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Poorest Cities by Income Near Hueysville, KY

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Hueysville, KY

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 78 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$7,000Kenvir, KY / 80
2.$9,904Crum, WV / 119
3.$11,793Beattyville, KY / 1,285
4.$12,796Freeburn, KY / 168
5.$14,375Sandy Hook, KY / 710
6.$14,600Dante, VA / 412
7.$14,667Oneida, KY / 421
8.$16,206Salyersville, KY / 1,793
9.$16,522Matewan, WV / 620
10.$16,979Millstone, KY / 57
11.$17,450Phelps, KY / 877
12.$17,727Fort Gay, WV / 771
13.$18,125Booneville, KY / 97
14.$18,393Allen City, KY / 161
15.$18,750Wheelwright, KY / 1,368
16.$19,167Hyden, KY / 300
17.$20,066Martin, KY / 833
18.$20,278Wayland, KY / 417
19.$20,341Campton, KY / 348
20.$20,404Hazel Green, KY / 260
21.$20,750Jackson, KY / 2,148
22.$20,885Virgie, KY / 151
23.$20,966Sarah Ann, WV / 159
24.$20,990Hindman, KY / 1,118
25.$22,162Jenkins, KY / 2,459
26.$22,198Louisa, KY / 2,907
27.$23,036Haysi, VA / 757
28.$23,056Fleming Neon, KY / 860
29.$23,387Red Jacket, WV / 801
30.$23,466Maytown, KY / 231
31.$23,500Evarts, KY / 861
32.$23,571Clinchco, VA / 477
33.$24,074Delbarton, WV / 926
34.$24,154Coeburn, VA / 2,035
35.$24,708Lynch, KY / 818
36.$24,750Betsy Layne, KY / 483
37.$25,026West Liberty, KY / 3,447
38.$25,667Pikeville, KY / 6,824
39.$25,772Diablock, KY / 614
40.$25,856Prestonsburg, KY / 3,443
41.$25,875Inez, KY / 1,222
42.$26,250Appalachia, VA / 1,557
43.$26,422Ezel, KY / 196
44.$26,836Clintwood, VA / 1,627
45.$26,852Elkhorn City, KY / 1,108
46.$27,188Vicco, KY / 449
47.$27,788Cumberland, KY / 1,896
48.$28,307Hazard, KY / 4,534
49.$28,508Holden, WV / 643
50.$28,710Mccarr, KY / 256
51.$28,750Williamson, WV / 3,212
52.$28,762Big Stone Gap, VA / 5,435
53.$28,833Vansant, VA / 662
54.$30,500Blaine, KY / 104
55.$31,167Pound, VA / 981
56.$32,014Jeff, KY / 332
57.$32,096Riverview, VA / 757
58.$32,111Chattaroy, WV / 825
59.$33,325South Williamson, KY / 662
60.$33,944Norton, VA / 3,886
61.$34,167Warfield, KY / 419
62.$36,364Mcroberts, KY / 983
63.$36,474Whitesburg, KY / 1,789
64.$36,563Keokee, VA / 554
65.$36,803Paintsville, KY / 3,474
66.$37,862Kermit, WV / 599
67.$37,898Benham, KY / 653
68.$38,750Buckhorn, KY / 86
69.$40,000Blackey, KY / 137
70.$43,875Grundy, VA / 908
71.$44,023Wise, VA / 3,324
72.$47,639Auxier, KY / 459
73.$50,324Verdunville, WV / 588
74.$50,365Coal Run Village, KY / 1,417
75.$50,789Payne Gap, KY / 307
76.$53,550Dwale, KY / 391
77.$57,569Pippa Passes, KY / 767
78.$82,813Mayking, KY / 514

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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