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Worst Cities by Crime Rate Near Saranac, MI

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Saranac, MI

A total of 60 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▼City / Population
1.3,485Battle Creek, MI / 51,963
2.3,273Kalamazoo, MI / 75,190
3.3,233Newaygo, MI / 1,986
4.2,935Howard City, MI / 1,849
5.2,921Lansing, MI / 114,382
6.2,629Grand Rapids, MI / 190,739
7.2,394Greenville, MI / 8,434
8.2,004Springfield, MI / 5,231
9.1,907Belding, MI / 5,764
10.1,863Holland, MI / 33,342
11.1,850Cedar Springs, MI / 3,544
12.1,812Allegan, MI / 5,030
13.1,765Charlotte, MI / 9,053
14.1,722Grandville, MI / 15,613
15.1,715Kentwood, MI / 49,736
16.1,695Lakeview, MI / 1,127
17.1,605Galesburg, MI / 1,876
18.1,591Wyoming, MI / 73,434
19.1,536Hastings, MI / 7,313
20.1,527Parchment, MI / 1,867
21.1,461Walker, MI / 24,015
22.1,343Plainwell, MI / 3,798
23.1,302Sparta, MI / 4,199
24.1,244Marshall, MI / 7,054
25.1,211East Lansing, MI / 48,611
26.1,205Shepherd, MI / 1,564
27.1,204Otsego, MI / 3,961
28.1,171Eaton Rapids, MI / 5,221
29.1,145Ionia, MI / 11,388
30.1,099Nashville, MI / 1,764
31.991Laingsburg, MI / 1,283
32.981Potterville, MI / 2,621
33.974Rockford, MI / 5,876
34.961Portland, MI / 3,899
35.956Zeeland, MI / 5,566
36.919Lowell, MI / 3,838
37.910Mason, MI / 8,266
38.823Saint Johns, MI / 7,933
39.820Alma, MI / 9,289
40.820Ithaca, MI / 2,875
41.817Wayland, MI / 4,082
42.785Breckenridge, MI / 1,282
43.730Grand Ledge, MI / 7,779
44.672Saint Louis, MI / 7,347
45.651Lake Odessa, MI / 1,949
46.628Hudsonville, MI / 7,217
47.595Elsie, MI / 1,007
48.580Stanton, MI / 1,589
49.540Bath, MI / 2,008
50.531East Grand Rapids, MI / 10,999
51.470Olivet, MI / 1,631
52.445Dewitt, MI / 4,606
53.364Ovid, MI / 1,594
54.301Edmore, MI / 1,219
55.292Richland, MI / 858
56.277Augusta, MI / 870
57.206Hopkins, MI / 654
58.142Bellevue, MI / 1,304
59.12Woodland, MI / 421
60.0Grant, MI / 809

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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