048Southern Ute, CO / 187
26.$64,722Nenahnezad, NM / 630
27.$65,313Flora Vista, NM / 2,736
28.$74,099West Hammond, NM / 2,731
29.$76,591Blanco, NM / 433

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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