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Poorest Cities by Income Near Johnson, OK

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Johnson, OK

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 111 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$8,633Boley, OK / 1,163
2.$12,176Ixl, OK / 117
3.$13,542Clearview, OK / 9
4.$14,688Byars, OK / 216
5.$16,250Calvin, OK / 162
6.$17,917Brooksville, OK / 41
7.$18,750Yeager, OK / 78
8.$20,000Smith Village, OK / 40
9.$22,083Arcadia, OK / 194
10.$22,143Rosedale, OK / 78
11.$22,798Weleetka, OK / 721
12.$24,651Wewoka, OK / 3,443
13.$26,250Wetumka, OK / 979
14.$26,417Valley Brook, OK / 814
15.$26,500Castle, OK / 79
16.$26,705Bearden, OK / 164
17.$26,833Wanette, OK / 219
18.$26,875Paden, OK / 637
19.$26,955Holdenville, OK / 5,490
20.$26,959Stratford, OK / 1,452
21.$27,003Bristow, OK / 4,218
22.$27,411Oilton, OK / 1,035
23.$27,589Dustin, OK / 256
24.$27,898Wellston, OK / 939
25.$28,611Depew, OK / 500
26.$29,313Schulter, OK / 573
27.$29,583Asher, OK / 338
28.$29,848Ada, OK / 16,543
29.$30,016Okemah, OK / 3,167
30.$30,063Chandler, OK / 3,050
31.$30,313Lima, OK / 65
32.$30,625Atwood, OK / 111
32.$30,625Saint Louis, OK / 198
34.$30,833Dale, OK / 63
35.$30,859Langston, OK / 911
36.$31,315Drumright, OK / 3,061
37.$31,393Guthrie, OK / 9,987
38.$31,815Konawa, OK / 1,740
39.$31,886Prague, OK / 2,703
40.$32,000Yale, OK / 1,238
41.$32,028Maud, OK / 1,091
42.$32,083Etowah, OK / 117
43.$32,102Wayne, OK / 554
44.$32,172Seminole, OK / 7,335
45.$32,208Earlsboro, OK / 580
46.$32,222Meeker, OK / 1,237
47.$32,250Tryon, OK / 429
48.$32,634Maysville, OK / 1,047
49.$32,679Lamar, OK / 308
50.$33,000Warwick, OK / 268
51.$33,359Cromwell, OK / 270
52.$33,500Tribbey, OK / 345
53.$33,558Cushing, OK / 7,767
54.$34,444Slaughterville, OK / 4,036
55.$34,875Allen, OK / 1,004
56.$35,000Coyle, OK / 286
57.$35,313Shamrock, OK / 81
58.$35,499Shawnee, OK / 29,757
59.$35,500Carney, OK / 908
60.$35,750Sparks, OK / 181
61.$36,053Spencer, OK / 3,852
62.$36,167Dewar, OK / 1,028
63.$36,250Nicoma Park, OK / 2,422
64.$36,648Agra, OK / 487
65.$36,771Kendrick, OK / 193
66.$36,786Henryetta, OK / 5,966
67.$37,075Lexington, OK / 2,272
68.$37,278Tecumseh, OK / 6,391
69.$37,510Warr Acres, OK / 9,984
70.$38,286Perkins, OK / 2,761
71.$38,500Luther, OK / 1,240
72.$38,523Stroud, OK / 2,705
73.$38,625Francis, OK / 179
74.$40,000Ripley, OK / 516
75.$40,240Del City, OK / 21,380
76.$40,313Meridian, OK / 48
77.$40,750Sasakwa, OK / 127
78.$41,000Johnson, OK / 420
79.$41,250Paoli, OK / 546
80.$41,458Davenport, OK / 852
81.$42,117Midwest City, OK / 53,919
82.$42,147Bethany, OK / 19,202
83.$42,500Byng, OK / 1,259
84.$42,804The Village, OK / 9,105
85.$43,125Purcell, OK / 5,805
86.$43,798Oklahoma City, OK / 563,571
87.$44,054Pink, OK / 1,982
88.$44,688Slick, OK / 167
89.$45,209Norman, OK / 108,265
90.$46,406Washington, OK / 590
91.$46,875Cole, OK / 619
92.$49,408Jones, OK / 2,631
93.$49,756Mcloud, OK / 4,037
94.$52,292Bowlegs, OK / 329
95.$52,365Noble, OK / 6,249
96.$53,622Goldsby, OK / 2,191
97.$53,689Harrah, OK / 5,073
98.$55,357Spaulding, OK / 88
99.$55,710Moore, OK / 52,506
100.$56,548Bethel Acres, OK / 2,866
101.$58,750Woodlawn Park, OK / 152
102.$60,625Choctaw, OK / 10,782
103.$62,835Blanchard, OK / 7,222
104.$64,453Forest Park, OK / 1,010
105.$65,833Fallis, OK / 39
106.$66,741Horntown, OK / 123
107.$67,939Edmond, OK / 78,598
108.$68,750Cedar Valley, OK / 239
109.$73,712Newcastle, OK / 7,255
110.$139,375Nichols Hills, OK / 3,745
111.$250,001Lake Aluma, OK / 101

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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