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Cheapest Homes Near Axtell, UT

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Axtell, UT

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 47 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▲City / Population
1.$77,200Emery, UT / 346
2.$84,500Koosharem, UT / 166
3.$87,500Lynndyl, UT / 133
4.$103,200Sutherland, UT / 340
5.$107,600Hinckley, UT / 827
6.$108,500Deseret, UT / 233
7.$114,600Ferron, UT / 1,523
8.$115,600Wales, UT / 338
9.$116,100Redmond, UT / 504
10.$117,100Castle Dale, UT / 1,653
11.$118,000Delta, UT / 3,330
12.$119,800Elsinore, UT / 977
13.$120,100Oak City, UT / 626
14.$120,500Orangeville, UT / 1,457
15.$122,700Sigurd, UT / 415
16.$122,900Kanosh, UT / 598
17.$125,500Meadow, UT / 270
18.$127,500Clawson, UT / 178
19.$128,100Centerfield, UT / 1,261
20.$128,400Fillmore, UT / 2,427
21.$130,200Joseph, UT / 351
22.$133,900Salina, UT / 2,630
23.$136,900Aurora, UT / 1,097
24.$138,000Manti, UT / 3,209
25.$138,800Moroni, UT / 1,202
26.$139,300Gunnison, UT / 3,094
27.$140,400Sterling, UT / 316
28.$141,700Holden, UT / 323
29.$144,900Fountain Green, UT / 880
30.$145,700Mayfield, UT / 439
31.$145,800Fayette, UT / 277
32.$148,300Mount Pleasant, UT / 3,140
33.$148,600Levan, UT / 1,094
34.$151,100Fairview, UT / 1,212
35.$152,800Glenwood, UT / 525
36.$153,800Ephraim, UT / 5,789
37.$154,600Leamington, UT / 188
38.$154,700Monroe, UT / 2,509
39.$154,900Spring City, UT / 1,224
40.$156,700Scipio, UT / 193
41.$157,100Loa, UT / 706
42.$158,600Annabella, UT / 664
43.$160,900Richfield, UT / 7,437
44.$162,700Nephi, UT / 5,256
45.$166,800Marysvale, UT / 549
46.$197,200Central Valley, UT / 280
47.$231,300Fremont, UT / 46

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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