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Poorest Counties by Income in IL

Illinois Median Household Income County Rank

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 102 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲County / Population
1.$27,578Hardin, IL / 4,402
2.$28,833Alexander, IL / 8,449
3.$31,173Pulaski, IL / 6,262
4.$32,169Jackson, IL / 59,864
5.$33,702Mcdonough, IL / 32,730
6.$34,381Franklin, IL / 39,528
7.$35,032Hamilton, IL / 8,453
8.$35,644Saline, IL / 25,171
9.$36,457Coles, IL / 53,568
10.$38,003Gallatin, IL / 5,773
11.$38,016Clay, IL / 13,927
12.$38,696Brown, IL / 6,897
13.$38,771Lawrence, IL / 16,849
14.$38,974Marion, IL / 39,722
15.$39,207Wayne, IL / 16,846
16.$39,456Vermilion, IL / 82,033
17.$39,545Knox, IL / 52,932
18.$39,672Pope, IL / 4,426
19.$39,728White, IL / 14,800
20.$39,760Union, IL / 17,959
21.$39,904Edgar, IL / 18,776
22.$40,205Pike, IL / 16,580
23.$40,430Edwards, IL / 6,707
24.$40,579Williamson, IL / 65,579
25.$40,696Perry, IL / 22,488
26.$40,864Montgomery, IL / 30,230
27.$41,077Massac, IL / 15,425
28.$41,161Jefferson, IL / 39,202
29.$41,268Fulton, IL / 37,205
30.$41,269Fayette, IL / 22,007
31.$41,434Crawford, IL / 19,864
32.$41,450Greene, IL / 13,983
33.$41,544Cass, IL / 13,648
34.$41,619Johnson, IL / 12,710
35.$41,636Warren, IL / 17,745
36.$41,712Christian, IL / 34,936
37.$41,917Richland, IL / 16,166
38.$42,101Cumberland, IL / 11,073
39.$42,461Mason, IL / 14,921
40.$42,857Hancock, IL / 19,227
41.$43,304Stephenson, IL / 47,791
42.$43,450Henderson, IL / 7,462
43.$43,597Clark, IL / 16,545
44.$43,686Schuyler, IL / 7,527
45.$43,824Adams, IL / 67,030
46.$44,337Macon, IL / 110,719
47.$44,627Shelby, IL / 22,362
48.$44,645Morgan, IL / 35,755
49.$44,805Carroll, IL / 15,615
50.$44,891Calhoun, IL / 5,118
51.$45,020Randolph, IL / 33,567
52.$45,262Champaign, IL / 197,867
53.$45,266Whiteside, IL / 58,750
54.$45,347Dewitt, IL / 16,672
55.$45,692Bureau, IL / 35,083
56.$46,026Wabash, IL / 12,141
57.$46,226Rock Island, IL / 147,524
58.$46,364Moultrie, IL / 14,723
59.$46,546Jasper, IL / 9,752
60.$46,941Douglas, IL / 20,012
61.$47,178Macoupin, IL / 47,980
62.$47,198Winnebago, IL / 293,972
63.$47,323Iroquois, IL / 30,068
64.$48,502Lee, IL / 36,100
65.$48,562Saint Clair, IL / 266,727
66.$48,667Ford, IL / 14,113
67.$48,999Logan, IL / 30,440
68.$49,116Marshall, IL / 12,763
69.$49,164Henry, IL / 50,477
70.$49,195Stark, IL / 6,086
71.$49,462Scott, IL / 5,374
72.$49,509Effingham, IL / 34,232
73.$49,747Peoria, IL / 185,108
74.$50,279Jo Daviess, IL / 22,728
75.$50,484Kankakee, IL / 112,100
76.$50,500Livingston, IL / 39,010
77.$50,909Mercer, IL / 16,551
78.$51,440Washington, IL / 14,841
79.$51,705La Salle, IL / 113,789
80.$51,941Madison, IL / 268,005
81.$51,946Bond, IL / 17,904
82.$52,232Sangamon, IL / 195,288
83.$53,470Jersey, IL / 22,932
84.$53,942Cook, IL / 5,172,848
85.$54,002Dekalb, IL / 104,026
86.$54,232Tazewell, IL / 133,863
87.$55,278Clinton, IL / 37,395
88.$55,733Ogle, IL / 53,578
89.$55,752Piatt, IL / 16,708
90.$56,230Menard, IL / 12,702
91.$56,458Putnam, IL / 5,982
92.$57,642Mclean, IL / 166,706
93.$61,210Boone, IL / 53,567
94.$64,297Grundy, IL / 48,744
95.$65,890Woodford, IL / 38,226
96.$67,767Kane, IL / 502,628
97.$68,253Monroe, IL / 32,431
98.$75,906Will, IL / 667,977
99.$76,482Mchenry, IL / 306,050
100.$76,581Dupage, IL / 911,481
101.$78,948Lake, IL / 697,179
102.$79,897Kendall, IL / 105,602

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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