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Richest Cities by Income Near Bonnerdale, AR

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Bonnerdale, AR

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 63 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$66,823Avilla, AR / 1,152
2.$57,188Prattsville, AR / 338
3.$55,000Salem CDP, AR / 2,671
4.$53,661Lake Hamilton, AR / 1,925
5.$53,125Oakhaven, AR / 129
6.$52,986Rockport, AR / 1,024
7.$50,000Friendship, AR / 247
8.$49,619Hot Springs Village, AR / 12,522
9.$48,630Haskell, AR / 3,733
10.$47,742Benton, AR / 29,118
11.$47,500Bluff City, AR / 122
12.$44,137Rockwell, AR / 3,815
13.$43,750Casa, AR / 85
14.$41,985Traskwood, AR / 463
15.$41,818Lonsdale, AR / 89
16.$41,563Tull, AR / 316
17.$41,250Midway town, AR / 410
18.$41,167Emmet, AR / 775
19.$40,625Whelen Springs, AR / 97
19.$40,625Bauxite, AR / 451
21.$38,403Fountain Lake, AR / 654
22.$38,333Ozan, AR / 62
23.$38,162Plainview, AR / 665
24.$37,788Oden, AR / 313
25.$36,625Kirby, AR / 617
26.$36,250Corinth, AR / 58
27.$36,042Leola, AR / 614
28.$34,583Caddo Valley, AR / 573
29.$34,236Reader, AR / 139
30.$34,226Piney, AR / 4,417
31.$34,063Mount Ida, AR / 1,163
32.$33,023Nashville, AR / 4,632
33.$32,500Murfreesboro, AR / 1,862
34.$32,457Poyen, AR / 442
35.$31,362Gurdon, AR / 2,613
36.$31,193Malvern, AR / 10,273
37.$31,023Carthage, AR / 355
38.$30,703Danville, AR / 2,558
39.$30,389Hot Springs, AR / 35,604
40.$29,545Sparkman, AR / 537
41.$29,444Antoine, AR / 138
42.$29,167Mccaskill, AR / 95
42.$29,167Donaldson, AR / 370
44.$28,750Daisy, AR / 129
45.$28,542Ola, AR / 1,029
46.$28,000Chidester, AR / 361
47.$27,760Arkadelphia, AR / 10,697
48.$27,660Mineral Springs, AR / 1,195
49.$27,500Dierks, AR / 984
50.$26,563Belleville, AR / 434
51.$26,314Glenwood, AR / 2,298
52.$25,950Black Springs, AR / 179
53.$25,536Okolona, AR / 200
54.$25,417Amity, AR / 616
55.$25,321Prescott, AR / 3,358
56.$25,000Perrytown, AR / 468
57.$23,611Blevins, AR / 372
58.$23,393Mountain Pine, AR / 617
59.$22,917Delight, AR / 267
60.$16,875Norman, AR / 456
61.$16,563Perla, AR / 162
62.$16,042Washington, AR / 144
63.$14,938Gum Springs, AR / 136

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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