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Poorest Counties by Income in IA

Iowa Median Household Income County Rank

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 99 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲County / Population
1.$34,689Appanoose, IA / 13,029
2.$35,425Wayne, IA / 6,404
3.$37,138Decatur, IA / 8,508
4.$38,624Montgomery, IA / 10,901
5.$39,467Floyd, IA / 16,394
6.$40,073Van Buren, IA / 7,645
7.$40,093Wapello, IA / 35,553
8.$40,300Taylor, IA / 6,402
9.$40,368Adams, IA / 4,127
10.$40,778Page, IA / 16,095
11.$40,806Webster, IA / 38,286
12.$40,820Cass, IA / 13,969
13.$40,879Union, IA / 12,409
14.$41,055Fayette, IA / 20,992
15.$41,372Chickasaw, IA / 12,499
16.$41,398Monona, IA / 9,346
17.$41,611Calhoun, IA / 9,846
18.$41,871Winnebago, IA / 10,962
19.$41,937Des Moines, IA / 40,266
20.$41,983Henry, IA / 20,263
21.$42,105Pocahontas, IA / 7,509
22.$42,286Emmet, IA / 10,389
23.$42,336Ringgold, IA / 5,169
24.$42,444Lee, IA / 35,991
25.$42,489Jackson, IA / 19,942
26.$42,698Keokuk, IA / 10,614
27.$42,717Audubon, IA / 6,186
28.$42,800Palo Alto, IA / 9,508
29.$42,986Sac, IA / 10,480
30.$43,005Lucas, IA / 9,116
31.$43,182Buena Vista, IA / 19,980
32.$43,245Monroe, IA / 7,918
33.$43,286Greene, IA / 9,448
34.$43,542Clay, IA / 16,718
35.$43,889Osceola, IA / 6,576
36.$44,018Obrien, IA / 14,419
37.$44,035Wright, IA / 13,384
38.$44,085Shelby, IA / 12,328
39.$44,167Jefferson, IA / 16,643
40.$44,178Black Hawk, IA / 129,252
41.$44,343Woodbury, IA / 101,217
42.$44,377Crawford, IA / 16,951
43.$44,521Ida, IA / 7,172
44.$44,635Cherokee, IA / 12,086
45.$44,694Hardin, IA / 17,685
46.$44,741Cerro Gordo, IA / 44,324
47.$44,863Franklin, IA / 10,697
48.$45,025Mahaska, IA / 22,382
49.$45,202Adair, IA / 7,779
50.$45,232Marshall, IA / 40,131
51.$45,282Humboldt, IA / 9,905
52.$45,596Clarke, IA / 9,218
53.$45,873Clayton, IA / 18,202
54.$46,068Howard, IA / 9,610
55.$46,170Clinton, IA / 49,274
56.$46,188Hamilton, IA / 15,874
57.$46,288Tama, IA / 17,952
58.$46,396Jasper, IA / 37,050
59.$46,597Davis, IA / 8,687
60.$46,623Allamakee, IA / 14,331
61.$47,078Delaware, IA / 17,857
62.$47,225Fremont, IA / 7,528
63.$47,318Hancock, IA / 11,505
64.$47,507Carroll, IA / 20,805
65.$47,702Butler, IA / 14,892
66.$47,955Jones, IA / 20,708
67.$48,248Story, IA / 87,594
68.$48,277Kossuth, IA / 15,748
69.$48,506Mitchell, IA / 10,801
70.$48,573Dubuque, IA / 92,547
71.$48,728Pottawattamie, IA / 91,928
72.$49,506Lyon, IA / 11,564
73.$49,578Boone, IA / 26,424
74.$49,673Worth, IA / 7,628
75.$49,964Scott, IA / 162,184
76.$50,090Guthrie, IA / 11,040
77.$50,174Dickinson, IA / 16,665
78.$50,457Louisa, IA / 11,683
79.$50,693Winneshiek, IA / 21,031
80.$50,710Washington, IA / 21,626
81.$50,998Poweshiek, IA / 19,012
82.$51,025Muscatine, IA / 42,501
83.$51,303Harrison, IA / 15,073
84.$51,380Johnson, IA / 126,994
85.$51,557Sioux, IA / 33,377
86.$51,961Buchanan, IA / 21,026
87.$53,183Madison, IA / 15,488
88.$53,370Marion, IA / 33,378
89.$53,674Linn, IA / 207,765
90.$54,321Cedar, IA / 18,414
91.$54,726Benton, IA / 26,098
92.$55,676Bremer, IA / 24,185
93.$56,053Iowa, IA / 16,353
94.$56,094Polk, IA / 419,301
95.$56,184Grundy, IA / 12,401
96.$56,379Plymouth, IA / 24,933
97.$59,481Mills, IA / 15,157
98.$62,034Warren, IA / 45,346
99.$67,037Dallas, IA / 61,714

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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