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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near White Hall, MD

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of White Hall, MD

A total of 94 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.21Mount Gretna, PA / 157
2.41East Berlin, PA / 1,380
3.75Honey Brook, PA / 1,681
4.82Avondale, PA / 1,587
5.103Cornwall, PA / 4,166
6.126Royalton, PA / 1,054
7.172Bendersville, PA / 741
8.195Shiremanstown, PA / 1,606
9.228Bonneauville, PA / 1,937
10.271Clay, PA / 1,886
11.302Cleona, PA / 2,248
12.331West Grove, PA / 2,856
13.353Midway, PA / 1,912
14.358Silver Spring, PA
15.358Hampton, PA / 656
16.368Akron, PA / 3,923
17.382Sykesville, MD / 4,426
18.390Strasburg, PA / 2,843
19.473Lititz, PA / 9,386
20.486East Petersburg, PA / 4,504
21.489East Earl, PA / 1,088
22.496Biglerville, PA / 1,107
23.505Adamstown, PA / 1,733
24.550Lower Allen, PA / 7,012
25.550Manchester, MD / 4,810
26.557Carroll Valley, PA / 3,894
27.566Terre Hill, PA / 1,384
28.577Camp Hill, PA / 7,891
29.577Mountville, PA / 2,831
30.583Christiana, PA / 1,026
31.590Annville, PA / 4,826
32.594Atglen, PA / 1,507
33.599Fairfield, PA / 587
34.610Pequea, PA
35.612Taneytown, MD / 6,738
36.615Mcsherrystown, PA / 3,050
37.627New Cumberland, PA / 7,276
38.638Thurmont, MD / 6,333
39.638Hampstead, MD / 6,342
40.707Elizabethtown, PA / 11,602
41.712Hummelstown, PA / 4,544
42.721Stewartstown, PA / 2,130
43.721Denver, PA / 3,862
44.749New Holland, PA / 5,407
45.750Millersville, PA / 8,320
46.753Rock Hall, MD / 1,377
47.783Palmyra, PA / 7,399
48.796Bowie, MD / 56,335
49.811Wrightsville, PA / 2,356
50.814Mount Joy, PA / 7,774
51.822Mount Holly Springs, PA / 1,828
52.866Ephrata, PA / 13,529
53.951Kennett Square, PA / 6,123
54.972Marietta, PA / 2,595
55.1,012Penbrook, PA / 2,997
56.1,017Middletown, PA / 8,909
57.1,024South Coatesville, PA / 1,581
58.1,109Manheim, PA / 4,864
59.1,150Quarryville, PA / 2,635
60.1,153Mechanicsburg, PA / 8,971
61.1,166Rising Sun, MD / 2,870
62.1,258Littlestown, PA / 4,438
63.1,266Columbia, PA / 10,399
64.1,274Caln, PA / 1,441
65.1,328Parkesburg, PA / 3,636
66.1,335Oxford, PA / 5,100
67.1,342Gettysburg, PA / 7,632
68.1,388Berwyn Heights, MD / 3,201
69.1,390West York, PA / 4,594
70.1,419Middletown, DE / 19,469
71.1,425Carlisle, PA / 18,877
72.1,431Hanover, PA / 15,365
73.1,450Perryville, MD / 4,391
74.1,477Paxtang, PA / 1,450
75.1,498Port Deposit, MD / 639
76.1,539Havre De Grace, MD / 13,360
77.1,646Highspire, PA / 2,438
78.1,675Newark, DE / 32,278
79.1,734Lebanon, PA / 25,553
80.1,783Frederick, MD / 66,646
81.1,867Westminster, MD / 18,656
82.1,906North East, MD / 3,696
83.2,124Chestertown, MD / 5,221
84.2,207Aberdeen, MD / 15,137
85.2,323Annapolis, MD / 38,599
86.2,425Laurel, MD / 25,673
87.2,433Steelton, PA / 5,959
88.2,829Greenbelt, MD / 23,612
89.3,073Lancaster, PA / 59,368
90.3,083Coatesville, PA / 13,130
91.3,685York, PA / 43,817
92.4,186Baltimore, MD / 622,271
93.4,397Elkton, MD / 15,673
94.4,413Harrisburg, PA / 49,297

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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