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Richest Cities by Income Near Frenchton, WV

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Frenchton, WV

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 92 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$88,333Green Bank, WV / 82
2.$75,694Tioga, WV / 131
3.$75,167Jacksonburg, WV / 44
4.$66,318Bridgeport, WV / 7,978
5.$65,282Nettie, WV / 835
6.$59,853Carolina, WV / 417
7.$54,091White Hall, WV / 524
8.$51,685Valley Bend, WV / 546
9.$51,136Idamay, WV / 509
10.$50,536Wolf Summit, WV / 273
11.$48,527Frank, WV / 196
12.$47,813Pullman, WV / 267
13.$47,083Summersville, WV / 3,513
14.$45,833Hendricks, WV / 383
15.$45,536Fenwick, WV / 115
16.$45,526West Milford, WV / 1,035
17.$45,000Birch River, WV / 163
18.$44,750Rowlesburg, WV / 713
19.$44,427Barrackville, WV / 1,427
20.$43,929Lost Creek, WV / 463
21.$40,855Enterprise, WV / 1,052
22.$39,792Flemington, WV / 338
23.$39,519Century, WV / 70
24.$39,306Newburg, WV / 493
25.$38,917Monongah, WV / 1,284
26.$38,625Lumberport, WV / 1,097
27.$38,393Helvetia, WV / 36
28.$38,317Rivesville, WV / 1,191
29.$37,931Pleasant Valley, WV / 3,136
30.$37,727Mannington, WV / 2,412
31.$37,583Dailey, WV / 43
32.$36,250Worthington, WV / 236
33.$35,417Hambleton, WV / 290
34.$34,705Elkins, WV / 7,144
35.$34,545Harrisville, WV / 2,185
36.$34,425Buckhannon, WV / 5,628
37.$34,375Ellenboro, WV / 552
38.$34,028Whitmer, WV / 170
39.$33,468Shinnston, WV / 2,279
40.$33,250Farmington, WV / 369
41.$33,110Fairmont, WV / 18,865
42.$33,105Stonewood, WV / 2,139
43.$32,798Hepzibah, WV / 598
44.$32,078Clarksburg, WV / 16,542
45.$31,974Philippi, WV / 2,942
46.$31,790Nutter Fort, WV / 1,694
47.$31,750Thomas, WV / 452
48.$31,682Parsons, WV / 1,725
49.$31,667Gassaway, WV / 876
50.$30,652Cowen, WV / 520
51.$29,803Belington, WV / 2,110
52.$29,333Glenville, WV / 2,245
53.$29,130Jane Lew, WV / 443
54.$28,173Grantsville, WV / 724
55.$27,417Pickens, WV / 82
56.$27,273Durbin, WV / 277
57.$27,115Grant Town, WV / 518
58.$27,066Weston, WV / 4,218
59.$27,031Burnsville, WV / 562
60.$26,848Pennsboro, WV / 1,315
61.$26,563Womelsdorf, WV / 237
62.$26,494Grafton, WV / 5,212
63.$26,387Craigsville, WV / 3,129
64.$26,324West Union, WV / 829
65.$25,625Sutton, WV / 1,167
66.$25,481Beverly, WV / 626
66.$25,481Salem, WV / 1,894
68.$24,688Cairo, WV / 363
69.$24,415Marlinton, WV / 1,397
70.$24,250Sand Fork, WV / 299
71.$24,214Despard, WV / 739
72.$24,149Richwood, WV / 2,429
73.$23,600Mill Creek, WV / 643
74.$23,125Tunnelton, WV / 348
75.$22,756Anmoore, WV / 1,151
76.$22,283Addison, WV / 952
77.$22,153Flatwoods, WV / 176
78.$21,875Camden On Gauley, WV / 88
79.$20,278Spelter, WV / 254
80.$20,250Bergoo, WV / 43
81.$20,000Montrose, WV / 94
82.$18,750Bartow, WV / 130
83.$18,056Valley Head, WV / 298
84.$18,000Harman, WV / 156
85.$17,917Huttonsville, WV / 181
86.$17,891Galloway, WV / 134
87.$17,083Rachel, WV / 166
88.$16,750Clay, WV / 397
89.$16,667Junior, WV / 380
90.$14,643Gypsy, WV / 134
91.$10,625Auburn, WV / 64
92.$8,375Smithfield, WV / 86

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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