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Expensive Homes Near Whitley Gardens, CA

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Whitley Gardens, CA

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 38 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$1,000,001Edna, CA / 30
2.$922,700Los Ranchos, CA / 1,519
3.$735,100Callender, CA / 1,436
4.$723,400Blacklake, CA / 1,195
5.$719,200Cambria, CA / 6,371
6.$713,000Cayucos, CA / 2,859
7.$684,500Pismo Beach, CA / 7,802
8.$653,400Woodlands, CA / 372
9.$601,800Garden Farms, CA / 451
10.$588,400San Luis Obispo, CA / 44,959
11.$569,600Morro Bay, CA / 10,255
12.$568,200Avila Beach, CA / 1,021
13.$545,000Oak Shores, CA / 217
14.$541,100Arroyo Grande, CA / 16,990
15.$538,500Lockwood, CA / 200
16.$502,800Los Berros, CA / 616
17.$492,500Whitley Gardens, CA / 372
18.$461,200Nipomo, CA / 16,179
19.$456,000Grover Beach, CA / 13,137
20.$453,400Templeton, CA / 8,015
21.$451,300Los Osos, CA / 14,924
22.$447,300Atascadero, CA / 27,981
23.$417,200El Paso De Robles, CA / 28,794
24.$380,000Santa Margarita, CA / 1,431
25.$350,000Bradley, CA / 80
26.$342,900Lake Nacimiento, CA / 2,408
27.$332,600Oceano, CA / 7,883
28.$328,600San Simeon, CA / 547
29.$327,300San Lucas, CA / 191
30.$292,800San Miguel CDP, CA / 2,695
31.$270,100Guadalupe, CA / 6,770
32.$263,900Shandon, CA / 939
33.$204,300Coalinga, CA / 13,086
34.$170,100Avenal, CA / 15,749
35.$167,600Lost Hills, CA / 2,143
36.$162,500San Ardo, CA / 665
37.$158,700Huron, CA / 6,691
38.$120,500Kettleman City, CA / 1,020

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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