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Poorest Cities by Income Near Bruington, VA

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Bruington, VA

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 88 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$26,146Yorktown, VA / 174
2.$26,250Rock Point, MD / 71
3.$26,833Mathews, VA / 785
4.$29,688Scotland, VA / 43
5.$31,795Bowling Green, VA / 992
6.$33,440Bensley, VA / 5,179
7.$33,677Montrose, VA / 7,182
8.$34,444Kilmarnock, VA / 1,558
9.$34,948Warsaw, VA / 1,117
10.$35,867Prince George, VA / 1,950
11.$36,449Petersburg, VA / 32,303
12.$37,789Hopewell, VA / 22,506
13.$38,210Dumbarton, VA / 6,686
14.$38,266Richmond, VA / 201,828
15.$38,525Bellwood, VA / 5,573
16.$38,857Deltaville, VA / 819
17.$39,419Tappahannock, VA / 2,323
18.$40,167Port Royal, VA / 175
19.$40,904Highland Springs, VA / 16,332
20.$41,732Ettrick, VA / 5,892
21.$42,344White Stone, VA / 343
22.$43,558Fredericksburg, VA / 23,375
23.$44,813Urbanna, VA / 619
24.$44,904Claremont, VA / 416
25.$45,202Sandston, VA / 7,673
26.$45,739Colonial Beach, VA / 3,465
27.$46,474Ashland, VA / 7,225
28.$47,917Dahlgren Center, VA / 1,743
29.$48,462East Highland Park, VA / 14,037
30.$49,357Lakeside, VA / 12,001
31.$49,923Laurel, VA / 16,101
32.$50,302Charles City, VA / 140
33.$50,313Heathsville, VA / 223
34.$50,571Colonial Heights, VA / 17,472
35.$50,794Williamsburg, VA / 13,421
36.$51,250King And Queen Court House, VA / 56
37.$51,269Matoaca, VA / 2,413
38.$51,979West Point, VA / 3,236
39.$52,656Fort Lee, VA / 6,099
40.$54,869Manchester, VA / 11,073
41.$55,893Southern Gateway, VA / 3,522
42.$56,264Gloucester Point, VA / 10,406
43.$56,667Cobb Island, MD / 714
44.$56,947Meadowbrook, VA / 19,293
45.$57,083Leonardtown, MD / 2,770
46.$57,222Gwynn, VA / 537
47.$57,368Chester, VA / 19,918
48.$57,679King William, VA / 214
49.$58,125Fairview Beach, VA / 574
50.$58,281Saluda, VA / 601
51.$58,643Dahlgren, VA / 2,345
52.$59,375Gloucester Courthouse, VA / 2,555
53.$60,119Central Garage, VA / 964
54.$60,536Montross, VA / 377
55.$60,833Surry, VA / 383
56.$62,045Irvington, VA / 631
57.$63,600Lake Caroline, VA / 1,981
58.$64,173Lexington Park, MD / 10,882
59.$64,447Passapatanzy, VA / 1,126
60.$65,230Glen Allen, VA / 15,580
61.$65,274Tuckahoe, VA / 45,174
62.$66,308King George, VA / 3,613
63.$67,214Bon Air, VA / 15,865
64.$68,302Mechanicsville, VA / 35,628
65.$68,497Brandermill, VA / 12,569
66.$71,603Enon, VA / 3,225
67.$72,321Solomons, MD / 2,009
68.$72,372Lusby, MD / 2,325
69.$73,191Falmouth, VA / 4,012
70.$73,571Charlotte Hall, MD / 1,384
71.$73,934Rockwood, VA / 7,839
72.$75,864Chamberlayne, VA / 5,741
73.$75,921Lake Land'Or, VA / 3,618
74.$78,368Chesapeake Ranch Estates, MD / 9,735
75.$80,781Innsbrook, VA / 7,319
76.$82,824Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA / 3,972
77.$83,125Mechanicsville, MD / 1,528
78.$85,240California, MD / 11,970
79.$85,417New Kent, VA / 158
80.$90,600Piney Point, MD / 913
81.$91,705Drum Point, MD / 3,324
82.$94,493Woodlake, VA / 7,906
83.$96,406Broomes Island, MD / 203
84.$97,156Short Pump, VA / 24,035
85.$102,589Hanover, VA / 128
86.$103,077Saint George Island, MD / 329
87.$122,768Tall Timbers, MD / 347
88.$146,027Wyndham, VA / 9,346

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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