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Cheapest Homes Near Madden, MS

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Madden, MS

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 56 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▲City / Population
1.$13,100Tucker, MS / 605
2.$26,700Goodman, MS / 1,254
3.$37,800Polkville, MS / 662
4.$41,600Bogue Chitto, MS / 504
5.$42,900Conehatta, MS / 1,274
6.$44,000Stonewall, MS / 1,076
7.$45,200Walnut Grove, MS / 601
8.$45,500Weir, MS / 482
9.$45,800Noxapater, MS / 472
10.$46,300Standing Pine, MS / 799
11.$48,800French Camp, MS / 135
12.$51,800Durant, MS / 2,708
13.$53,000Mccool, MS / 210
14.$55,200Hillsboro, MS / 1,377
15.$55,600Hickory, MS / 480
16.$56,700Shuqualak, MS / 813
17.$58,400Pearl River, MS / 4,303
18.$59,600Redwater, MS / 489
19.$59,800Lena, MS / 243
20.$60,400De Kalb, MS / 1,378
21.$62,100Pickens, MS / 1,311
22.$62,500West, MS / 144
23.$64,700Ethel, MS / 516
24.$65,000Sturgis, MS / 169
25.$65,100Union, MS / 2,241
26.$66,300Robinhood, MS / 1,431
27.$66,800Morton, MS / 3,452
28.$67,500Pelahatchie, MS / 1,577
29.$68,100Louin, MS / 424
29.$68,100Lake, MS / 419
31.$69,000Chunky, MS / 170
32.$70,000Newton, MS / 3,447
33.$70,300Lauderdale, MS / 402
34.$72,500Montrose, MS / 149
35.$73,000Bay Springs, MS / 2,436
36.$75,100Louisville, MS / 6,701
37.$76,800Raleigh, MS / 1,608
38.$77,100Kosciusko, MS / 7,355
39.$78,500Forest, MS / 5,711
40.$78,600Decatur, MS / 2,130
41.$79,400Canton, MS / 13,077
42.$80,800Meridian, MS / 40,927
43.$80,900Philadelphia, MS / 7,482
43.$80,900Ackerman, MS / 1,792
45.$82,600Enterprise, MS / 671
46.$84,600Sylvarena, MS / 139
47.$92,500Carthage, MS / 5,068
48.$97,900Collinsville, MS / 1,720
49.$103,800Sallis, MS / 246
50.$104,700Sebastopol, MS / 431
51.$106,300Puckett, MS / 357
52.$112,500Nellieburg, MS / 1,984
53.$137,000Marion, MS / 1,336
54.$160,500Brandon, MS / 21,072
55.$174,400Flowood, MS / 7,586
56.$232,400Madison, MS / 23,294

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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