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Poorest Cities by Income Near Collettsville, NC

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Collettsville, NC

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 113 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$16,875Love Valley, NC / 19
2.$17,531Hiddenite, NC / 604
3.$18,315Fairplains, NC / 2,143
4.$18,833Bakersville, NC / 375
5.$18,834Boone, NC / 16,566
6.$19,850Casar, NC / 364
7.$20,094Jefferson, NC / 1,603
8.$22,094Millers Creek, NC / 1,595
9.$23,757Forest City, NC / 7,487
10.$24,805Damascus, VA / 937
11.$24,894Elk Park, NC / 668
12.$25,238West Jefferson, NC / 1,435
13.$25,520North Wilkesboro, NC / 4,300
14.$25,527Mountain City, TN / 2,536
15.$26,071Sparta, NC / 1,694
15.$26,071Ellenboro, NC / 831
17.$26,995Cricket, NC / 2,131
18.$27,434Old Fort, NC / 965
19.$27,750Hildebran, NC / 1,378
20.$27,931Elizabethton, TN / 14,306
21.$28,490Central, TN / 1,978
22.$28,564Burnsville, NC / 2,156
23.$28,879Valle Crucis, NC / 632
24.$29,257Gamewell, NC / 4,025
25.$29,444Erwin, TN / 6,090
26.$29,509Morganton, NC / 16,972
27.$29,545Taylorsville, NC / 1,902
28.$29,860Lenoir, NC / 18,225
29.$30,012Marion, NC / 8,062
30.$30,250Chimney Rock, NC / 184
31.$30,429Spruce Pine, NC / 2,252
32.$30,761Brookford, NC / 617
33.$30,769Longview, NC / 4,772
34.$30,833Bluff City, TN / 1,453
35.$30,863Spindale, NC / 4,268
36.$30,882Rhodhiss, NC / 1,272
37.$30,909Connelly Springs, NC / 1,589
38.$31,111Kingstown, NC / 823
39.$31,417Gerton, NC / 390
40.$32,079Bristol, VA / 17,704
41.$32,130Blountville, TN / 3,342
42.$32,188Watauga, TN / 521
42.$32,188Roan Mountain, TN / 1,237
44.$32,337Bostic, NC / 368
45.$32,917Ronda, NC / 336
46.$34,107Lawndale, NC / 696
47.$34,293Hays, NC / 1,601
48.$34,431Icard, NC / 2,716
49.$34,632Lincolnton, NC / 10,440
50.$35,300Mars Hill, NC / 2,726
51.$35,568Newland, NC / 931
52.$35,972Fallston, NC / 786
53.$36,174Belwood, NC / 1,352
54.$36,207Telford, TN / 822
55.$36,429Waco, NC / 257
56.$36,659Black Mountain, NC / 7,809
57.$36,771Cove Creek, NC / 1,482
58.$36,798Bristol, TN / 26,427
59.$36,828Moravian Falls, NC / 1,633
60.$36,897Wilkesboro, NC / 3,405
61.$37,047Johnson City, TN / 61,758
62.$37,194Valdese, NC / 4,534
63.$37,289Hickory, NC / 39,932
64.$37,313Stony Point, NC / 1,441
65.$37,321Catawba, NC / 544
66.$37,500Ruth, NC / 395
67.$37,896Swannanoa, NC / 4,200
68.$38,104Maiden, NC / 3,325
69.$38,372Newton, NC / 12,967
70.$38,611Banner Elk, NC / 931
71.$38,625Gray, TN / 1,279
72.$39,206Banner Hill, TN / 1,774
73.$39,441Spurgeon, TN / 3,383
74.$39,671Foscoe, NC / 819
75.$39,832Hunter, TN / 1,475
76.$40,972Cherryville, NC / 5,697
77.$41,250Lansing, NC / 178
78.$41,458Rutherford College, NC / 1,184
79.$41,594Salem, NC / 2,214
80.$42,243West Marion, NC / 2,012
81.$42,273Drexel, NC / 1,907
82.$42,639Crossnore, NC / 186
83.$43,147Pine Crest, TN / 2,360
84.$43,275Jonesborough, TN / 4,875
85.$43,333Saint Stephens, NC / 9,344
86.$43,864Glen Alpine, NC / 1,585
87.$43,878Sawmills, NC / 5,193
88.$44,469Oak Grove CDP, TN / 3,433
89.$45,172Unicoi, TN / 3,638
90.$45,296Hudson, NC / 3,664
91.$46,389Mooresboro, NC / 354
92.$46,544Granite Falls, NC / 4,721
93.$46,955Conover, NC / 7,928
94.$47,426Blowing Rock, NC / 1,287
95.$47,596Polkville, NC / 672
96.$48,571Cajahs Mountain, NC / 2,790
97.$50,529Walnut Hill, TN / 2,836
98.$50,833Montreat, NC / 795
99.$51,094Mulberry, NC / 2,152
100.$51,205Weaverville, NC / 3,106
101.$51,667Sugar Mountain, NC / 478
102.$52,448Rutherfordton, NC / 4,202
103.$52,917Lattimore, NC / 249
104.$57,353Claremont, NC / 1,385
105.$60,328Bethlehem, NC / 4,249
106.$61,000Lake Lure, NC / 1,240
107.$65,255Northlakes, NC / 1,744
108.$66,250Beech Mountain, NC / 583
109.$67,970Mountain View, NC / 3,489
110.$68,203Fairview, NC / 2,727
111.$70,313Seven Devils, NC / 189
112.$103,229Cedar Rock, NC / 285
113.$121,563Grandfather, NC / 118

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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