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Poorest Cities by Income Near 27247 Zip Code

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Zip Code 27247

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 119 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$11,250Norman, NC / 87
2.$15,441Dobbins Heights, NC / 767
3.$16,845Gibson, NC / 419
4.$17,500Old Hundred, NC / 39
5.$20,060East Spencer, NC / 1,717
6.$22,422Silver City, NC / 829
7.$22,500Seagrove, NC / 179
8.$23,472Wallace, SC / 878
9.$23,717Troy, NC / 3,219
10.$23,750Morven, NC / 476
11.$25,315Laurinburg, NC / 16,067
12.$26,012Polkton, NC / 3,270
13.$26,378Robbins, NC / 1,119
14.$26,795Rockingham, NC / 9,524
15.$26,806Staley, NC / 505
16.$26,875Hoffman, NC / 548
17.$27,000East Rockingham, NC / 3,988
18.$28,000Cordova, NC / 1,057
19.$28,393Ellerbe, NC / 914
20.$28,542Laurel Hill, NC / 1,450
21.$29,167Vass, NC / 606
22.$30,156Mount Gilead, NC / 1,834
23.$30,198Asheboro, NC / 24,478
24.$30,228Lexington, NC / 19,155
25.$30,235Raeford, NC / 4,442
26.$30,629Siler City, NC / 7,801
27.$30,699Hamlet, NC / 6,420
28.$31,379Ramseur, NC / 1,671
29.$31,458Biscoe, NC / 2,493
30.$31,711Wagram, NC / 710
31.$32,127Randleman, NC / 4,005
32.$32,472Aberdeen, NC / 5,884
33.$32,688Carthage, NC / 1,402
34.$33,203Star, NC / 1,030
35.$33,365Lilesville, NC / 615
36.$33,563Franklinville, NC / 1,168
37.$33,594Denton, NC / 1,661
38.$33,646Badin, NC / 1,774
39.$33,854Candor, NC / 863
40.$33,860Wadesboro, NC / 5,882
41.$34,750Mcfarlan, NC / 176
42.$34,926Norwood, NC / 2,122
43.$34,968Spring Lake, NC / 11,829
44.$35,309Thomasville, NC / 26,319
45.$35,871Salisbury, NC / 33,018
46.$36,354Taylortown, NC / 1,007
47.$36,930Albemarle, NC / 15,912
48.$37,539Landis, NC / 3,104
49.$38,600Enochville, NC / 2,579
50.$38,750Ansonville, NC / 596
51.$39,034Graham, NC / 13,921
52.$39,231Sanford, NC / 26,897
53.$39,531Spencer, NC / 3,288
54.$40,000Cameron, NC / 335
55.$40,079Liberty, NC / 2,688
56.$40,519Kannapolis, NC / 41,663
57.$40,833Goldston, NC / 249
58.$41,406Whitsett, NC / 605
59.$41,417Sedalia, NC / 686
60.$41,419Wingate, NC / 3,398
61.$41,482Burlington, NC / 48,736
62.$41,530Greensboro, NC / 263,358
63.$42,462Southern Pines, NC / 12,116
64.$42,609Mcleansville, NC / 781
65.$43,017China Grove, NC / 3,586
66.$43,542Peachland, NC / 503
67.$43,578Pittsboro, NC / 3,555
68.$43,594High Point, NC / 100,903
69.$43,772Tyro, NC / 3,925
70.$44,479Millingport, NC / 966
71.$44,657Marshville, NC / 2,391
72.$44,792Oakboro, NC / 1,912
73.$45,000Red Cross, NC / 740
74.$45,526Trinity, NC / 6,628
75.$45,909Richfield, NC / 464
76.$45,954Bowmore, NC / 126
77.$45,962Five Points, NC / 846
78.$46,071Elon, NC / 8,933
79.$47,463Pinebluff, NC / 1,519
80.$48,291Archdale, NC / 10,964
81.$48,482Rockwell, NC / 1,716
82.$49,375Kernersville, NC / 22,337
83.$49,388Southmont, NC / 1,330
84.$50,096Granite Quarry, NC / 2,787
85.$50,521Faith, NC / 905
86.$51,818Gibsonville, NC / 6,063
87.$52,056Mount Pleasant, NC / 1,727
88.$52,470Concord, NC / 75,172
89.$52,558Moncure, NC / 532
90.$54,434Locust, NC / 2,959
91.$56,161New London, NC / 621
92.$56,300Saxapahaw, NC / 1,128
93.$56,333Foxfire, NC / 779
94.$57,500Welcome, NC / 4,484
95.$57,663Aquadale, NC / 490
96.$58,013Midland, NC / 2,978
97.$58,177Mamers, NC / 938
98.$59,750Pleasant Garden, NC / 4,531
99.$61,875Swepsonville, NC / 1,209
100.$61,923Broadway, NC / 1,178
101.$61,927Whispering Pines, NC / 2,772
102.$62,323Unionville, NC / 5,853
103.$62,972Stanfield, NC / 1,573
104.$63,716Pinehurst, NC / 12,521
105.$64,286Bennett, NC / 278
106.$64,955Midway, NC / 4,666
107.$66,339Wallburg, NC / 3,017
108.$68,250Fairview town, NC / 3,323
109.$68,750Misenheimer, NC / 920
110.$71,522Seven Lakes, NC / 4,660
111.$71,949Deercroft, NC / 452
112.$74,655Fearrington Village, NC / 2,350
113.$76,815Alamance, NC / 809
114.$78,462Jamestown, NC / 3,303
115.$80,313Harrisburg, NC / 10,328
116.$85,694Advance, NC / 1,148
117.$86,577Forest Oaks, NC / 3,398
118.$90,333Gulf, NC / 53
119.$105,921Ashley Heights, NC / 454

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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